Felix rolled over and sat up abruptly, the Protective enchantments he had left outside the tent triggered.

After applying various defensive spells on himself, he pushed back the curtain as he walked forth, and in the darkness, he saw a mother stumbling over to him with her child in her arms, her hair in a messy state, and she was wearing a soiled nightgown with a three – four-year-old child in her arms.

“What’s happened?” Felix asked her in a hushed tone as distant shrieks and explosions sounded in the background.

“There’s a riot … those fans … No! They’re thugs! Setting fire everywhere …” The woman in front of him said, her face paled ashen with a look of horror that still lingered.

Lupin emerged from the tent, raising his wand alertly. “What’s going on?” He froze for a moment when he saw the woman.

“It should be some fans causing trouble,” Felix said, “Remus, take care of them. And wake up Clammy and Eric, in the meantime, I’ll go and take a look.”

Lupin looked at the woman and her child and nodded in silence as he looked into the distance, the camp ablaze with red fires as distant cries of weeping and panicked screams can be heard.

Felix held up his wand as he rushed toward the burning spot.

On the way he can see some dark shadows, stumbling as they walked hurriedly, with their families, followed by one or two crying children, towards the direction of the woods to take refuge.

Most of these people had been caught off guard, wearing only a pair of pyjamas, and some had got separated from their families, calling out their names as they walked along.

Not everyone is panicking, some people are still calm as they’re trying to assure everyone and maintaining orders. An extremely tall woman shouted in a loud voice, drowning out the surrounding noise: “Quiet! Beauxbatons students! Raise your wands and light the way for the others.”

“Yes, Madam Maxime.” A group of pretty boys and girls replied in unison, and they lit their wands, and the panicked crowd around them followed the bright light they emitted and approached them spontaneously, clustering around them.

“Follow me! Towards the path!” The woman known as Madam ‘Maxime’ took the lead, walking ahead, occasionally turning back to reassure the crowd in a calm voice: “Don’t panic, stay close, one-by-one!”

This woman’s stature may not be comparable to Hagrid’s, but visually she looks taller because her physique is very slender and slim, unlike Hagrid’s bloated body. Felix suspected that she had giant blood, but she had undoubtedly inherited the best of both worlds, with a delicate feature and a graceful demeanour.

And he could see that she is highly respected among this group of young wizards, supposedly a professor?

In his haste, Felix didn’t have time to think about it. They brushed past each other, and Felix went directly the opposite direction of the group – towards the fire. Halfway through the path, he saw some Ministry of Magic staff on the ground, knocked unconscious, each of them hit by at least four or five Stupefy, and some messy hexes, looking very miserable.

Felix dragged them over and piled them up together to spare them from being stepped on. He simply applied levitation magic on himself, and rose to midair under control, his eyes constantly roaming.

Meanwhile, the crowd of thugs continued to grow, initially only about three dozen hooded wizards, wearing masks wandered around the camp, one of whom captured the Muggle Roberts family at the edge of the camp and had fun by controlling them and spinning them around overhead.

Then more and more people joined in, fans who needed to vent because their team had lost a game; people who have been celebrating for half the night by drinking and drowning themselves into a daze; as well as people who just loved the thrill of it, they grew more and more vocal as the crowd of thugs grew to a size of thirty to five hundred people, as they set fires all over the camp, leaving a burning tent behind them.

By the light of the raging fire, they saw a figure up in midair, high in the sky, with his eyes slowly veering their way.

The Thugs squinted their eyes, the man seemed to be able to fly, his eyes were terribly bright, and even from hundreds of feet away, they could feel the wrath in the man’s gaze, and it brought them pressure.

“Lord, Master-”

A hooded wizard shouted, his hands trembling involuntarily.

The dozens of hooded wizards who led the group on the riot erupted with frenzy, and two of them couldn’t even hold their wands as they fell to their knees in Felix’s direction, “My Lord! We’ve been looking forward to your return–”

“Don’t be foolish! That’s Felix Hap!” A hoarse voice said.

Felix moved. A sea of light converged between his palms, then swelled rapidly as he threw a huge ball of light toward the sky, temporarily replacing the faint grayish-green haze light on the horizon.

This glow is as bright as the winter sun, bright but not blinding, instantly filled every inch of space, every shadow, even the moon hanging high in the sky obscured, the entire camp became bright as day.

Felix brought all the chaos into his eyes –

To his right was the marching crowd, led by thirty or forty hooded and masked wizards, who seemed to be the leaders of the riot, huddled closely together in a dense formation, slowly advancing. Above the heads of these men were four struggling figures floating in the air, twisted into various grotesque shapes – all ordinary people in pyjamas, helpless, like puppets, manipulated by invisible strings.

Near them, hundreds of rioting fans, dressed in different costumes, were joining in because of a common hobby or a love for chaos. Those who joined the group midway through the riot were purely to vent their anger and stir up havoc; They wore ridiculous masks that they found somewhere, some just covered their faces with a piece of cloth, and some showed their faces in a very bold way, drunkenly waving their wands and letting off a trail of sparks.

Behind the group – on both sides of the road they travelled, left with burning tents, like a huge torch.

All around them were fleeing crowds, as the screams of women, the cries of children, and the panicked cries of men joined altogether creating a frenzy.

When Felix’s magic illuminated the entire camp, they recognized the direction and no longer looked like headless flies, leading their families away from the thugs.

In all corners of the camp, countless people raised their heads and looked at Felix’s figure in the midair with shock in their hearts.

A small path at the edge of the forest –

“Look at that man! He’s floating in the sky!”

“Where is Madame Maxime? We can’t find her–” a little girl with thick curly hair shouted at Harry, Ron, and Hermione, the three of them separated from the adults as well as from Ginny and the twins, and just arrived at a path at the edge of the woods.

The area was densely packed with people, with everyone looking towards the camp in horror.

“Who is Madame Maxime?” Harry asked nervously, he had just knocked out a drunken bloke with a spell, then he, Ron, and Hermione had worked together to hide that buffoon in the shrubs.

“They’re not from our school …” a young witch, about Hermione’s age, held the little curly-haired girl, as she looked at the trio with the help of bright light, and whispered “Hogwarts “, then joined the crowd of people, to look at Felix who is in midair.

“Who is he? Why can he fly?”

“Is it the head of the thugs, I saw some thugs kneeling down to him -”

“Don’t be ridiculous!” Hermione shouted at the man in annoyance, she looked over worriedly and whispered, “It’s Professor Hap, he should be trying to stop the riot, Bu-t it’s too dangerous to clash with them directly … that’s hundreds of people.”

Harry looked over, the professor’s magic illuminated the camp, they could see clearly, as a dozen or so fancy spells from the thugs’ direction flew toward the professor, but most of them were twisted and veered in the wrong direction.

Ron said reassuringly, “There are 400 or 500 feet between Professor Hap and them, so don’t worry, it won’t hit him.”

Felix illuminated the camp with illumination, and some thugs immediately became restless – the darkness gave them the courage to do evil, but when the light came, they could only hide their filth to avoid being discovered.

A steady stream of people deserted the group and left quietly.

But there were still a considerable number of people who stayed where they were, and those people agitated, made noise, as they pointed their fingers toward Felix, and deliberately shot sparks and spells to make provocative gestures.

On the other side of the thugs, Mr. Weasley, Bill, Charlie, and Sirius seemed helpless, and Charlie asked, “Da-ad, what should we do?”

Mr. Weasley looked at the floating Roberts family, “We can’t do anything lightly, it would be bad if we hurt them.”

They were worried in their hearts, a few Aurors from the Ministry of Magic had tried to pretend to be thugs before and tried to get close to the Roberts family, only to be attacked by fire.

“They’ll disperse soon enough,” Mr. Weasley said with some irritation as his tone assured them as he also assured himself, “Rats in the gutter! These buggers are simply lawless! If only we could catch them all-”

Sirius gestured towards the midair, “There are people who think just like you.”

Felix’s face remained calm as he reached out his hand and pointed forward, a black bolt of lightning descended, and almost simultaneously, a hooded wizard’s chest got penetrated.


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