Harem In The Intergalactic Apocalypse

Chapter 127 The Battle For Earth Part 2

"How is everyone doing?" Sofia asked, and Gaia nodded.

"Everyone is in position inside of the trees. We have all that could help in normal clones for now, but if we start running low, we will switch to the Super clones. They all have instructions just to try and take down as many Villains as possible. All we really need is for the Clones to slow them down. I will pull them into the ground or trees the moment they do," Gaia explained.

"What about everyone else? Are the girls all pulled back close to the city?" Sofia asked.

"Yes, everyone is waiting and in position. We are spread too thin to be able to stop the AI completely, so once enough gets by, the girls are going to have to head out. We are going to need their powers if we hope to stop them all. Even then, it is going to be hard," Gaia said with a tired sigh from the chair she had grown into.

"You are going to think most of them out, and the greatest defense is in the interior of the cities. Once they get past the outer forest, the Paw Patrol will start taking them down with the help of Melody and Orphus. Those two will be our last resort in our defense, along with Chelsea. Two of them are in South City, and Melody is back here in Central," Sofia explained.

"Everyone is in position!" Marley called over the intercoms, and both women nodded as Sofia leaned into the mic as she looked over the overview.

Sofia connected to not just the girls but everyone, even those who couldn't fight. This was going to be the final fight for all of them, so it was important for everyone to know what was at risk.

"My name is Sofia Diaz, and I am one of ten women close to Daniel Brighton. He is the man that has created or been the source of all that you see around you. Daniel was the only one who could stand up for all of us when the world went dark. He was not an ambitious person, but he has done everything in his power to help make a safe home for you all. Daniel is gone now, far out in space, fighting the Queen of the AI, trying to bring the ship home. If he can complete this, we have won, but we need to protect the home that he made for all of us until he gets back! Everyone! We need your help more than ever! This isn't only a battle for our home; this is a battle for our planet! I need everyone to give their best until Daniel can get back! This is the Battle For Earth! Give them hell!" Sofia roared, and cheers rose up from the speakers as everyone got pumped up.

"You know. I really don't think that I could have said that better myself, but do you really see me as unambitious?" Daniel's voice asked over the speaker, making both girls scream in excitement and surprise.

pαndα,noνɐ1,сoМ "Daniel!" Both girls cried out.

"Yeah, I am okay, and I have the ship, but Octavia flung us almost halfway to the moon. I will be back in less than four hours," Daniel explained. "How are things going with you two? How was the first contact? You don't seem to be worked up, so things must have gone well, right?"

"The first contact went off with no injuries on our side, and twenty percent of the Villains stopped moving about thirty minutes ago. I'm not sure what they are doing, but I think they are refusing to attack. Either that or they were ordered to stay back. Even if they are stronger ones, it would be better for them all to attack at once to get through," Sofia explained.

"That is strange, but maybe one of the Generals understands what is going on. They might have tried to tell them all to pull back, but that isn't likely to work. Now that they know what is at risk, most of them are going to fight tooth and nail, but that is a good sign. As long as they don't bring in more Villains, you all should be able to hold," Daniel explained, but Gaia shook her head.

"I have already picked up powerful energy sources from all over the world. There are nine coming, and the tenth is already here. I think that these signatures must be from the Generals. I think we can handle the normal Villains, but I don't know if we can stop these ones," Gaia explained, and Daniel gritted his teeth.

"I was afraid of them showing up, but it was expected. You are all going to have to do your best to hold them off. We will have to hope that whatever is causing them to hold is infectious. If some of the Generals can be convinced to sit out, that will make things much easier," Daniel explained, but then a strange and unfamiliar voice spoke over the intercom system.

"I might be able to help with that if we can come to some sort of understanding," Beltzer, The eighth General of the Hive, said.

"Can just anyone tap into this intercom?!" Sofia exclaimed, starting to pound on her keyboard to find the source.

"Who is this speaking? Are you the one that called for the AI to stop?" Daniel asked.

"I am. My name is Beltzer, and I am one of the Ten Generals of the Hive. I will assume that you have taken over the ship and defeated The Hive Queen?" Beltzer asked.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

"Yup, her name is Octavia now, but I absorbed her for now. What are the chances that you might be able to stop all of this, so people don't have to get hurt? Don't you think that this has gone far enough already?" Daniel asked.

"While I don't like to admit it, you have us thoroughly beaten, but not everyone sees it that way. Some of them are too far gone; all they know is this game we have been playing for seven million years. I have convinced one so far, but I could get more," Beltzer explained and then asked, "If you can give us your word that you will spare us, I can get more to join, right Timala?"

"You think that they are just going to stop if the Hero says that he will spare them? You can't be serious, Beltzer!" Timala growled over the intercom, making Sofia toss her hand up and fall back into a chair that formed to catch her.

"Sure, everyone just pirates my signal!" Sofia complained, pulling a rolled smoke from her armrest and lighting it up.

"I don't think that all of them will stop, Timala. In fact, you and I both know that there are some that will stop at nothing to do as much damage as possible. Not all of them understand what position we are in right now," Beltzer explained.

"And what position is that?!" Timala exclaimed, and you could hear the tired sigh from Beltzer.

"The one where I get back to earth and kill all of you for hurting my family. If you don't believe that I have control of your ship, then you can ask The Hive Queen, Octavia, herself," Daniel said.

"He is telling the truth. I was beaten quite fast, so I don't think there is a single Villain that could challenge this human. Even if you all had a year to prepare, it would not be enough. His control over my body is more extensive than I have gained since I was created," Octavia explained.

"Ooo! That is a nice name! Who does she look like?" Sofia asked, sitting up.

"Not the time right now, Sofia," Daniel sighed.

"Octavia? Since when do you have a name?!" Timala exclaimed.

"Daniel gave me one and a body, but he said he will be giving me a different one that is all my own! This thing is so strange! I feel strange rushes now, and it is so strange to be able to touch things now! I can feel everything!" Octavia exclaimed.

"You can feel your hands if you use them! You could have made your own body any time you wanted!" Timala shouted as popcorn started to pop in Sofia's other armrest as she listened intently.

"No! It's not the same! I only knew that I was touching things before, but now it is really me doing it! I can't explain the feeling of touching my own face! It's like I am feeling it for the very first time!" Octavia exclaimed, but then her voice got low. "I also had touched other places when Daniel was busy! You should really try it, Timala! I can show you!"

"Don't Timala me! You always hid in your room, so you don't get to talk to me like we are friends! Fine, I get that it might be a good thing, but that doesn't change that the rest of the AI isn't going to agree with this!" Timala shouted.

"Then you two are going to have to explain to them, or I will require that you both help defend the girls. If you can do that, then I will do more than give you a pardon for your crimes," Daniel said, but then Firaga came on the intercom.

"Don't trust Beltzer! That is the General that blocked my thoughts! He is just going to stab you in the back!" Firaga shouted, and the intercom went silent, and the only noise was Sofia munching down handfuls of freshly popped corn kernels.

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