Bloody Baron is the ghost of Slytherin, at the same time, the young wizards of the house have a respectful attitude towards him.

His appearance is terrifying, and peeves is most afraid of him.

“Long time no see, Baron.” Felix greeted.

Bloody Baron floated fixedly in place, stared with dull eyes, and his gaze stayed on the direction Ms. Gray left.

It took a few moments before he said in a hoarse voice, “Hello, Hap.”

Felix looked at him, during a night out at school, he had accidentally stumbled into a conversation between Bloody Baron and Ms. Gray, and he was begging for her forgiveness, while Ms. Gray cursed him to never be redeemed.

It was also on that night that he learned the identity of Helena Ravenclaw. He also roughly sorted out the entanglement between the two; Helena had taken the Ravenclaw diadem and dared not go home. And as her admirer, Bloody Baron was entrusted by Rowena Ravenclaw to bring her daughter back.

There was a heated argument between the two, and the end result was that Bloody Baron killed Helena by mistake, and in remorse, he too killed himself with the weapon that killed Helena.

“Baron, what do you mean when you say that names is forbidden to her?” Felix asked.

Bloody Baron didn’t answer, he just said dryly, “Finding out that you’re not trapped in dark magic, you are better than me at this point.”

Felix’s face turned serious as he whispered, “You’re the one who reminded me.”

“You could have broken free on your own without me. I saw what you recorded on the sheet …”

“Oh,” Felix thought of the happy part too, “that was a psychological measurement form from the muggle world, a backhand I prepared in advance to prevent myself from falling deeper and deeper … but I still have to say, without you, I might have to delay the realization of the seriousness of the problem for a month or two.”

The erosion of the mind by dark magic is insidious, and the data on the measurement table is always lagging behind. By the time the abnormality was discovered, the danger might have already been incurred by then.

Bloody Baron floated away in silence.

Felix’s gaze stared blankly at his bony back, and finally shook his head, the matter between the two ghosts, he could not participate, and can not mediate – the ghost’s heart knot is not so easy to untie.

The ghosts are the product of a reluctant heart at the time of death, with a strong obsession to stay in reality, obsession is the basis of their existence, and that is why their perception is forever stopped at the time they were alive.

This is somewhat similar to the portrait in the Headmaster’s office, but ghosts can eventually do change.

Only once they changed, the result is not necessarily good.

According to Felix speculation, if Hogwarts publicly dismissed Professor Binns, he might disappear on the spot – because Professor Binns’ obsession is teaching.

But given the dilemma of whether such an approach would be humane and how to find another old schoolteacher to take his place, the suggestion was never made.

He returned to his office, opened the three pieces of manuscript selected from the Slytherin material, and studied them carefully. This material was also very characteristic of Slytherin himself – he proposed speculation whether the unique characteristics of a magical creature could be converted into a wizard’s spell.

This kind of thinking has been around for ages, such as chameleons and Disillusionment Charm, invisible beasts, and invisibility spell, but in fact, they have little to do with each other, and the development of magical spells has a great deal of randomness.

It is only in retrospect that later generations look back and realize that some of the wizard’s spells and the magical creatures’ own natural talents have great similarities.

And Slytherin tried to find a way to stably convert the natural talents of foreign magical creatures into wizard magic spells, though apparently he later abandoned this line of thought.

Slytherin chose to give up, so young Tom did not pay attention to this, from the fact that he hid this part of the material in the Room of Requirement and used it to pit people.

But Felix is very interested in this, he will keep this scraped Research in mind, perhaps at some point in the future, he would use them.

In the next few days, Felix flipped through the book, watched the film, a very leisurely and comfortable life. When there is nothing else to do, check the progress of his assistant’s study, and give appropriate advice, the time passed in this manner.

Finally, the Christmas holidays were over and the new Hogwarts term began.

That evening, the Hogwarts train sent the students back, everyone gathered in the Great Hall, the school burst into life again.

After the Christmas break, they seemed to forget about the attack that happened last semester and gleefully shared their experiences with each other.

“Mom took me abroad to visit my family, and I never thought I’d have a cousin who goes to Ilvermorny!” A young wizard spoke gleefully as the people next to him asked for specifics.

“What’s Ilvermorny?”

“A school of wizardry, similar to Hogwarts, but in America.”

“Really? I thought there is only one wizarding school in the whole world!” A young wizard said with a sigh.

On the Gryffindor table, Hermione dressed in a large thick dress, with a knitted hat on her head and a huge mask covering her face.

“Hermione, what’s wrong with you?” Hannah Abbott, who is in the same class as her, asked suspiciously.

” I have flu, cough!” Hermione said briefly.

“But I noticed that the colour of your eyes has changed too …” The young witch looked at her carefully.

“Er … it might be magic,” Hermione sheepishly changed the subject, “Hannah, how did you spend your holiday?”

Hannah indeed got diverted away, she shrugged, “stay at home, ah, except for the security point, simply bored to death. Do you think the attack will happen again? I’ve read a lot in the last few days …”

“Don’t worry, Hannah. There won’t be an attack anymore.” Hermione said very confidently.

“How do you know?”

“Ahem, you’ll know in a while,” Hermione said, and on the other side, Harry tugged on her sleeve.

He whispered inquiringly, “Hermione, is that spell of yours not finished yet? Honestly, you’re a bit weird in that costume.”

She sighed bitterly, “No – I can barely use it, but it works pretty badly, and there’s still a light layer of hair on my face. At least in another day or two, Professor Hap said I’m getting there pretty soon.”

Ron tapped his fork against his empty goblet, “But how are you going to eat afterward?”

“Not a bite!” Hermione said angrily.

” Dang!” At the teachers’ table, Dumbledore knocked a glass in front of him.

The Great Hall gradually quieted down.

Dumbledore turned and said with a beaming face, “Welcome back, little wizards.”

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