Felix waved at a few Ministry of Magic staff members nearby, and one of them ran over excitedly, “Hello, Mr. Hap! It’s unbelievable that you stopped the riot head-on …” He didn’t look very old, and the pimples on his face were shining from intense emotions.

Felix said calmly: “These … should be under your control, right?”

“Don’t worry! Leave it to us.” The male wizard patted his chest, then he took out a whistle from his pocket and blew it ” beep beep “, but after blowing it for a while, no one showed up, and he said dejectedly, “My colleagues should all be knocked out … ”

Felix pointed in the direction he came from, “I found some people and put them in that direction.”

“Muir! Keane! Follow me!” The male wizard shouted, and before he left he couldn’t refrain himself from saying, “It’s been an honour working alongside you, Mr. Hap.”

“Let’s go help them put out the fire.” Mr. Weasley said, as he beckoned Bill and Charlie away, Sirius thought for a moment and greeted Felix as he left: “I’ll go look for Harry and the rest.”

Felix nodded at him, then he walked around the camp vicinity, rescuing some injured, in the meantime using the Patronus he notified Lupin, Clammy, and the other guys, and the group rushed over, taking that mother and son along with them.

“Thank you, thank you–” the young mother said thank you over and over again.

When they returned to the battle site again, hundreds of wizards from the Ministry of Magic were already gathered there, and they were methodically dividing the thugs and taking them away.

Fudge kept wiping the sweat from his forehead, with a mixture of fear and disgust on his face, “Take them all away! Ask their nationality and identity, inform their Ministry of Magic! And for those, from here …”

He looked hesitantly at the hooded wizards who had collapsed on the ground, having difficulty in making a decision, he had just looked at the faces of these people, and the very familiar faces made his stomach churn.

“Report to the Minister, these hooded ones are the ones who led this riot and dragged the Roberts family out of the house, Robert’s family are still suffering from the great shock and being treated with memory therapy …”

Fudge’s lips trembled, his heart hesitated greatly, most of these hooded people are from certain pure-blooded families, if all of them got sentenced as a mastermind, they would be imprisoned in Azkaban for at least three or five months, then he won’t be able to get the support of these people in the future.

“Ka-chow!” “Click!”

A camera shutter sounded, and a cluster of purple smoke fluttered in midair.

Rita Skeeter excitedly commanded her assistants, “Here, here, and over there … I see something, loser fans led a riot at the Quidditch World Cup Stadium, bullying muggles for fun … “Her mouth watered as she laughed.

“Did you get that picture of Mr. Hap standing in the crowd?” She asked with interest.

“Only the back.” Her photographer said.

“That’s fine, we can do a series-”

Fudge’s fingers trembled, “When did they come? Drive them away! No, wait -” he rolled his eyes and whispered into his advisor’s ear, “Collect the photos from them, don’t destroy them, secretly keep them.”

Rufus Scrimgeour Advisor to the Minister for Magic nodded and walked towards Rita Skeeter, “Ma’am, the matter is still under investigation and the photos you took will be used as important evidence …”

Rita Skeeter argued loudly, but Rufus Scrimgeour said something quietly to her, “… Pureblood Faction, you don’t want to piss them off, do you?”

Rita Skeeter blinked and thought for a moment, “Well, you guys owe me one.” She turned her back to Rufus Scrimgeour and waved at the photographer, secretly leaving a stack of negatives and replacing that roll with a brand new one, she turned around and shook that negatives in her hand towards Rufus Scrimgeour, who was just about to reach for them, when they turned to dust.

“Skeeter, you–” Rufus Scrimgeour became furious.

Rita Skeeter said slyly, “I have to let them claim my favour, don’t you think so, Mr. Scrimgeour?”

At the edge of the woods, the trio rejoined with Ginny and the Weasley twins, and they hurried over as they pushed their way into the crowd of onlookers, searching for Mr. Weasley, Bill, Charlie, and Sirius, who had gone off earlier to help with maintaining order.

The Ministry of Magic, however, formed a column to separate the scene within, so the public could not see clearly, and could only stand on tiptoe to try to see something.

Hermione asked in a whisper, ” Did you see Professor Hap?”

“He should have left,” Harry said, “I watched him leave, couldn’t tell if he was injured.”

“That’s cool!” Ron said admiringly, “He beat a bunch of them all by himself, those wizards faced him like headless flies or Billywig without their stings, no threat at all.”

Hermione said seriously: “That’s because the professor used more than one ancient magic, did you notice that golden shield, blocking hundreds of spells, even then he kept using the Apparition to dodge some, it was too dangerous …”

Harry said: “Not dodging, but looking for opportunities, that is a tactic that I tried to replicate when I played dueling games with Sirius in the summer, but alas -”

Hermione said disapprovingly: “That’s dangerous, Harry, the Apparition is difficult to cast continuously, not to mention the need to cast spells quickly.”

“I know, but once you master…” Harry did not continue, but looked meaningfully at the scene, through the gaps where the staff of the Ministry of Magic standing, you can see hundreds of crooked wizards on the ground.

Everything can be said without a word.

Meanwhile, the team of Accidental Magic Reversal Squad arrived, and based on the various “mutilated limbs” left at the scene, they found those who had failed to shift as they had been nailed in the ground.

Ron looked around, trying to see what is there: “Arms, legs, what is that … Bloody!” He suddenly got slapped on the head from behind, it was Mr. Weasley who rushed over, behind him were Bill and Charlie, while Sirius stood on the other side looking at Harry with a smile.

“Don’t look around, or you’ll have nightmares.” Mr. Weasley said they were covered in dirt and fire scorch marks.

“I’m just curious, do you think maybe they’d have left–” Ron said, stopping as if he was attracted to something, he looked at Charlie, with his mouth agape as he reached out and pointed at Charlie: “The eyes, the eyes — still Moving!”

“What?” Charlie looked at him inexplicably, Weasley glanced at Charlie, rushed to pull him aside.

On top of Charlie’s head is a brown eye, which is spinning in horror. Harry’s heart thumped as a circle of empty space opened up before him. Mr. Weasley shouted: “Arnold! There’s another one over here! Apparition Splinch!”

A sturdy male wizard ran over, took one look, and grinned, “Still got some veins … if you ignore him …” he gestured towards his eyes with a ‘gushing’ gesture.

Mr. Weasley frowned, “There are children here.”

“Oh, sorry – come here two!” The wizard named Arnold shouted as he turned around, and soon two men came over, and they gathered around the eyeball, pointing at it with their wands, “I’ll take a trip.” Arnold said, and as the crowd looked with horror, he grabbed the eyeball and squeezed it around as if he wanted to crush it.


He disappeared with the eyeball.

“Just wait, he’ll be back in a minute.” The wizard next to him said carelessly, yawning heavily, “It’s another day with overtime.”

Ron swallowed hard, he felt a little sick in his stomach, as if he had swallowed something slippery and greasy, and couldn’t help but dry heave, Harry and Hermione’s expressions were not that pleasant either.

The twins felt a sense of relief, Ron previously showed off in front of them his unskilled apparition, they also intended to learn it in advance.

On the other side, a significant figure appeared.

Barty Crouch said with a cold face, “Excuse me, make way.” He crossed the crowd and squeezed into the circle formed by the staff of the Ministry of Magic with his stone face.

“Crouch?” Fudge became furious at the sight of him, he originally intended to ask him properly about his strange behaviour, but with such a big accident, he had long since thrown those thoughts out of his mind.

“I put you in charge of security for the Quidditch World Cup, where have you been!”

“To track down those masked men.” Crouch said stiffly.

Harry stared at the back of Barty Crouch’s head from behind, trying to see if he could see an ugly face that belonged to Voldemort, in addition to making sure if the scar on his forehead still stung.

Sirius also looked at him with a probing gaze, and after the godfather and godson looked at each other for half a second, Harry shook his head at Sirius, this time the scar didn’t react much.


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