Neville found himself with another favourite course in addition to his Herbology class – Ancient Runes class.

It wasn’t that he had a special feeling for ancient runes, like he is good at fiddling with various herbs. On the contrary, because of his poor memory, he is one of the few bad students in the class, and in the latest exam, his score was just a little better than Slytherin’s Crabbe and Goyle.

He liked the Ancient Runes class because he liked the professor of the class, a reason that in a way he thought is the same as the reason he hated the Potions class.

“Neville, your grades are not the best, but your attitude is serious enough, and that’s what I appreciate about you.” After a certain class, Professor Hap said this to him, and gave him a self-made bookmark.

On it is a short story written in runes, which, according to the professor’s words, contains 127 theoretical ancient runes that have been covered in this academic year.

With the help of Hermione, the ancient runes’ tyrant, he completed the translation –

‘Nall is a clumsy man.

He was told by others that he is clumsy, and over time, he came to believe so himself.

Nall likes to fiddle with clay dolls, he has a natural sensitivity to the properties of different kinds of clay, he likes to watch black, red, brown, white, gray, all kinds of colours of clay moulding in his hands little by little, into a delicate, lovely shape.

This love is stress-free and brings him comfort when Nall is sad and upset.

His parents are very busy, usually do not spend much time with him, even the most important Christmas is only a rushed meeting, his biggest wish, is that they can spend more time with him.

Nall spent two months quietly creating a group of dolls, in which there is his father, his mother, and even himself, they’re holding hands together, laughing happily.

He thought: when his mom and dad saw it, they would rub his head, smile, and would say: Nall is the best.

On Christmas day, Nall gave his parents that gift, and they looked at him in amazement because the doll is so delicate and very touching. They said to him apologetically: We neglected you, you are as stupid as anyone, and we swear that we will accompany you well in your growth.

Nall is very delighted.’

Neville treasured the bookmark in his ancient runes class textbook, his movements were so careful and cautious that Hermione looked a little jealous.

“Thank you, Hermione.” He said sincerely.

“Huh? Oh, it’s nothing …” Hermione said, not quite used to his attitude, waving her hand repeatedly.

She returned to her seat, Ron is crying and looking at the paper in his hand, “Hermione, the questions you came up with are too hard.”

” Have they?” Hermione looked at him in amazement, “I’m following what was taught in class and I made every question using it as a prototype.”

Ron showed her his ancient runes textbook with scattered scribbled notes, “Not everyone is like you, trying to write down every word the professor is saying, this is my normal state, look at the rest if you don’t believe me.” He shouted, “Harry, Dean, Seamus …”

But Hermione completely dismissed it, “My paper didn’t go over the top, it’s your fault.” She suddenly looked at Harry, ” You think so too, right?”

Harry got startled, and said politely, “Hermione, half the students in the class failed this exam.”

Hermione deflated and slumped on the table.

Harry then said, “Actually … in fact, it’s okay, Professor Hap said that the final exam is roughly at this level of difficulty, it’s very informative, isn’t it, Ron?”

Ron hurriedly said, “Yeah, right, that’s right.”

Hermione looked away and turned her head to the center of the common room, the only one of the twins present, but there were a lot of people surrounding Fred, he excitedly displayed the heart-shaped couple mirror in his hand, “There are two functions: text and voice, text communication has almost no distance limit, enough to chat with your buddies in the sky and the sea all day during the summer, while voice conversation can only cover the school area at the moment, but this is a favourite of couples, I’ll give you a demonstration here–”

He shouted into the couple’s mirror, “George, where are you now?”

From the mirror came a clear voice, “I’m in the Ravenclaw common room, do you need me to describe the layout for you?”

Fred said, “I’ve already been there, but, some of our friends don’t know yet.” He winked at the others.

The voice in the mirror said, “So for the rest of the day I’ll show you around the Ravenclaw house common room, this is George Weasley,” he cleared his throat, “and let’s start now-

The colours here are primarily bronze and blue, the ceiling and carpet are painted with stars, I also saw a white marble statue, and there are many bookshelves in addition to a wide variety of books from various divisions, as well as some small ornaments …

All in all, it’s not the same as ours, it looks very new and fresh. Speaking of which, I have to criticize a few things, Slytherin’s underground lounge is like a dungeon …”

Lee Jordan looked at Fred in surprise: “And you guys have been to the Slytherin common room?”

Fred said with a grin, “We’ve been there with our heads covered.”

George in the mirror still talking, “… small windows overlooking the Black Lake, but one can’t help but worry about being drowned in the water while sleeping, chains hanging from the ceiling, decorated similarly to Filch’s office, illuminated with something that looks like a ghost fire- -”

“George, you’re getting off-topic.” Fred interrupted.

“Well,” the voice in the mirror said, and although he couldn’t be seen, many of the young wizards could imagine George shrugging his shoulders across the room, even as he pretended to grin badly, “Next, let’s interview a random Ravenclaw student… Hello, what are you reading? Your necklace is beautiful, it reminds me of the boss lady of the Three Broomsticks, she is just so charming …”

“George!” Percy shouted angrily at the couple’s mirror.

But from across the room came the voice of a little witch in a trance: “A Selection of World Jokes, a very funny book.”

“Really? I’m suddenly interested, Dad’s joke book is so corny, who would be interested in a troll smelly sack …” said George.

“It’s Luna!” Hermione said in amazement to Harry and Ron, who also gathered around.

Ron didn’t know whether to be worried or anticipating as he said, “This girl is definitely going to give us a scare.”

Next, pretty much the entire Gryffindor wizards heard Luna, in a somewhat indistinct voice, tell a snide joke. No one laughed, except for George on the other side, who asked with interest, “That sounds great, but what’s the lottery is?”

At that moment, another cheerful female voice appeared –

“It’s a small card with a sticker that, when scratched off, is marked with a prize of varying value; or it tells you a string of numbers …”

Percy in the lounge said with surprise, “Penelope?”

The other side asked suspiciously, “Percy? This is the couple’s mirror? It’s better than I thought … I’d like to confiscate it, are you Fred or George? I remember paying a deposit.”

George’s voice on the other side sounded a little awkward: “This is a sample, not for sale at the moment. Fred and I can tie Percy up and give him to you if you wish.”

Next, Harry and the rest did not know the follow-up, because Percy grabbed the couple’s mirror in Fred’s hand and ran to the corner to whisper.

Fred stayed where he was, looking at the crowd with a smile on his face: “This is the demonstration, advance booking, just three galleons. Friendly reminder, the price will increase in the near future …”

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