The trip to Area Fifty-One was fast, but it was the only good part. Traveling two thousand miles in less than two seconds seems to have a couple more issues than just the people getting crushed, which almost happened anyways. This proves that the margin for error was a lot smaller than I had anticipated, but everyone survived.

Even if they were sweating, short of breath, and covered in Jack's puke. Everyone was alive, and now we were being shot at by people on the ground. That last part really wasn't a problem, and they had even tried using an RPG, but nothing left a scratch.

"Daniel, if you don't get me out of this oven right now, I will ensure you can never have babies again!" Sofia snapped as she looked down at her dress in disgust.

So, what had happened was that we left, but the gravity stabilization was slightly off. This made Jack puke instantly, and the puke went everywhere. On top of this, I didn't account for the air's resistance and the fact that it would catch fire.

In a brief burst, my silver tear turned into a glowing red one. Thankfully, systeminium is tough stuff, and I was venting the heat out now as we moved around in the air, pretending to dodge bullets.

"Do you really want to get out right now? No one seems to want to say hi," I said as I stuck my head out a hole in the wall to look outside to get a better look at who was shooting at us.

I was shot in the face almost instantly with a high-caliber bullet, blowing a hole through my cheek. I turned back to Sofia with the best frown I could Imagine, with half my face blown off, but there was no blood.

"Do you think that they want to talk?" I asked as my face completely healed like nothing had happened.

"If I could, I would probably puke again after seeing your face do that," Jack groaned.

"If you puke again, I will stick you outside the ship to ride next time!" Sofia threatened, and Jack flinched back.

pαndα,noνɐ1,сoМ "Alright, Hermosa, I will get everyone cleaned up in a minute, but I need to deal with all the people shooting the pokeys at me. The ship will go land somewhere and create a regeneration pool for you all to get cleaned off. I should be done with everyone by then," I explained, and Sofia sighed.

"This is not how I thought the trip would start! I want to go see what they have been hiding here!" Sofia complained as a hole in the floor opened and dropped me out of the ship that was floating fifty feet above a long airstrip.

The ship left after the hole closed behind me, but it moved at a normal speed, zipping off this time. I fell to the ground with bullets hitting and flying around me. Each one that hit me was pushed back out of my skin, but when I hit the ground, I activated a gravity field around me.

Suddenly, all the bullets that were firing at me were sent off in random directions, but they were coming from all directions. I looked around and saw people all around me behind crates, and others set up barricades.

While I didn't expect a friendly greeting, this seemed a bit too prepared, but there seemed to be more to this. There was a building with smoke coming from it, and it looked like it had a lot of damage, but it was hard to see from my angle.

Then A rocket hit my gravity shield and then went straight down, and I was blown off my feet. Roots sprung out of me as I was launched into the air.

This gave me a better angle on the damaged building. There was a large hole in the place, but the debris was outside of the building, not inside. This meant that something got out, not in.

"CEASE FIRE!" Someone yells as my roots caught me, setting me back on my feet, retracting back inside me.

"Thank you!" I called out as a man stepped out of a building.

"This area is restricted. I am going to have to ask you to leave," The man in a dirty uniform stated as he walked up to me with his chest out.

The man was some old general, and it was cute that he still thought he could give order to someone that just stopped bullets. This would be like normal me yelling at superman to give me his seat on the bus.

"I am glad you still know how to ask questions, but how about I stay? While I am here, could you tell me what just escaped from that building over there?" I asked and got the response I thought I would.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

"You are not the one in charge here! I am General-,"

"Zip it," I growled as silver roots burst from me, picking the man off the ground and bringing him close to my face. "Answer my question now, or I will kill you and move on to someone who will tell me what I want to know. You are no longer in charge of this facility. The earth will be a battleground with Space Dragons and Demons in less than six months. I would greatly appreciate it if you didn't waste my time."

"You're just another of these dirty Xenos. If you kill me, the men won't listen to you!" The General snapped, and then I snapped his neck and tossed him to the side. Whatever had escaped was not that far gone, so I needed to find answers to my questions.

The area around me stayed quiet, but I think it was from the shock of what had just happened.

"You all have a choice. The age we were in before is now over, and we are moving into a new one. The intergalactic one. This means that we will not only leave this solar system but also fight deadly and powerful enemies. I am certain that one of them escaped here," I explained, looking around at everyone as I tossed some Great Tree seeds. "There are two ways to do this. Sugar or spice?"

Either someone would step forward in the next thirty seconds, or I would start looking for someone that would.

"Are you a good alien? Like with the Grays?" A man asked as he walked out from behind a crate with his hands in the air with no weapons in them.

"I am, or was, a human. Did you have anyone go crazy here and develop powers like mine?" I asked as the man walked over.

"Private Evans, reporting. Nope, but we just had a draconic-looking creature that went crazy and broke out from underground. Filus, the Gray, said it was a Drakar, but the names mean nothing to us. The thing killed and half ate a few people on its way out. We still have people cleaning up, but then you showed up almost right after it broke out," the private explained in a shaking voice.

"Calm down; I will not hurt you unless you start acting like your General. None of us have time to waste right now. If you are already listening, I have someone that can help you with the injured people if they are still alive," I said and then gestured to the three Great Trees growing up from the desert floor around the base. "Inside each of these trees will be fresh food and water. If you can help me, I will help you, but you already know if you waste any more of my time."

"Yes! The creature headed south into the mountains! Its wings were damaged when it tried to break free, so you should be able to track it," Evans explained, and I nodded and then turned to everyone else.

"Gather in! Fast!" I shouted, and men and women rushed over, but I could see that some of them were in rough shape.

People in remote places like this would be worse than most here, but I had people working on this. The problem was that earth was a big place. At Least the people here would have army food to feed them, but they must have been rationing it.

More like the higher-ups would have been eating well while everyone else was rationed. That would change quickly now that Mr. Tree was here, and I called the tear back as everyone gathered around me.

"I don't have a lot of time to explain things, but my wife, Sofia, will do that. There will also be two others with her. Binder Grover, energy weapons specialist, and Jack Landing," I said, and a man spoke up.

"Unbannable Jack is with you? This place really can't get rid of that guy!" The man laughed, and others joined him.

"Unbannable?" I asked.

"Jack Landing is or was an Astro mechanic that has come and been kicked out numerous times. The man doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut and constantly butted heads with his superiors. General Crass that you just killed was the worst, but not the only one. Still, Jack somehow was constantly invited back," Private Evans explained.

"That is because the man is too fucking good at his job. He is worth more than all the uppers!" a man laughed, but another man shoved him.

"Shut up, or you are going to be stuck running laps in the heat!"

"No more laps today," I said as my tear reappeared above us and started to lower to the ground, making everyone back up.

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