Harem Tournament of Champions

Chapter 157 Replenish The Carnage Level

"Your people are bitter because of the treatment from the goblins and all you've helped build, all taken from you all."

Grut nods his head to the words, although slightly confused as to where it was headed.

|I still don't understand where you are headed with this, lord Hisha|

Hisha snaps his fingers, confident that his plans will work.

"The bitterness is spun from an unfair treatment from the goblins, not a disdain towards everyone," Hisha explains with a grin.

Grut's eyes widen at the thought of the truth.

Hisha narrows his eyes as his voice turns cold. "Right now, I'm sure it's Yoru's doing, she is the one who made a few hordes attack Kurg for her elaborate plans."


Hisha stares at the trembling book in shock.

From the looks of things, she had pissed off more than just him.

"Tell me what you know about her! What did she do to you?!"

|She had been among the elders that had sealed us!!!|

Hisha did a double take, shocked by the possibility of her being there.

[The elders in Asrinth didn't just consist of Minotaurs, but selected prodigies of a few tribes]

Pulling the book closer, he hisses to get the truth out of Grut. "How could you tell it was her?"

Grut mentions hair color, appearance, and ability. Hisha pushes the book aside to have a thought about what he had heard.

She wasn't just a bane in his life but had been for a whole tribe.

It all began to fall in place–it would explain how she had been able to know the whereabouts of the sealed hobgoblins, how to open its seal and have control over them as she owns the power to do so.

[The book really did come in handy]

'HTC, why do I feel you know a lot more, yet you are keeping something behind because of my memory recovery percentage?'


HTC places a blank emoji, knowing it couldn't divulge more than is required for its host level.

[You should make use of the book and get a bit of any possible information you can get from it while it lasts]

'While it lasts?' Hisha corks a brow in suspicion.

[The book can only dispense its information for a certain period as per the level of energy fed to it]

|She is more dangerous than we realized. Underestimating her would be the biggest mistake anyone could make|

Those words spoken by Grut struck a chord in Hisha's heart.

He felt it as a jab to the heart and also his pride. "What is that supposed to mean?"

|She possesses some forbidden techniques that have kept her up until your time, host.

Once she gets what she wants, there is no stopping her|

Picking up the book, Hisha brings the book closer to his face. "You know what she wants!"

Grut stares at Hisha, his brows upturned with fear from the creepy look that flashed his way.

Hissing with a low growl, "spill it!"

[That method can't work, host]

|Raw carnage level depleted~10%|

'What the fuck?!' Hisha screamed in his thoughts, tossing the book away.

|To get the information you seek, please replenish your carnage level, lord Hisha|

Hisha let out a bitter chuckle, combing through his hair in frustration.

'First, it was HTC, now it's Grut! Great! Just great!!!'

[Hey! I'm innocent, host]

'Fuck that innocence of yours!' Hisha snaps in spite.

Punching repeatedly on his bed, he forces a smile as he brings the book onto his crossed leg.

Inhaling and exhaling, he tries to speak calmly, "Grut, why did the points suddenly reduce, and now I need to replenish it, immediately after I asked that question?"

|The severity of the question determines the depletion of the percentage|

Narrowing his eyes at Grut, he could almost feel as though the action was intentional and like HTC, was trying to hide a bigger picture.

Choosing to let it slide, he inquires, "what does it take to get my carnage level to 100%?"

|Death/gore/destruction must equal 900 points|

"Ha!" Hisha let out yet another laugh at the condition given.

Getting to his feet, he paces around while cursing at anything that could come to mind, pointing at the ceiling as he refers to the Celestials, and pointing around as he imagines his tribal chiefs.

He pauses when the thought of Yoru came to mind. 'You deserve the pit of hell after I'm done with you!'

[Host, you are meant to answer Grut]

Rolling his eyes, he walks over to the book, picks it up, and smiles. "What's the point scale for each part?"


5% [Any individual of importance who is personally killed by you]

3% [Any individual of importance who is killed for you]

1% [Cannon fodder killed by you or your subordinates]


10% [When the three factors are met at the same time–murder, bloodshed, and violence]

–Destruction–please visit

5% [The greater the destruction done with the purpose to boost your status will lead to an increase in the percentage]

That is all you need to know about how to replenish your raw carnage, lord Hisha|

Hisha blinks several times, not because of what he was told, but the fact that he had matched all the criteria perfectly since he could open the book.

'How many percent was my raw carnage level as at when you were awakened?'



Hisha smiles to hide his shock, feeling he had done more damage than he had ever thought possible.

'HTC, who would have thought I had done such great work in just a few months?' Hisha sarcastically asks as he turns around to pace once more.

|I will be hibernating now, lord Hisha|


The pages flip over and slam shut.

"I need to bring back the tournament and increase its difficulty, set out to find some piece of trash and cause enough destruction to instill fear into those who take my rule as a game that one could navigate around!'

HTC watches its host's frowning face as he declares in his thoughts.

[You need to rest, host]

'I know.' Hisha said with a sigh, staggering over to his bed and falling face first.

Pulling the book close to him and hugging it like a pillow, Hisha turned slightly to his side.

[Why are you hugging the book, that's strange]

'I know some fools would try to break in and get this. It's only natural I keep it close and see how they can get it away from me this way.'

Hisha scoffs, rolling his eyes and looking back down at the book.

Patting the top, he smiles. "I got something that could aid me from one of the idiots I despise."

[Host, there are various ways to go about this. A more effective way]

Pulling himself to his side, he raises a brow as he comments. 'Humor me.'

[You could add it to your inventory]

The words sounded like a beautiful reminder of what his system could do.

'I would like that, thank you.'

HTC felt a bit guilty about its next words.

[To store items not given by the reward system, a fee of 10,000 points will be deducted]

Hisha's face fell at the mention of the points.

'You are all after my hard work! What could I do without the use of points, Sux?'

[Your fists]

HTC deadpans with a stoic emoji.

Hisha has a similar face as he stares at the user interface.

'Such useful information!' Hisha slams the book on the bed in suppressed rage.

[There has to be a use for what you gather, or else what is the 'point' of possessing them?]

Nodding his head at the logical explanation, it finally put him at ease as he thinks of it in a better light.

'I will get another, so I guess it's fine.'


'It still hurts though.' Hisha jokes as he did feel like he was losing a prized collection he had gotten so used to.

[Would you like to proceed, host?]

'Do I have a choice?'

[Yes, you could 'sleep' with it!]

Internally facepalming at the words, Hisha nods his head to the request.


[Book storage in the inventory... loading]

[Accumulated points: 66000]

The book pulled away from Hisha, disintegrating into sparkles and converging into a blue ball of sparkles before entering into Hisha.

"Woah!" Hisha exclaims out loud, feeling his chest and thinking about how possible that was.

[Once you fulfill the criteria given by Grut, it will materialize to answer your question]

Hisha made a humming sound, thinking about what he had heard. 'Now, all I need is sleep.'


'Tomorrow marks another day of bringing back the tournament. I won't miss it for anything!' Hisha relates with a satisfied smile.

[Till the next day, host]

Repeating the words as he slowly drifts to sleep, 'yes, the next day.'



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