Felix had learned a long time ago that the Patronus charm is pretty versatile magic.

It has a strong restraining effect against specific creatures, such as Dementors and Lethifold; it can transmit messages over a great distance with the ability to pass through physical structures, not to mention a series of fabulous uses that Felix developed on his own, nevertheless, he always had a question, for what purpose this charm originally developed?

Rarely do people realize that the Patronus Charm was not developed specifically to fight Dementors. In fact, it was developed much earlier – the wizard “Andros the Invincible” who was active during the ancient Greek period was able to conjure up giant-sized Patronus – while Dementors could only be traced back to the fifteenth century.

Felix suspected at one point that the Patronus charm had another use, but unfortunately, he didn’t find it. He once thought that in the days when dark magic was widespread, being able to conjure Patronus might be considered “having a noble character”, and such people generally had both strength and character, so they naturally gained the reverence of all people.

The Patronus Charm also naturally became some sort of tester and held a special status.

“Please sit down.” Felix said.

They entered the ancient rune office, Harry, Ron, and Draco wearily sat on the same long couch, Harry felt uncomfortable, he had never tried to sit so close to Malfoy, so he looked around the room to distract himself, and soon, his eyes fell on the small square table in front of him.

A machine that looked like a toaster is placed there, with a stack of brown “slices of bread” beside it. In the groove of the machine, there is an identical “slice of bread” inserted, with the handsome picture of Cedric Diggory attached to it, who is smiling lightly at them.

“Professor, what is this?” He couldn’t restrain himself from asking.

“A projection.” Draco suddenly interjected, and Harry and Ron gave him an odd look, but they quickly accepted the explanation, as much as they hated to admit it, the wealthy Malfoys are no strangers to such things.

“That’s right, a projection.” Felix said, sitting on the single couch next to them, “The samples sent over by ‘Future World’, I mean these footages.” He added.

Harry stared at Cedric, who still smiled at him, and a sense of absurdity rose up inside him. ” So, this is … these are …”

“Champion’s performance in the second task.” Felix said with a smile, gesturing at the stack of flat brown square boxes on the table, “All of them. But it certainly can’t be sold to the public just like that, there are no regulations yet, but the ‘Future World’ company hopes to set some standards and self-regulation.”

Harry seemed to understand, but he realized something, this thing is similar to the Muggles’ film, only this time, he may be about to become the main character of the film or one of the main characters. He thought about what the professor had said to them after the tournament, “You’re going to be famous because of this game.”

Finally, he understood the meaning of that statement.

“So, our performance will be more widely seen?” Ron’s eyes lit up and he asked impatiently.

“In theory,” Felix nodded as a few plates of snacks and butterbeer floated over and landed on the table, as he made a “please” gesture and said to them, “but there are some details that need to be considered, for example, your own willingness to-”

“I agree.” Ron said immediately.

Felix laughed.

“Let’s put it this way, when you participate in the tournament of champions, you all have agreed by default to compete under the sight of the audience, the ‘Future World’ company is just bringing your performance to a wider audience, nevertheless, there may be people who do not want to let their footage out … the best we can do is try to convey the footage based on your preference.”

“So that means we can decline as well?” Harry asked.

“On some insignificant and separate footage, yes.” Felix said, “Not if it involves important game moments, of course, we will pay a fee, not much, but like I just said, we would like to set some standards.” He emphasized.

“That sounds good.” Ron said, getting famous and making money at the same time, why would anyone disagree? The only concern would be that it might be expensive, and his family wouldn’t necessarily be able to afford it.

Harry, on the other hand, had a vague concern in his heart, what if all those footages could be seen by the Death Eaters and Voldemort, but then he thought, if the Death Eaters and Voldemort wanted to know his secret, then there is nothing he could do to stop it, there were too many audiences.

“I also agree.” He said after a long consideration. All the magic he knew, except for the Occlumency, are not considered secret, and the Occlumency is not visible externally, as long as he did not say, others can not see.

Draco’s eyes twinkled, it was unknown what he was thinking.

“Very well,” Felix said, “then the business concerned you both are settled,” he gave the expulsion order, “these footages will eventually be put together, and you will be invited to watch them once before they are released, also the payment will be distributed at that time. If there are no questions, I will consider everything is settled.”

Harry and Ron left with mixed feelings.

Only Felix and Draco remained in the office, along with Valen, who had been munching on an Apple Crisp Cookies. She occupied a single couch alone, sitting across from Felix with the second volume of The Strange Adventures of Mick the Little Wizard on her lap.

“Do you know anything about the two spells, the Apparition, and the Disillusionment charm?” Felix asked.

Draco nodded, “I’ve done some research, and they are both advanced magics that can be learned in the higher grades.”

“That’s right, the Disillusionment charm can be learned in the fifth-year Charms class, and the Apparition magic requires an instructor assigned by the Ministry of Magic to learn it, and the student should be an adult.”

“But Potter knows that magic!” Draco blurted out, his face turned pale, “I mean-”

“I understand,” Felix said with a smile, “He seems to have broken the rules once again. It was his reward for winning first place in his third year, and he chose it himself. It’s not really a big deal if the underage students learned Apparition, it’s only public usage can cause some legal trouble … Fortunately for Potter, the first time he used it publicly was when he earned honour for the entire British Wizarding community.”

“If there is no objection, we will now begin.”

“The Disillusionment Charm is a spell that is used to camouflage a person’s body. When using it, you must keep the colour and texture of your body in line with the environment behind and around you … It is easy to pick up, but hard to master.”

“The difficulty of these two spells are different, but both require the mobilization of your magic power within your body, in other words, the control of magic power is very demanding, you are still lacking in this area, so I have prepared some targeted exercises …”

For the next two hours, Draco Malfoy practiced writing in the air in a way that didn’t scatter, he had to do it all with his bare hands, and it was demanding in terms of speed and aesthetics.

Draco Malfoy’s face flushed from the heat of the fireplace, which jumped and splintered as the weather in March remained unpleasant.

Professor Hap indicated that some teaching aids are not ready yet, so the real practice will have to wait until next week. Still, when he left, he brought a copy of the knowledge breakdown chart of the Disillusionment Charm with him.

It is his assignment, and an analysis essay must be turned in by next week.


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