'This just got a whole lot more interesting.'

"What's going on?"


"Let us fight by your side, my lord!"


Shaking his head at the protesting ladies, he needed to get the desired information.

Making a clench with a target of a quarter of the horde.

[Hobgoblin: 56]

He watched as bodies dropped onto the barrier causing them to convulse as it overlapped onto their body until there was nothing but bones left.

All the ladies who had protested earlier retreated and stared in shock. The simple barrier had been a lethal weapon.

[The thoughts running in your head are twisted, host]

'What can I say? I've been influenced.' Hisha let out a little chuckle in response.

With glowing glaring eyes, Hisha raised his head once more as he spoke in a chilly voice. "Does anyone want another free fall?"

There was a deafening silence that had everyone staring at Hisha in shock.

Struggling, the creatures screeched once more, still unwilling to divulge their ranking leader.

Wiping down his face, Hisha let out a sigh, shaking his head at how resilient they were in keeping silent.

'This would be harder than I thought.'

[The task never pops up for something simple]

HTC deadpanned, recalling the last time its host had gotten a task given to him.

'The previous one was still a lot easier than this shit. What could go wrong while conversing with my harem in meretrix-02 at the time?'


Utilizing another effort, Hisha let down one of them.



Stepping down on its chest, Hisha looked back up. "I guess that method was too merciful for you all."

Kritz stared wide eyes at his lord, already gauging what could come out of the act.


All hobgoblins stared at their kind screeching in pain, chest heaving, and eyes searching for the high-ranking hobgoblin.


Punching a hole through the creature's head, he pulled out his bloody hands, kicking the corpse aside.

Pulling down another, Hisha grabbed a hold of it by the neck, slamming it down with its head exploding from the destructive force.

Not waiting for a response, Hisha continued with numerous methods of killing off any who weren't quick enough to respond.

If they couldn't save themselves by speaking, then it was pointless.

"I... can..."


[Find the high-ranking hobgoblin is achieved]

[Reward: A ×2 increase in your memory recovery]

'A leap in success, cool.' Hisha relished in his little victory.

He looked back down at the creature who had mumbled out a few words.

Nonetheless, he slammed the hobgoblin onto the floor, stepping hard on its chest.

Coughing out green blood, it felt the air inside itself knocked out.

"You could speak, yet you allowed a vast majority of your horde to die!" Hisha spat in disdain.

The Hobgoblin had its yellow eyes glaring back at him.

The six-and-a-half feet, gray-skinned hobgoblin squirmed under his feet, holding onto Hisha's leg.

'If that was sensible, I guess the rest would have had some sort of headway.'

Channeling his Sux outside his body, he was coated in its green energy.

[60 Sux exhausted]

Its coarse blue fur sizzled as it darkened in reaction,

Feeling its energy depleted, its hand fell to its side.

"Now tell me, can anyone else speak?"

Staring back at its race, it searched around for another.

Hisha looked back at the hovering horde, tracing the line of sight to another who was slightly smaller than the rest by a four feet height.

Pulling down the targeted hobgoblin, he needed to be sure it could speak before letting it leave.

"Brother... help... me..." It screeched in a high-pitched voice, reverting to her original feminine form.

'A female?!' Hisha's heart sank at the thought of nearly killing such a creature.

[There are other ways to go about this situation without it being suspicious, host]

Hisha's mood lightened at the sound of the trickle of hope.

Nodding toward Kritz, he had a wicked grin as he handed over the female to him.

[That's right, let others help in their destruction or being unaware of their gender]please visit

'Unaware of their gender, could that mean I was unaware of some that I had killed?' Hisha stared at the creature below him.

[That is correct. The moment you can establish the fact that they are female, the clause is effective]

ραпdα nᴏνɐ| сom Inhaling and exhaling, Hisha felt his body tense at the fact that he had almost had his immortality stripped.

'Fuck the clause!' He sneered, not bothering to give any the chance to prove themselves and reveal the certain gender reveal he dreaded.

Bringing down the rest of the horde onto the barrier, there were numerous screeching sounds as they convulsed.

Raising the hobgoblin in front of him, he had a wicked grin, leaning in for a whisper. "How about we converse in a much more secluded place?"

The hobgoblin's eyes widened in horror, skeptical about such an arrangement.

Deactivating the barrier around the remaining harem members, he took a glance to be sure none was hurt in the scuffle.

[Ability: Extraction]

Pesa looked down in disappointment, letting out a sigh.

Hisha nodded his head in her direction, giving a warm smile to assure her of his intentions.

Until he could fully trust her, she would have to make do with having her ability only when she needed it for a duel.

Alta switched glances from Pesa and Hisha, narrowing her eyes.

Zui pulled on Solara's hand, "we need to check on the rest of the harem members, they must be somewhere in their meretrixs I think."

Nodding her head, Solara shared a knowing look with Alta.

Opening up a portal, Alta waited for the rest to pass through.

Yawning, she watched with slight boredom at the number of ladies walking through it.

The moment she sighted Tia, a hiss to frighten her caused her to laugh in mischief at the shocked expression on the human.

Solara shook her head, feeling the demoness was slowly showing her true self and enjoying the troubles she was causing in the harem.

"I can summon up a portal, why do we need to follow the demoness in there?" Zui sneered, refusing to walk into it.

"That's because I got a faster method as opposed to your chants!" Alta berated, pretending to cast some sort of spell on the floor.

"Does your puny brain process slower?" Zui countered, suppressing her anger at the mockery.

Alta's brows twitched at the insult, ready to lurch a hardened feather at Zui in retaliation.

"You seem to forget what I can do!" She sneered at the threat.

Hisha internally facepalmed at their bickering, wondering if they would ever get along.

Stepping in between the two, Solara hissed behind her and at Zui, whispering a few words that had her reconsidering her actions.

With the last bow to Hisha, Solara pushed a reluctant Zui into the portal.


"Make sure they are safe, but take that thing to the dungeon," Hisha instructed Kritz.

Kritz gave a bow before disappearing into a mist of smoke.


In the dungeon,

A wide murky cave in a dire marsh marks the entrance to this dungeon.

Beyond the murky cave lies a scanty, dank room. It's covered in rubble, dead insects, and large bones.

The broken parts on the walls let light seep through reflecting into the eyes of the female hobgoblin.

"Let me go." She screeches, kicking at the partly broken cages reinforced with Kritz's Sux.




The buildup of the hits backfired, throwing her against the dried blood splatters on the wall.

Kritz mocked with a growing smirk, "the more you do that shit, you'd eventually kill yourself before you can see your precious brother."

Pushing herself up, she glared at Kritz with brooding hate.

Pretending to be disturbed, Kritz rubbed his arms as though he was shivering. "I'm so scared!"

Further ahead are two paths, its twisted trail leads past countless other pathways from a clammy area.

Kicking open the wooden door, Hisha dragged in the creature.

Kritz rushed over to open the next cage.

Throwing it in, the cage was covered in Kritz Sux.


With one left eye opened, he reached out for his sister. "I'm... sorry."

Hisha let out a scoff at the display, "you should be glad that I had let you off so lightly."

"Please let us go!" The female reached forward, her amber eyes enlarging as tears welled up.

"What's your name?" Hisha blurted out, his gaze on her cleavage.

The more he stared at her pleated white hair and unique eyes, the more appealing she looked to him.

It felt weird enough to refer to them by their race name or the term 'creature'.

HTC had no character status on them which was more than enough to let him know to what extent they had been sealed.


Shaking her head to her brother's protest, she understood there was no way they could win against him by being reluctant.

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