Chapter 756: Fame (Part One)

“The injuries in your body are too much,” Fei frowned and said. He discovered that there were a lot of hidden internal and external injuries on Constantine’s body.

Right now, Constantine’s internal organs had clearly shifted locations, and it was a severe side-effect of practicing the [Seven Injure Fist]. Like a lot of water on one side of a big dam, there was the danger of overflowing. What was more dangerous was that once all these hidden injuries couldn’t be suppressed anymore, no one would be able to cure Constantine. Just like how the water can crush a dam when it was over capacity, the same thing could happen to Constantine’s body.

Aside from the hidden injuries, there were a lot of external wounds on his body; they were obtained after several days of battle.

The most terrifying wound on him went from his left shoulder to his right thigh, almost making him break into two halves. Although the injury already stopped bleeding and formed clots, it now looked black and ugly.

“I’m already fortunate enough to be alive.” Constantine was a tough man, so he laughed and continued, “These injuries will be recovered sooner or later. However, if Your Majesty didn’t appear today, Byzantine would have been conquered and wiped out, and the southern coastline of the Empire would fall into the control of despicable Leonians!”

Fei took out a bottle of red [Health Potion] from his storage ring and handed it to Constantine. Then, he said, “Heal up first. We can talk about other things later.”

The [Health Potion] from Diablo World had miraculous effects for healing all kinds of external injuries, but it was also depended on the strength of the people who were being healed; the same dosage would be less effective toward the more powerful people. In addition to the bigger size of the wounds and potential energies left by more powerful opponents, the more powerful people had more life energy, and more potion was required to replenish that.

One bottle of [Health Potion] was only enough to heal the less significant external wounds on Constantine’s body.

After the effect of the potion was over, Fei switched to Paladin Mode and used the skill – [Prayer].

“Ha!” Fei was instantly covered by a powerful and warm light as if he were a god, and everyone in the command center on [King Alexander] sensed that their stamina which was used during the battle was being replenished quickly. Also, some of the small injuries on their bodies were healed.

Fei reached out his hand which was enveloped by a golden light, and he caressed that deep and shocking black wound on Constantine’s body from top to bottom. Under the light of the golden flames, streaks of reddish-black smoke leaked out of the wound; these were the residual fire-elemental warrior energies that were still causing problems in Constantine’s body.

After doing this several times, the serious external injuries on Constantine’s body were finally healed.

“Hu... that was troublesome. Unfortunately, my paladin character’s level is too low, and it is still in the Normal Mode. If I can bring it into Nightmare Mode, my paladin’s character’s healing ability would be much greater, and it wouldn’t be so hard to heal a wound like this. It looks like I have to focus on balancing the powers of all my characters!” This thought appeared in Fei’s head as he switched back to his barbarian character.

Since Constantine had accumulated a lot of hidden internal injuries in his body from practicing the [Seven Injure Fist] by force, it was quite severe, and ordinary doctors and priests couldn’t do anything about it. Only the power of Fei’s barbarian character, which was in the Sun-Class Realm, could help with it.

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In the next few days, Fei temporarily stayed at the Capital of the Byzantine Kingdom.

Since he had to create momentum and increase the morale of the soldiers, Fei didn’t hide his identity.

Soon, all the Zenitians in the Green Wind Province heard the news from the Byzantine Kingdom. They learned that the Byzantinians obtained the first complete victory in the war against the Leonians in the southern region of Zenit, and close to one-fourth of the navy of Leon got destroyed.

The most important thing was that they understood the reason why the Byzantinians obtained victory – King Alexander of Chambord who was known as the Imperial Martial Saint and Zenit’s Battle God came to the southern region of the Empire.

Chapter 756: Fame (Part Two)

This sudden good news made the Zenitians who were suffering from the pain of war and the suppression of the enemies see hope. It was no different from people seeing a sliver of light in complete darkness.

Without needing orders, many refugees, deserted soldiers, the royal families of the affiliated kingdoms in the region, the officials and nobles of the Empire, mercenaries...

Many people rushed toward the Capital of Byzantine like a flood, and they were seeking the protection from Zenit’s Battle God, King Alexander.

What happened a few days ago during the defense battle of St. Petersburg was already being spread around the Empire by the No.1 Traveling Poet of the Empire, Matt Razi, and his peers. Under the promotion of the Empire, almost every Zenitian learned about it.

During the dark times where Zenit had to face the invasion of the Ten-Empire United Troops, the appearance of a Sun-Class Lord who saved the situation and fought back against the enemies was crucial. Fei became the spiritual pillar of many Zenitians at this moment.

All Zenitians believed that the Zenit Empire wouldn’t be conquered as long as such an invincible master was here, and their enemies would pay a hefty price.

The power that hope could bring to people was insane! In less than two days, more than 200,000 people had gathered at the Capital of the Byzantine Kingdom.

The Green Wind Province that was almost destroyed by the war started to show vitality and regrow as if it was grass in the spring.

Different from the Zenitians who were cheerful right now, the Ten-Empire United Troops that had been committing hideous crimes in the southern region of Zenit were all anxious now that they heard this news as well, and they couldn’t help but feel scared.

On the day that the news about the Imperial Martial Saint of Zenit coming to the southern region spread, the united troops that had been active around the Byzantine Kingdom instantly backed hundreds of kilometers away from the Capital of Byzantine as if there were an outbreak of a deadly disease.

They quickly dropped their actions of killing civilians of Zenit and kept a low profile as they escaped.

After calming down, some people in the united troops doubted the validity of this claim.

They felt like the King Alexander of Chambord should be inside St. Petersburg right now after that defense battle. Why would such a big shot who could influence the lives of many people come here to the southern region? To save civilians? This idea was like a joke to many people.

“To the Royal Family of Zenit, is there anything more important than protecting the Capital City?” people thought.

Therefore, the Ten-Empire United Troops sent ten Six-Star Warriors on the third day and formed an elite suicide squad. They blended in with the refugees who were headed toward the Capital of Byzantine and wanted to figure out what really was going on.

In order to not show any weaknesses, these ten masters dressed like refugees and made a few ‘friends’.

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Unfortunately, a blond young man in white appeared on the defense wall of the city while the refugees were entering.

This handsome young man who looked like an elf didn’t say anything. He simply stood in the sunset as his blond hair fluttered in the wind, and he pulled his bow and shot out ten arrows consecutively. As the bowstring vibrated, ten green lights dashed through the sky and shocked the city like beautiful fireworks.

The ten arrows looked like ten small meteors.

Among the ten masters of the united troops, most of them were turned into pieces on the spot before they could even dodge or escape. The last person didn’t die instantly, but his right arm was nailed into the ground, and he wasn’t able to move!

After shooting the ten arrows, this blond archer disappeared from the defense wall as if he were never there.

That last master of the united troops had to do whatever it took for him to survive. He chopped off his right arm and dashed away with his tail between his legs. He was the only lucky person to leave here alive!

After this incident, no one doubted the validity of the claim anymore.

The handsome archer who appeared on the defense wall was one of the 12 gold saints of Chambord. He was also the King of Chambord’s guard, [Son of Wind] Fernando Torres.

[Son of Wind] was always around the King of Chambord! The King of Chambord was at Byzantine!

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