The spell glowed like a red sunset, reflecting on the faces of every young wizard.

The spell made a crackling sound, and a dozen twisted, tiny snakes like crimson arcs of lightning emerged from the castle walls.

These ‘snakes’ extended to several nearby armour, and the lances and blades in their hands were released one by one.

” Snip snip snip!”

The lance sharp blades cut an arc in midair and smashed into the open space in front of Felix, puncturing numerous deep craters in the makeshift gilded stage.

The male wizard: “…” A confused look appeared on his face, as if he is in a dream.

Who am I? Where am I? What have I done?

Why should I see this?

Felix put away his wand, facing the silent students below, he said in a relaxed tone: “The same magic spell, made by different wizards, the result may be completely different – this truth I am planning to wait for you to have a certain understanding of the dueling, and then find an appropriate time to tell you. ”

“However, it doesn’t seem too early now.” He added.

The young wizards were as cold as if they had swallowed a dozen icy candies.

This professor, are you seriously not hitting the student’s confidence? Look at that male wizard’s expression is all silly …

” Professor, how did you do it, sir?” Abbott Blake asked, his heart is now somewhat collapsed, influenced by his family determined to become an Auror, he has been working hard in this direction since childhood, mastering a lot of dueling spells.

Even his uncle, who works as an Auror, praised him for his talent, but now he is in self-doubt.

Was his decision too hasty? The world outside might be more dangerous than he had imagined. At least, he and Professor Hap were only three or four years apart, but he didn’t think he could pull off the Disarming Charm to this extent in three or four years.

Not in his lifetime!

What makes him confident that he will become an Auror and fight the Dark Wizards? He wouldn’t be hammered by a Dark Wizard by that time, would he?

With all kinds of thoughts spinning in his head, Professor Hap comforted him at the right time by saying, “Mr. Blake, you need to switch your thinking-”

“For common magic spells, such as life magic, it is enough to simply know how to use them; but for magic spells that can protect you, you need to put in a lot of time and effort, and you should pay more attention to them than you can.”

“As far as I know, rookie Aurors go through rigorous training, such as the shield charm, a charm that they may practice thousands of times over and over again.” Felix looked at him, “But this is after you became an Auror, at your age, your spell is already quite good.”

Blake fell into deep thought, he thought about how he was always so near victory, when he practiced against his uncle, and how it seemed that he could beat him with a little effort.

But for the past two years, he had always missed by “a little”. He suddenly realized that becoming an Auror is not as easy as he thought.

“Thank you, Professor Hap,” Blake said to Felix.

On the other side, Cedric Diggory raised his arm and asked, “Professor, can we also achieve something like this through repeated practice?”

Many young wizards had a hopeful gleam in their eyes, Professor, if you say we can, we will definitely brush up the exp.

Snape scoffed at the question, but he is equally curious as to how Felix would reply.

“Well … this question doesn’t have a good answer, the power of the magic spell involves a lot of elements, when you go back and carefully read the study materials in hand, you will have some understanding of my words.”

“I found that in fact, most people do not have high requirements for themselves, just barely enough to use.”

“But on top of ‘barely usable’, there is the skilful use, the silent casting, the wandless casting of spells, and the tweaking to match personal habits …” Felix shook his head. “There are too many techniques to figure out.”

Felix clapped his hands, “Well, this part I will expand in detail in the next lesson. That concludes our lesson for today.”

The young wizards left the Great Hall as if they had lost their souls, the impact of Professor Hap’s last spell tonight was too great for them to imagine that the same spell could be done by different people differently.

Professor Snape walked over, and he said, slightly surprised and reserved, “Felix, I didn’t expect you to be so selfless.”

Felix did not say anything.

Was he really being selfless? No. The contents of the parchment were merely the minimum requirements to ensure that they learned the magic spell, and it had absolutely no effect on him.

Even if he would later select some elites to teach more advanced knowledge, but how many of them could learn?

He did not fear the emergence of geniuses; on the contrary, Felix expected the emergence of Such, sufficiently dazzling young wizards.

His strength never lies in a single magic spell.

So Felix said teasingly, “Professor, maybe I’m trying to gain their favour and cultivate my own force!”

Snape’s expression suddenly stiffened, he did not budge to gauge Felix, to judge the truth of these words.

“Ahem, don’t be nervous, I was just kidding.”

Harry, Ron, and Hermione walking back, Ron holding the ‘disarming charm’ information in his hand said, “This stuff really works?”

“Of course, I learned light metamorphosis in the same way,” Hermione said, wearing a knitted hat.

Harry asked her, “Do we have to fill out all kinds of forms as you did then?”

Hermione had to explain: “That is to let us know more accurately our shortcomings, for targeted practice. Harry, I see you’re getting closer to success.”

“Just a few sparks released,” Harry said with some frustration.

“Oh Harry, this is a sign that the Disarming Charm is about to succeed, it’s mentioned in the information, maybe you’ll succeed next time,” Hermione said to him.

The little witch’s words made Harry feel better, perhaps he should go back and try harder?

On Friday morning, the impact of the second dueling lesson is still brewing.

But there already were a lot of little wizards saying that “Professor Hap blew up a section of the Great Hall wall with a disarming spell”, which made Felix notice at lunchtime that some of the little wizards who didn’t go to class were looking at him strangely.

But luckily, it’s soon time for the weekend.

Felix accepted an invitation from Professors Flitwick and McGonagall to a small gathering at the Three Broomsticks.

When he walked into the bar, he was surprised to find that Snape is also there.

“Felix, come here.” Flitwick stood on a chair and greeted him warmly, “We were just discussing Damocles Belby.”

Felix sat down, and he asked curiously, “The news is announced? I mean, about the Wolfsbane potion.”

“Did you know about it, as well?” After receiving an affirmative reply, Professor Flitwick said with some emotion.

“Belby was so outstanding when he was in school that I actually suggested him to go in the direction of spells, although he ended up choosing potions – he was well-liked by Professor Slughorn back then.”


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