Felix nodded slightly, from what he was aware of, Dumbledore travelled widely, has friends all over the world. If you add the number of his fans, ten Lockhart combined won’t be his rival.

Sometimes he could not help but speculate, the reason why Dumbledore seems so busy, wasn’t it because he was hiding in his office writing letters to his pen pals all around the world …

Ahem! You can’t stray too much, the headmaster should be doing some serious tasks, like analysing Tom Riddle’s childhood life, with that he might as well write a thesis like “The influence of childhood upbringing on the key choices of a wizard’s life when he grows up: a brief analysis from first, second, and third perspectives”.

Felix took out the stone basin from the ring, and the two entered the inner space, which is a white world with a foggy surrounding.

Dumbledore surveyed the surroundings with interest, he said with a sigh, “You are the only one in this world who has this ability, judging from the traces of magic left behind, very subtle, yes … subtle.”

Felix asked, “No one else can’t do it?” He made it without much thought about anything else, he just thought about it then made it, and he also considered it at that time as a defective product, not as good as the original Pensieve, so he never cared.

It was only later that he gradually developed its functions.

Dumbledore said: “I’ll say what I can see, ancient runes, alchemy, Hardening Charm, Extension Charm, Transfiguration, Memory Magic … very unique, I seem to see some solid magic nodes … ”

He stretched out his hand, his slender fingers pointed in the air, the surrounding clouds immediately churned up.

“What is this?” He asked curiously.

“The memory node, and also the magic node here.” Felix said briefly.

Dumbledore nodded slightly, “It seems you have made improvements, it’s getting farther away from the function of the Pensieve, but closer to the Room of Requirement.”

His eyes swept around sharply, causing Felix to feel a vague tingle and a layer of goosebumps on his skin, like irritation.

The Headmaster’s vision is very sharp.

Although the shape of the stone basin is very similar to the Pensieve, it is closer to the principle of the Room of Requirement – it is enchanted with an Undetectable Extension Charm, which stretched the space to the size of five-six basketball courts, and filled with various blank memory fragments inside, which remained intact with the help of the Runes. He also used memory nodes to build a more solid structure.

The advantage of this is that real people and false illusions can interact, and as the owner of the stone basin, Felix is able to use the all-pervasive memory power to perform what he is capable of in the thinking room.

Felix took a few steps forward, the clouds churned and opened a path, and an ancient pyramid appeared in front of the two, he showed a smile and extended an invitation, “Headmaster, this is a level adapted and inspired from a real experience, er, a real experience I had during the summer … want to try it? ”

Dumbledore took his eyes off the memory node and carefully examined the pyramid in the cloud, he knew it is all false, probably just a memory manifestation, but it looks quite real.

Could Felix really have mastered the principle of the Room of Requirement? He became interested and walked toward the open golden door, and could see that the interior of the pyramid is pitch black, and from nowhere a beam of light hurled into the inner part about seven or eight feet from the door, but it appeared it became even more pitch black in the depths.

The two stepped into the pyramid, and the next second, Felix’s figure suddenly disappeared, and the door slammed shut.

Dumbledore looked at the eerie and frightening Pharaoh’s burial tomb with its own miserable soundtrack, so he muttered: “I’m just an old man …” He drew his wand, and slashed his arm down, “Buzz ~” Magic fluctuations made the entire pyramid shake in unison.

If it had legs, it probably would have run away by itself.

Felix’s sigh echoed around: “Headmaster, this is just a toy I made for the members of the Magic Rune Club, it just happened to occur to me that it could be used to train champions, but it still can’t handle a spell at your full strength …”

Dumbledore’s eyes seemed to see the very top of the pyramid, where Felix is sitting lazily at the top, waiting for him.

Dumbledore smiled faintly, put away his wand, and walked up the only path as he picked his pace, meeting all sorts of strange creatures, only to be blocked by vines, chains, and tough barriers that suddenly appeared, and after a few minutes, he pushed open a door where Felix is sitting right outside, looking over the sea of clouds.

“Albus, what do you think?”

Dumbledore said with amusement, “I’m going to praise your imagination, Felix. Big spiders and pythons are still traceable, what’s with those cars that screech and transform, is it Arthur’s car that inspired you? But as far as I know, it stayed well in the forbidden forest and did not develop any strange abilities.

There are also monsters with insect exoskeletons and acid breath …”

Felix said nonchalantly, “Some are made up, some are from films that I saw and borrowed them here.” His two little legs dangled out and kept swaying.

“It’s wonderful, but unfortunately I have not studied it in depth.” Dumbledore said, he thought carefully, commented: “Our ideas actually have similarities, those … wacky creatures of yours, can be used to exercise the students’ adaptability, although it is clear that you did not put too much thought, and there is less connection with reality.”

Felix also admitted this, “the more you know, the more real the memory will be, this is the drawback of constructing a virtual memory, I can’t do anything about it. Instead of making a real 4d world and making students confuse it with reality, it would be better to deliberately make it look false at a glance.”

If he intends to construct a Sphinx, then he must know the habits of this magical creature very well-to-do so, or else if you made a messy alteration as a matter of course, as a result, the students believe it as real, then what if they encounter a real Sphinx in the wild, they might make a fatal mistake at that time.

Dumbledore nodded slightly, agreeing with his opinion. Every time he exchanged ideas about magic with Felix, there would be something new to learn. He thought down this line of thought and quickly thought of ways to perfect it. He thought of a man who could certainly recreate a magical creature vividly if it were him –

The world’s most distinguished expert in the Magizoologist, Newt Scamander.

The only question is whether there is a need for that, Dumbledore secretly noted this, decided to keep observing it further.

“I also noticed a problem, which may not be considered as a real issue, but it is worth noticing.” Dumbledore said, “this place somewhat has singular means of protection, as long as there is someone who has a certain understanding of memory magic, they can borrow the authority of this place.”

He waved his hand, the pyramid beneath the two of them collapsed in an instant, they then stood very abruptly in a square, which Felix had just made it out of the stained-glass on a crumbling tomb, and the next second, the scene changed into empty highlands, and before their eyes was another blur, then they were standing in front of the Hogwarts castle bay window.

Dumbledore said softly: “When it comes to the attainment of memory magic, I’m actually no match for you, but I can still manifest these scenes. Also, I just made my will infiltrate and let the surroundings mistakenly think I ‘cast a successful spell’, and they became what I wanted them to be …”

Felix shrugged: “You made a good point, there are indeed quite a few loopholes. I was just too lazy to correct it before, after all,” he gave a dangerous smile and kept flexing his fingers, “if any student from the club dares to try something funny, I’ll let them experience a twenty-minute free fall …”

Dumbledore fell silent at that.

They emerged from the stone basin, Dumbledore needed some time to prepare for extracting the memories of his youth, the good thing is that every headmaster must leave a portrait of himself, he is not a stranger to this process.

Felix returned to his office, in the sound of dense rain, suddenly thought of something, he drew his wand, the tip of the wand exploded into a silvery light, rain swallow Patronus took shape in midair. He then placed his wand against his forehead and drew a silver line, which outlined in the air, and a silver white-coloured cloak slowly appeared.

The rain swallow Patronus let out a chirp and plunged into the cloak, and after the dazzling light disappeared, a ghost that hid its face beneath the cloak appeared.

“Let’s call you … Well, forget it for now, and let’s see if you can fool the ghosts in the castle.”

Felix surveyed the ‘ghost’ in front of him, it kind of looked like a dementor that got a facelift, he suddenly remembered that he still had a dozen of them in his ring, his schedule was too full recently, that the original research work had to be postponed again and again.

The silver-white ‘ghost’ is about three feet off the ground when it turned to leave, “You can look for the Peeves, he fears Baron for a reason.” Felix reminded.


The ‘ghost’ disappeared in a flash, Felix reached up to hold his forehead, “The speed hasn’t changed at all, anyone can see the problem now.”

He took over the Patronus and wandered around the castle in its perspective …

Meanwhile, on the Hogwarts Express train –

In the carriage, a golden shadow scurried around headlessly, and as it approached, Harry reached out and clutched the golden snitch in one fell swoop, “Nice catch!” The twins passing by gave him a thumbs up.

Harry grinned, expecting Cho Chang to pass by in the corridor and see him catching the golden snitch accidentally; she is a Ravenclaw seeker, so she should be able to tell how difficult this move is.

He had just seen Cho Chang in the corridor and couldn’t resist the urge to do something to impress her, then he remembered the advice Sirius had given him a while ago, and he rummaged it out of his travelling trunk.

He is now so skilled at it, as he was playing with golden snitch whenever he was bored at Dursley’s house.

A ruckus came from the side of the door, and a familiar dragging voice drifted in through a small, thumb-sized gap in the door.

“… You know, Father really considered sending me to Durmstrang instead of Hogwarts. He knew the Headmaster of that school. But my mother didn’t want me to go to the school that far away … Durmstrang students are seriously studying dark magic, I mean, some of it comes in handy …”

Hermione stood up and tiptoed over to the compartment door, shutting it tightly to keep Malfoy’s voice out.

“Leave the golden snitch alone, you look so silly, Harry.” She said impatiently.

Harry snapped, ready to put the golden snitch away, Ron took it as soon as he could, “Let me play with it for a while.” He’d just taken a quick glance. Harry pointed towards Hermione and shrugged, “Ron!” Hermione yelled, Ron’s hand shook, and he slapped Harry in the face.

“Oh, sorry, Harry-”

There is a flurry of activity in the compartment, Ron’s new owl bouncing around the cage, Hermione’s pet cat ” whining and whimpering “, and when everything calmed down, Harry’s face left with a red slap mark, and two scratch marks from the cat’s claws.

He immediately changed his mind, before he regretted that he could not meet Cho Chang, but now he sincerely hoped that he would not bump into her.

Even when the snack cart passed their compartment, Harry begged Ron and Hermione to go out and buy some.

After a while, Ron returned with a pile of snacks in his arms, placed them on the small table, and said to Harry with a very strange expression, “You were right.”

“What?” Harry ripped open a box of chocolate frog and bit off the head of the frog in one bite.

“We met Cho Chang, and she came with her friend to buy snacks, it’s a good thing you didn’t go …”

Harry suddenly choked, he coughed violently, his face turned red, “What are you talking about-”

“Well,” Ron wrapped his hand around his shoulders and said playfully, “I could tell that you had a thing for her from the last term, it’s pretty obvious – ask Hermione.”

Harry’s heart suddenly burst out, now all he wanted is to find a crack in the ground.

Hermione raised her eyebrows, “I thought you were giggling all the way because you saw Malfoy practicing illumination in the carriage. This is against the rules, I must tell–”

“-Professor Hap.” Ron answered, shaking his head dramatically, “This is a train, no one cares. Might as well talk about Durmstrang, what’s that?”

The sky grew dark. In fact, it never dawned, as thick rain clouds covered everything up. After an unknown amount of time, the Hogwarts Express train finally slowed down and docked at the darkened Hogsmeade station.

The doors opened and the sound of rumbling thunder was heard through the air.

The trio shivered and looked outside as the rain poured down and the wind howled. “We’re not going to drown on the road, are we?” Harry asked.

“Think about Hagrid,” Ron replied without thinking, “He’s got to take the first years across the Lake in a boat, in this weather, that can be pretty irritating.”


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