Chapter 81: Chapter 81 Wisdom

As they arrived at the entrance of the cinema, Tang Tang immediately clung to Yang Chen's arm like a bird, leaning against him closely, presenting a picture-perfect image of a happy little woman.

"What are you doing?" Yang Chen asked.

"I'm pretending to be your girlfriend. It looks better if a man and a woman go in together. Otherwise, it would be awkward," Tang Tang said unabashedly.

Yang Chen scratched his head. "You're like my sister anyway. What's the point of a little girl like you pretending to be a woman?"

"How am I little?" Tang Tang waved her little fists indignantly. "Look at my chest..."

With that, Tang Tang boldly reached towards her neckline. Her round-necked cotton T-shirt was a bit tight, and Tang Tang attempted to pull it open.

"What are you doing?" Yang Chen quickly grabbed Tang Tang's hand. "There are so many people on the street. Why would you want to expose yourself like that?"

"I'm showing you my 'career line'..." Tang Tang said proudly. "Although I'm not a C cup yet, give me a couple of years, and I'll at least reach a D cup. Don't compare me with those aunties who have given birth to children. It's unfair! If you want to compare, compare me with high school girls on the street and see who's bigger!"

Yang Chen was at a loss for words. The little sister suddenly transformed into a proud girl, which was somewhat hard to handle. He coughed a few times and said, "Don't look down on women who give birth. We all make significant contributions to human reproduction and inheritance."

"It's not like you men are saints just because you sow the seeds," Tang Tang pouted.

"Enough!" Yang Chen felt the conversation was going in the wrong direction. "Let's just watch the movie..."

Unable to change this girl into a little sister, Yang Chen dragged Tang Tang, who was like a bottle of oil, into the cinema. Looking around at the young girls and some middle-aged women with big bellies, who were also there to watch the movie, he felt quite compatible with Tang Tang.

Tang Tang still had a childish nature. She bought a large bucket of popcorn and got a Coke and orange juice for both Yang Chen and herself before entering the cinema.

The screening process of the movie was quite long, with scenes of the People's Liberation Army bravely fighting enemies and killing ruthlessly.

Yang Chen couldn't help but ask, "Why does this film only show them killing people without any historical context?"

"What do you expect? These patriotic movies are all like this. They just tell us how difficult it was to establish this country and how many people died. If you want to know more, go read history books," Tang Tang explained.

"But isn't this too fake? With so many bullets flying around, how can people still stand and talk so much?" Yang Chen chuckled helplessly.

Tang Tang looked at him as if he were an idiot. "Uncle, have you never seen such films before?"

"I returned from overseas just over half a year ago, so no, I haven't seen them," Yang Chen admitted truthfully.

Tang Tang looked at him as if she had discovered a new continent. "Really? Uncle, are you still living under a rock? I thought you were some nouveau riche from a small mountain village!"

Yang Chen didn't mind. "It's whatever. Although I'm not a nouveau riche, usually those who call others nouveau riches are just jealous. They're probably wondering how to become nouveau riche if they don't have money, right?"

"Hmph, smooth talker, but quite reasonable," Tang Tang replied.

After watching a movie, Tang Tang had already fallen asleep leaning on Yang Chen's shoulder. Yang Chen nudged her reluctantly, and Tang Tang woke up groggily, wiping the drool from the corner of her mouth with a cute smile.

Actually, this girl was quite cute sometimes, Yang Chen thought to himself.

As they walked out of the theater, Tang Tang, who had drunk a lot of beverages, hurried to the restroom. She took more than ten minutes before sheepishly coming out, making Yang Chen smile wryly.

When the two walked out of the cinema, the neon lights on the street had lit up in various colors. Pedestrians hurriedly passed by, and the nightlife of the city was about to begin.

The temperature outside was a bit cold, making Tang Tang shiver. She grabbed Yang Chen's sleeve and said, "Uncle, let's go quickly. Let's have hot pot. It's cold today."

Feeling the arrival of autumn, Yang Chen nodded in agreement.

Just then, two men in suits suddenly ran up from the side of the cinema and bent down towards Tang Tang.

"Miss, we finally found you. Please come with us," one of the men said respectfully.

Tang Tang frowned. "Are you sent by Dad?"

"Yes, the master is waiting for you. Please don't make things difficult for us," the man replied.

Tang Tang looked at Yang Chen helplessly. "Uncle..."

"It's okay, I'll escort you. I'll go home for dinner later," Yang Chen said, then turned to the two men. "Lead the way."

The two men glanced at each other and made a gesture of invitation.

Tang Tang looked at Yang Chen curiously and then nodded happily. With one man in front and the other behind, Tang Tang held Yang Chen's hand as they walked around a corner to the back of the cinema. The alley was dimly lit, and the cold wind blew in, making Tang Tang couldn't help but complain, "Why are you leading us through an alley? What's wrong with the main road?"

The man in front suddenly stopped and turned around expressionlessly. His face looked unusually pale in the dark alley. His dull eyes stared straight at the two.

The man behind also stopped, staring at them intently.

The alley was deep, with no other person in sight, giving it an eerie feeling.

Tang Tang was puzzled, looking bewildered, not understanding what was happening.

"Tang Tang," Yang Chen asked casually, "do you know these two?"

"I don't know..." Tang Tang replied, "But my dad has a lot of people like them around him, so it's normal not to know. They might be new."

Yang Chen smiled and said, "Then you should go with them. Your brain isn't like theirs."

"Then what else can we do..." Tang Tang pouted and scolded the two men, "Why stop? Keep going!"

As she spoke, the two men who were standing suddenly exerted force, their bodies darting towards Yang Chen like arrows released from a bow!

Yang Chen remained calm, stepping aside lightly. He tiptoed, and his body soared into the air. Taking advantage of the wall in the alley, he effortlessly flipped over, avoiding the two men's pincer attack!

But the assault didn't stop there. Two black, coldly gleaming flat objects swiftly spun towards Yang Chen's body!

Yang Chen twisted his body slightly in mid-air, narrowly avoiding the two projectiles!

Before he could land, the two men struck again. Suddenly, two icy-cold daggers appeared in their hands, stabbing towards Yang Chen's ribs!

Yang Chen's feet kicked upwards against gravity, kicking the two daggers away.

The two men turned around simultaneously, shooting out four lightning-fast dart-like objects!

Yang Chen remained vigilant, anticipating their moves. He leaped into the air and flattened his body to evade their assault.

"Shurikens..." Yang Chen chuckled mockingly after landing. "Judging by your techniques and strength, you're already at the level of a high-level ninja. Which organization do you belong to?"

The two men had shed their outer garments at some point. Now, they were clad in black clothes, short blades hanging from their waists. Only a pair of sharp eyes were visible, glaring at Yang Chen.

Tang Tang, frightened by the sudden turn of events, ran to Yang Chen's back and hugged him tightly, trembling. "Wh-who are they?"

Without looking back, Yang Chen reassured her, "Don't be afraid. They can't hurt you."

"I'm not afraid at all..."

Tang Tang's voice came from behind, but it sent a chill down Yang Chen's spine.

Then, a sinister yet seductive voice sounded...

"Hades, you should worry about yourself..."

Yang Chen swiftly moved, stepping back three steps as he looked at Tang Tang, his eyes narrowed.

Tang Tang, who had initially been scared and confused, suddenly transformed into a seductive figure, exuding a bewitching charm. Her eyes, filled with swirling colors, emitted an icy coldness akin to a serpent's gaze.

"Oh my... I didn't see this coming..." Yang Chen couldn't help but utter a line from a sketch comedy he had heard before, smiling wryly. "What have you done to me?"

"Tang Tang" giggled, "It's nothing, just a special, proprietary toxin. Once it comes into contact with the skin, it quickly spreads throughout the body, causing the loss of nerve sensitivity within five minutes. It's like... temporarily becoming a cripple."

As "Tang Tang" finished speaking, Yang Chen felt his whole body go limp, his legs unable to support him anymore, and he slumped to the ground.

"Hahaha..." the woman couldn't help but laugh out loud. "It seems like the Grandmaster's suggestion was unnecessary. The Lord of the Underworld isn't as formidable as rumored, and not that difficult to deal with."

Yang Chen lifted his head weakly and chuckled, "Your disguise and poisoning techniques are indeed superb. You might have surpassed the level of a high-level ninja and reached the level of a secret ninja..."

"So what if I did?" The impostor Tang Tang walked over to Yang Chen, squatting down beside him. She placed a finger under Yang Chen's chin, her voice mellifluous. "Lord of the Underworld, did you realize my true identity a bit too late?"

Yang Chen shook his head. "Not too late. Among the ninjas of the Sakura Clan, there's only one who has reached the level of a secret ninja and is skilled in disguises and poisons. That would be the most beautiful ninja of all, Hanayo..."

"It's truly an honor that the Lord of the Underworld recognizes me," Hanayo said, her tone laced with sarcasm.

Hanayo didn't worry about being recognized; she just saw Yang Chen as another man enchanted by a woman's charms. She coldly said, "Lord of the Underworld, it's not the time for idle chatter. Please stop beating around the bush."

Yang Chen looked puzzled. "Then what are you here for?"

The smile vanished from Hanayo's face instantly, her voice turning as cold as ice.

"The divine stone! We want the divine stone!"

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