But Hermione’s good mood did not last long, a sister from the fifth year ran up to her and asked, “I heard that you can break the solid wood armrest with your bare hands? This should be the effect of practical magic rune, right, can you demonstrate it?”

Hermione looked at her dumbfounded, you are asking me to demonstrate breaking the armrest with my bare hands in public?

This schoolgirl also realized that something is not right, she whispered: ” it is okay to do it in private, I prepared two copper flasks …”

Hermione as a whole felt bad, watching a lot of people have the tendency to gather around her, she panicked and said, “there is an important matter, I have to go back to the dormitory, I’ll be right back!” then she immediately ran away in a hurry.

After hiding in her dorm room for a while, she finally figured out a solution.

This time, she prepared herself mentally and returned to the common room, cleared her throat, and said aloud, “Regarding the proficiency level mentioned in the Magic Rune Club announcement, it’s roughly like this.” She drew her wand and slowly sketched out a golden magic rune in the air.

A group of students gathered around her curiously.

The rune took shape gradually and remained frozen in midair as everyone watched it in silence.

Hermione explained: “to do this step is already difficult, For which you have to constantly be familiar with the rune and figure out the meaning of the practical magic rune to make it, then it can be stable and exist for a short time.”

After a few moments, Hermione reached out, the golden magic rune flew into her hand, “This is the magic rune that means light, something we are taught in the third year. Now, the key is to bring out the meaning of the magic that it represents–” The rune on her palm burst into a massive white glow.

The young wizards were enthralled, and Hermione heaved a sigh of relief as it seemed to be working well, and finally, no one bothered to let her demonstrate…

At that moment, the twins suddenly appeared, Fred inquired: “Hermione, I remember that you also mastered a powerful magic rune, which one is it?”

Hermione pouted and looked at him, and did not say anything, but suddenly a glow of light covered her hands – she now has more control over the magic rune that means ” wild bull strength “.

Fred shrank and asked jokingly, “You’re not thinking of–”

“Yes, that’s what I think,” Hermione said with certainty, and she took a step forward.

Fred saw the situation is unfavourable, so he dragged George a little aside and hurriedly slipped away, a fair number of Gryffindor students laughed gleefully, and the twins’ friend Lee Jordan whistled excitedly.

Later, the group returned to their seats, murmuring and discussing.

Almost five days had passed since the Magic Rune Club recruitment announcement was posted. Many students who intend to sign up have already started to act, but there are still a few who remain on the fence.

This wait-and-see approach is actually about not wanting to write a seven-foot essay and wanting to see if there is a better way – in most cases, by ‘better way’ I mean inquiring about shortcuts to become proficient in a practical magic rune quickly.

Ron got fascinated by this, and even though Hermione had told him no less than ten times that it was impossible, he still continued to indulge in it.

Hermione angrily reminded him and Harry, “You can’t possibly expect to write a seven-foot essay within the last few days of the month, now you have barely two weeks left. Unless you’re not going to join the Magic Rune Club, you know that the first recruitment requirements are the most lenient you can get, it won’t be so easy after that!”

“Okay, okay,” Ron yawned, “but neither of us was able to borrow Professor Hap’s book, and it’s too late for both of us to get started …”

Hermione pulled out two identical books from her beaded pouch, which is none other than “Explorations of Ancient Runes”, “Here, I’ll lend them to you for now.”

Ron looked at her with admiration, “Hermione, you’re a god. How did you know we couldn’t borrow the book?”

Harry also filled with disbelief, “Yes, Professor Trelawney also said you have no talent for divination, really she needs to see this.”

Hermione kindly said, “I bought this in the Flourish and Blotts Bookseller, not from the library’s collection.”

“You bought two copies?” Harry asked.

“One for detailed study, I wrote notes all over it, and the other for my collection,” Hermione said matter-of-factly.

As a result, both Harry and Ron fought over the book with the notes written on it, and in the end, they would rather read it together than touch the blank copy of Explorations of Ancient Runes, which made Hermione furious.

In different corners of the school, the young wizards had different attitudes toward the matter, some giving up early, others sloppily copying some top students, while some were secretly giving their best effort.

In the following period, Felix appeared to be very busy, and those who could still see him during the classes would see him hastily leaving as soon as the bell rang.

Don’t even think about finding this professor after that.

He also kept his word and handed over all the daily testing and grading work for the third and fourth years to his assistant, which greatly reduced his burden.

Felix had quite a few regular commitments at hand: a scheduled exchange with Nicolas Flamel, which took place almost once every three or two days.

Dueling classes were made easier with the presence of Flitwick.

Experimenting with the zooming spell, which the Acromantula had a lot to say about, could only be carried out in spare time.

Other than that, he spent most of his time in the library, looking up information about memory magic. A lot of techniques were hidden in words, which even an author of the books were not aware of, but were discovered by him.

He paid particular attention to Lady Ravenclaw’s materials, and the twelve volumes of manuscripts she left behind were repeatedly mulled over by him.

The effect was remarkable – he had almost digested the structure of the dense, stabilized memories that Lady Ravenclaw had left him. It is miraculous, to be honest, what he had originally intended to obtain was a Patronus that could be infused with the caster’s thoughts, and it turned out that Lady Ravenclaw had given him far more than he could have imagined.

This was especially evident during the last two trips to St. Mungo.

In the discussion with Dumbledore, he also expressed with confidence despite never saying the words out loud: “The treatment is quite simple – firstly, the memories will be roughly divided according to age, piecing together roughly what they might have resembled; subsequently, the memory nodes will be used to stabilize them and keep them from collapsing. As long as the degree of completion is more than half, the rest of them can be completely recovered on their own.”

Dumbledore nodded in appreciation and said, “Felix, you have solved a huge problem that has plagued the wizarding world. This method can not only be used to treat the shattered memories brought about by the Cruciatus Curse, but it is also equally effective for some particularly stubborn memory damage.”

Felix froze for a moment, “I didn’t have time to think about that, I’ve been too busy lately.” Mostly because no one around him needed it.

Dumbledore shook his head, “An old friend of mine, was stolen of his memories by Lockhart’s memory magic, causing irreversible damage. Not just him, there are many more examples of this type of memory magic abuse, most of them are not effectively saved …

Felix, this is the achievement that can get you the St Mungo Prize and the Order of Merlin Badge.” He said with a wink and a hint.

Felix instantly understood what the headmaster wanted to say.

This is a great opportunity to gain fame, with a little work, he will be crowned “the nemesis of the Cruciatus Curse”, “the end of memory damage”, or “the master of memory magic”. Felix felt tempted.

Felix’s heart pounded, and his external labels, ‘Muggle researcher’ and of course ‘Professor of Hogwarts’, were widely recognized and had brought him great convenience in his normal social life.

And in the eyes of a few, he probably still bears the not-so-friendly title of ‘Ancient Magic Rune Traitor’, or ‘Dark Lord Prepper’.

Well … the former referred by the bunch of ancient magic rune association old timers, the latter by certain pure-blood families he had intimidated.

Although he hates boring social and political gimmicks, he does not mind-expanding his influence.

Whether it was the St. Mungo’s Prize or the Order of Merlin badge, they were both well known.

He held down his excitement and said non-committally, “Dumbledore, that certain magic is important to me, and I do not want to publish it in the short term.”

Dumbledore understands this, he said calmly: “No one will force you to give up your magic, Felix. In fact, the vast majority of healers are not at your level either … In the branch of memory magic alone, you are almost at the apex of the wizarding world.”

“My suggestion is to put together a set of healing methods that are far below your own level, yet effective …”

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