Chapter 302: Greenhorns

“Well then……shall we begin today?”


In Polka’s blacksmithing workshop, Jackie-san and I continued to work on the armor today. The shape of Neia’s armor is not very twisted, but it has a lot of leather to make it easy to move quietly. This inevitably means a lot of engraving work to ensure protection.

“If an ordinary guy uses it, leather armor with a crest is enough, but……because its Neia”

There’s nothing wrong with making it well. She is a warrior who actively 「Use」 her armor. If I´m lax, it will lead to accidents.

“She´s a considerable warrior, that person. ……She doesn’t seem to have such a martial personality, though”


Jackie-san seems to feel that way when he sees Neia. She’s really clumsy, she can’t find her whereabouts anywhere except in battle……she’s living a life that’s just right to call her a skeleton, but it’s not the right thing to do with her. The human nature that oozes makes me think that I can live gently if the times allow. In order for her to survive, this armor must be made well. Even if it is not as good as the original, it is the least I can do to make something that Neia can trust and respond to with confidence.

“But Bocchan´s collection is also a big deal. It’s like magic”

Jackie-san played with the engraved parts with his fingers and admired them. It must be a wonder that leather is as hard as steel. It’s still a little strange to me, too. But the possibilities this creates are truly immeasurable. The thought of more research and more widespread processing excites me, but also scares me. Well, of course there will be more failures like the one I made and the world may not become a place where crest engraving dominates in general. I have to keep that in mind. This is an effective process because it is a highly complete product and if you try to make an odd product into a first-class product, it will always be impossible. The basics are important in everything. Don’t be in a hurry and don’t try to make things easy. ……I’ll have to get together with old man Dan and Peter somehow after the mission is over.


In the meantime, while I was worrying about the cat beasts and blacksmithing, Isaac and his team had completed one of their barracks.

“Hey Andy, did you see that? Isaac’s”

I nodded to Keel at the new tavern where I stopped by for lunch.

“Ah, the barracks. I saw it earlier. The Ogre’s construction is really fast”

“It’s not that fast. They just started building it the other day”

Keel waved his hand with a subtle expression of fear and dismay and sipped his beer.

“Don’t drink in the daytime……”

“It’s okay to have a drink. I’ll be standing at the town gate all afternoon anyway”

“It’s even worse than that. What if something comes?”

“You know, it’s been common since our grandfathers’ generation to drink to warm up after working outside. Well, if you guys work while drinking, Dianne will be very angry with you”

“Yeah, well, she’ll be pissed……”

Looking at Keel that hooks up as a matter of course, it makes me realize that I may not be able to return to the humans here yet. But.

“Keel-san, drinking before work is not a good idea……”


Keel’s girlfriend, the cat girl……who might become Keel’s girlfriend, appeared beside Keel and said something with a troubled face. As expected, Keel also looks awkward.

“B, But it’s cold”

“If you drink so much that you don’t know it’s cold, it’s rather dangerous”


“Keel-san, you get drunk easily, so please stop there, okay?”


Perhaps he understands that it’s too unpleasant to be stubborn with alcohol even though he’s just starting dating, Keel becomes a mug and puts a mug. I mean, they’ve only known each other for a few days. How is she holding the reins? And then Johnny appeared. As he dusted off his coat, he laughed at the whole thing.

“She’s angry”

“Sh, Shut up. Even Johnny drinks”

“I don’t drink as much as you do at lunch. I keep a little bit of ice field in a little bottle and lick it off when no one is looking. This is the Quaid family’s secret style of drinking in the cold”

“That’s not very good either!”

The guests around us laughed. It’s not Isaac and the others who have yet to come up for interior work, but the Polka men.

“Well, Keel-boya´s grandfather was a drinker. Keel-boya is definitely a bit shaky on his feet sometimes, so it may be better to refrain from doing so”

“Well, I can understand why you would want to drink in the cold”

“It’s boring being a gatekeeper. But we did it when we were young, too”

Well, I was almost fooled for a moment, but after all, drinking is a pleasure after work all over the country.

I went to the Baron’s mansion before my afternoon work.

“Puhaaa! This alcohol is the best, isn’t it?”

“Ho. It is true that compared to this, the alcohol here is too refined and lacking in some aspects”

……Jeanne and Laila were there, doing their best to drink in the middle of the day. Well, Jeanne is a dwarf so she can drink it instead of water and she’s worried about dragons getting drunk, but she’s worried about drowning fish. But in many ways, the timing is disheartening.

“……I think drinking should be enjoyed with others after the sun goes down”

“Don’t be so formal”

“Hoho. I’ll leave some for the owner”

“By all means”

They were drinking alcohol from a spring in the dwarf colony. I’m sure it smells rough, but as a drinker I can’t let it go. ……Speaking of which. Celesta souvenir → I bought a hair accessory for Maia when I bought it at Basson → I think that I can make homemade products now. By the way, the essential souvenirs are already in the hands of the Masturbation Brothers. No problem.

“Where is Maia?”

“I think it’s the same place”


I call out to her to see if she’s there.

“Maia, come here”

……In a few seconds, the window crashed open and Maia appeared. After all, it seems that she was watching on the roof of the Baron’s mansion.

“I’m in the workshop right now……I’m going to make something for Maia to thank for all the hard work”

“What do you mean?”

“Something like a hair ornament, a ring or a brooch. Anything”


Maia started to worry.

“I think Maia want one of those”

“Hoho. You don’t make them for other girls, do you?”

I´m poked by Jeanne and Laila who are sipping alcohol.

“Well, even when the other girls requested……Maia is a hard worker and although it’s like leaving it to the protagonist outside, she’s rarely rewarded”

“Oh, well, Maia is the center of attention over there”

“Hoho. That’s right. If you don’t feed her once in a while, you’re not a good owner”

……I feel that Laila is also demanding in a roundabout way.

“E, Emm, does Laila also want something?”

“I prefer to adorn myself with your seed juice if I can”

“……H, How about tonight?”

“Kukuku, I don’t mind if it’s right here”

That’s not something you want to do in broad daylight before work. It’s a little late for that.

“Ha……Hair ornament”

Finally, Maia made her choice.

“Is it okay to wear another hair ornament?”

“I don’t want to wear an ornament on my clothes, because I’ll take it off with me when I’m getting fucked……I think rings and bracelets are too pretentious……”

She wants to be fashionable, but she doesn’t want to be thought of as pretentious. I feel like I’ve made a discovery.

“Hoho, that’s right. I’ve heard that southern prostitutes drill holes in their nipples and vulvas and hang rings from them”

“I won’t make it”

“I’m not telling Maia to do anything. Why don’t you try it on me?”

“I don’t like painful jewelry like that!”

It’s not that I don’t know about nipple piercings and clitoral piercings, because I’ve seen them in erotic picture books.

“It’s sad to see that Owner doesn’t do anything too extreme these days”


The two drinkers nodded to each other. Give me a break. And then, with a bang, the door opens.

“Th, That’s good, I’d like to put a scar on my chest for Andy-san’s enjoyment……I hope!”

“Th, That……I don’t mind, but please don’t approach Laurier? It’s just too painful”

“Pregnant women have nipple piercings and Andy-san is finally feeling like an advanced person?”

“E, Emm……I dont care at all……I´m a female slave……”

Aurora and Fennel in maid clothes, Selenium with an enlarged stomach and Apple who accompanies her.

“I didn’t like it right now, so I told you I won’t make it!?”

I want them to listen to me. If you’re going to call me master, at least talk about your sexual preferences.


While working in the afternoon, I make a mess of hair ornaments.

“……What’s that, Bocchan?

“Ah, it’s a hair ornament for Maia”

“Haa……you can make those too?”

“Oh? I’m pretty good at it, but have you seen Jackie-san?”

“I know you made a ring. I thought you could make anything”

“Compared to knives, accessories……only need to look good”

Of course, you have to be careful about the thickness so that it doesn’t break easily.

“It’s nice to be able to make something that looks good quickly. I made one myself a long time ago, but……it was criticized very much”

“Hee. By whom?”

Jackie-san may be a big guy, but he’s handy enough. If you make it without cutting corners, it should look pretty good.

“……My wife. When I was single”

“Severe criticism……I mean, you’re married after all”

“After she laughed at me, she made me redo it every time I took it to her……in the end, I ended up with a brooch that looked nothing like the first one, seventeen times”


“It’s not funny”

“Maybe it wasn’t that Jackie-san’s taste was really bad, but that you were willing to do so much redoing for her, that’s why she married you”

“……I’m not sure about that. I’ve been told, 『Don’t make any more of your accessories because they will never be accepted by women』”


If it’s a small item made seriously with Jackie-san’s arm, it will be a good craft by itself. I’m sure his wife doesn’t really think so, since she finally accepted it and they even got married. I think she just doesn’t want anyone else to have Jackie-san’s jewelry.

“So I envy you, Bocchan, for being able to make them so well”

“……Ask your wife if you can make one for Sara-chan next time”


I have a feeling she’ll allow it. Sara-chan, his wife, dotes on her. But even if she doesn’t allow it, it might mean that she wants to monopolize Jackie-san’s 「Secret arm」 that much. ……Either way, I think Jackie-san is loved very much.


Night. I went to the baron’s mansion and put the finished hair ornament on Maia and although Selenium immediately reworked the way she wore her hair, it looked better than I expected and the people around me applauded.

“Hohoho. It looks good on you”

“Yes, it does. I’ll have one made sometime soon”

“I’ll ask you to make me one too, when you’re free”

“That’s my master”

“Mirror, mirror…… Look, Maia-chan, it looks like this?”

“Ah Selenium, don’t run!”

Maia looks at her unusual hairstyle, wrapped in her hair ornaments, with her cheeks blushing and tilting the mirror.

“I’m sure you could get the same haircut with the one you bought before”

“It was made by Andy-sama, so it’s……much better”

“……That’s great, but now that I’ve bought it, you’ll have to wear it, too”

I said that with a little shyness, but Maia was crazy about looking in the mirror.

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