Harem Tournament of Champions

Chapter 84 Focus On The Task And Do It Right

The other guards felt the push from the swirling wind below her legs that swept them off their feet and had them crash to the ground, seconds later their eyes glowed the moment they brought their attention back to her, and were instantly mesmerized by the blinding light.

Like moths drawn to the light, they were drawn to her and were killed instantly upon touching her.

Deactivating once she had lost all strength in her, she thought with a sad smile, 'I did it. Thank you for creating me...'

Falling to her side with a loud thud, her vision clouded with dark corners and she could see sparkles of blue light surrounding her.

Bringing her hand up, she watched with a sad smile upon witnessing her hands disintegrating.

Hisha let out an unintentional gasp, feeling something off.

'HTC, why do I feel...'

[Connection lost]

Staring at the screen with wide eyes, he shook his head in disbelief. 'They wouldn't have.'


A glow from the pearl made him lose focus and pick it up.

'Thank you for creating me.' Those words rang in his thoughts whilst looking at the clear pearl.

"Melody!" He muttered with teary eyes, clenching his fist around it.

He knew that she was merely a puppet of his creation that was given the ability to think on her own, but the little time they had spent was meaningful and had grown on him.

'HTC, do you think I'm like this because we shared a connection, something similar to that of Alta?' He sulked, observing the pearl with rekindled interest.

[It would appear so, but it was bound to end. Her sacrifices weren't in vain]

Raising the pearl in the air, he commented once more. 'It wasn't in vain!'

'I hope he enjoys the little gift that was given to him!' Hisha sneered at the thought of Mich.


At the healer's residence,

"Mership Mich!" A female's voice exclaimed with worry.

A guard whispered the situation to the healer and stepped back to give her access to what needed to be done.

A woman looked like she was in her old age which was a contrast to those of the merfolks who stayed young their entire life after adulthood.

The woman donned white hair which was styled in a high ponytail and in loops that were formed by pulling back strands of hair on either side of the head and fastening them at the back by a green leaf-like hair band.

She wore a white coat over her flowing green dress and had a pearl wristband with slight flaws on all, worn on both hands.

These were sent to her in an attempt to see if they could be purified by her.

Pulling off her coat, she commanded the guards to put him inside a pool of water.

Once they had let him in, they watched the two, eager for her to continue with the treatment they had little access to witnessing after so long.

"Out!" She ordered the guards and frowned at their hesitation.

Mich forced his eyes open, frail from the ordeal. He grimaced as another wave of pain rocked his body and he couldn't help but yell immediately after he gathered enough strength.

"Get the fuck out! Bring her to me!"



Getting the message, the guards scurried off in fear and sealed the healer's hut with a water barrier.

"Haha!" The healer cackled at the pathetic attempt at forcing her into submission. "This is my hut, what makes them think they can compare to a seemingly old lady?"

Looking down at Mich who had tried so hard to maintain his composure was a pleasing sight to take in.

"Feeling a little under the weather?" She teased with a smirk.

"Help me..." Mich voiced and reached out but had his hand drop immediately at the slight inconvenience.

"Now you come to me after over 70 years!" She sneered and scrunched her nose, folding her arms and looking away.

A grin made its way to her lips when she could see how pathetic Mich was, "still trying your luck with maidens I see, how's that holding up for that thing down there?"

There was no response from Mich but a wicked glint at her chatty behavior irked him.

He was still wrapped in the cloth that the guards had helped him with so she still couldn't determine the problem until she got a view of it.

Raising her hands in defense, "fine! It's not like I should care about that anyways, I wouldn't be bothered about my pearl being removed and the curse overwhelming me and changing my appearance to look like some old granny!"please visit

Mich looked away, slightly guilty about what his grandfather had done to the healer–his former lover.

She was once a very beautiful mermaid who was adored by all mermen for her proficiency at healing, skill, and most importantly her beauty.

Getting the attention of the Merchief at the time, Mich was originally a young adult at the time and maintained the appearance down till their time.

"I... I was foolish not to stand up for you at the time, Kenna." He muttered to the best of his ability and felt another pain shoot up at his disregard.

Kenna scoffed, "you're darn right! Now I have to live with this body while you've got a great body!"

Mich exhaled and felt attacked by her sarcastic words but muttered an apology, "I am sorry."

"Well not enough, and don't worry what plagues you won't kill you!" She snapped and dipped her hand into the water, feeling his crotch, and heard a loud hiss from Mich.

"It's quite sad that they never knew the full extent of the power up until now and you're so unlucky!" She cackled, enjoying every bit of his pain.

Mich was sick and tired of her bitter words and that had been a major reason he had chosen not to see her.

Trying his best to get out of the way, he was forced down by the current of the water controlled by Kenna.

"Now who said I was done with you?!" She spat and eased her voice which had been replaced by worry.

"Don't... give... me that look, I don't.. deserve it." Mich panted in between words.

The water glowed and for a few seconds, Mich was puzzled as to how soothing it felt almost immediately.

"This is a strange ability for a mermaid..." She observed with an eerie tone and pulled away the cloth, jumping back in surprise at what she saw under the water.

"Oh my!" She exclaimed and slowly made her way back to examine his cock.

The blue veins that were glowing throbbed and she could feel its pulse from the water's movements. Shaking her head, she lost confidence in her ability to curb the situation.

As the only competent healer in all of Mertac, it would be devastating if she was shocked to the point she couldn't do something.

"What sort of hole did you stick it in?!" She exclaimed in a moment of shock and disgust.

Closing his eyes to calm himself, he ignored Kenna's distraught look and exhaled before he spoke.

"There... must b... be... something!" Mich tried to sit straight but failed, falling back into the water with a splash.

"Would you calm your fins?!" Kenna spoke in spite, distraught by her inability to completely ease the situation.

"I can heal a majority of the problem, but the procedure might leave you paralyzed for months or you might scale through it but you would have to refrain from anything related to mating for the same duration." Kenna hyperventilated, scared about the consequences and what that would mean for their tribe.

Mich gave it a thought, silent about her opinion but also hopeful for the best outcome.

With a nod, he gave his final approval.

Outside the hut, some guards kept guard outside and got a jumpscare from the loud blood-curdling scream coming from inside.

One of the guards had wanted to rush in without thinking but was held back by the other.

"Don't!" He warned with a shake of his head.

Glaring at the hand which had held him back, he snarled. "Back off!"

Releasing his grip, the other guard clicked his tongue, "go in there and risk losing your Sux."

Shrugging, he smirked and calmed as he watched the other have doubts about his plans to go through with it.

"Mership Mich..."

"... Is in good hands." The other guard completed.

"If you'd like to know the true ability of the healer, be my guest." He hissed and turned a blind eye to what he planned on doing.

Relaxing his tense muscles, he whispered through the corner of his lips, "how do you think the others are faring with that mysterious mermaid?"

"They will soon arrive. All we have to do is focus on our one task and do it right."



I do apologize I am coping with a lot of stress at the moment and not too confident in my ability to bring out the creativity in this chapter, do pardon my slow updates.

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