” I thought there is no more danger.”

Goblin Gonuk asked through his mask, he examined the passage in front of him and took another step forward, a fierce spark emitted from the empty air in front of him, hitting the goblin, he flew away like a ragged kite.

Faisal and Rahman stepped forward to check Gonuk’s condition, then the middle-aged male wizard Rahman said, “No major injuries, he is wearing a protective suit, so he only temporarily passed out.”

“There is still a hidden trap left?” Clammy asked Felix in surprise, “Didn’t the curse originate from the black mist?” She picked up the curse detector and kept scanning it, only to have what looked like an antenna in her hand suddenly explode, which startled her.

“That explains it, a curse does exist.” She said with a grimace.

“Actually, there is more than one.” Felix said as the entire empty corridor in his perspective is dotted with dense lights, each representing a curse, and they float like plankton.

He turned his head and asked Clammy, “Does this pyramid … had any magical items that can store magic in the part you finished the exploration before?”

Clammy shook her head, “We found quite a few things that still had residual magic, such as golden daggers and holy beetle amulets, but they are already very weak, unlike those cursed items in the outside world in which innocent blood will maintain the effects of the curse.”

After a while, the goblin Gonuk woke up, the first thing he did after waking up was raising his clothes, followed by a wail, Hermione then realized that he was wearing silver body armour.

” A hole in it!” He shouted in despair, “I wonder if it still can be fixed….”

Felix walked ahead, as the group followed a dozen steps after him, watching him poking the air here and there as a curse after curse exploded like a firework.

The sheer quantity of dense curses made the hearts of those who followed behind him chill.

Felix stopped occasionally to survey the slabs on either side of the passage. He originally thought that with the size of these slabs, there should be at least a dozen ancient magics, but the true number is less than that, and so far he has only seen three, including the black lightning magic in its entirety.

There were quite a few slabs with the self-introduction of the wizard who created this dark room, including the experience of his travels. He said he was a travelling sorcerer from Greece who crossed the Aegean Sea and discovered a source of magic in the upper tombs – a quadruple conical gem – while exploring the pyramids. After which, he decided to create a dark chamber to benefit future generations.

“The curse in the hallway is layered and will get stronger, so if you’re not sure, don’t push it and leave the opportunity to others.” Hermione read out the words on the slate, “So that’s it!” The others also look dumbfounded.

“Are the ancient wizards too strong, or are we just too weak?” Clammy said as she slumped, it turned out that they couldn’t withstand even the weakest test.

“Don’t make up your mind so easily, maybe those words are just lies.” Felix said, as he steadily moved forward, suspicion in his mind became more and more clear.

One fact is, were the ancient wizards strong? If you look at ancient magic, they are indeed powerful, but when it comes to the flexibility of means, they’re far inferior to the present.

Most ancient wizards can’t use Apparition, as for others spells such as alarm spells, life magic, auxiliary magic is also not as perfect as the current system, those ancient wizards who are famous in the history, while constantly amplifying their strengths, will also expose their shortcomings.

This is also the reason why Felix surmised from various magic handbooks that the ancient wizards kept their secrets strictly.

The road ahead is rough and dangerous, Felix has let them far behind, he also cloaked himself in basilisk skin and dragon hide tanned cloak, moving forward a bit by bit as he continued to clean up these curses.

These curses are also mixed with a variety of powerful and bizarre dark magic, he didn’t know how the dark room master preserved it, probably stored in a stone, or granite ceiling.

Only, most of the curses in the stone have dissipated with time, leaving only a faint bright light and evil aura. They should have existed separately and were not linked to the overall defense.

Felix was increasingly certain that the owner of the dark room was a dark wizard, a powerful dark wizard at that. It was as if Felix had entered a museum of dark magic, where the many dark magics circulating in modern times could find their counterparts.

Finally, he stopped in front of a large bronze door with a bronze door ring and no extra decoration.

The goblin Gonuk shouted from afar: “Can we come over?” He said eagerly, in the goblin’s view, everything here is the property of the Gringotts, they pay money and manpower to eliminate the hidden danger for the Ministry of Magic of all countries, and the compensation is the treasure in the relic.

The group came closer and lined up to look at the bronze door, seeing Felix in deep thought, they did not dare to disturb him, this whole journey has proved his strength and knowledge, as he diffused the spine-tingling curses which they even failed to find.

After a long time, Felix breathed a long sigh of relief.

“Got a problem?” Hermione asked in a whisper, her voice amplified in the dark room, even if she was whispering.

“I’m a little surprised that there doesn’t seem to be any danger ahead.”

This is what puzzled him quite a bit, he glanced around at the others, “You guys move to that side and avoid anything unexpected.” Perhaps his expression was too serious, the crowd drew their wands and carefully moved aside, and Felix beckoned the eagle-shaped magic lamp over.

Completing all this, he reached out his hand and knocked on the bronze door ring, the knocking sound formed an echo, and the hearts of the crowd thumped up. After a few seconds, the door suddenly cracked open with a gap, dust continuously falling out, accompanied by an ear-splitting “creaking” sound, the gap continued to expand, followed by the sound of something scraping, Felix cautiously backed away, two black shadows smashed down, raising a high smoke and dust.

“Bang! Bang!”

The crowd hiding on the sides saw the true nature of the black shadows. “It’s a Basilisk!” Hermione screamed, she definitely can not mistake it, in the second year, she and the Basilisk fought head-on.

Only what is in front of them is just a body of two Basilisks, they have long been dead, and because they have been placed in the confined space for too long, just after contact with the outside air, the ghostly green skin of the Basilisk quickly decayed, the strong smell of rotting came across.


A few people gagged dryly, Felix waved his wand and cast a Bubble-Head Charm for them, while he already topped himself with a humanoid shield charm, as he strode into the chamber, his judgment became crystal clear.

The eagle-shaped magic lamp followed behind him, the light shone inside through him, bringing this place isolated from the outside world back to the present. In the empty small square room, coiled a dozen large and small Basilisk, they are all without an exception dead, when Felix passed them, the colour on the body of the Basilisk along with the surrounding circular pillars lost their lustre altogether.

Felix went straight to the very center, where there is a circular altar in the middle.

On the altar stood a statue of a middle-aged male wizard with silver-white hair and yellow eyes, smiling gently. The wizard held a quadruple-conical gem in his hand, from which a dull light emanated, the source of the magic that Felix had been looking for.

A crack split from the top of the statue’s head, all the way down his brow, almost shattering his entire body in half. From this long crack, black sticky blood oozed out, but it had long since dried up, forming an unpleasant smudge.

Felix could almost imagine how, over thousands of long years, it had been worn down, broken, and cracked little by time to become what it is now.

“It really turned out to be you, Herpo the Foul.” Felix said softly, he looked as if he is admiring him as well as mocking him, “So Horcrux can also decay?”

As if in response to his words, Herpo’s statue – or a Horcrux – began to lose its lustre a bit, becoming gray and ashen, and with a gentle blow from Felix, it completely fell apart.


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