Hades, the Urban Legend

Chapter 120 - 120: Knock Me Out

Chapter 120: Chapter 120: Knock Me Out

In life, there are always too many ups and downs, but when the beauty has just arrived, it is immediately ruthlessly deprived, returning to its original state, or even worse than before. This is not something an ordinary person can bear, especially when this time it's not just failure, but betrayal of one's own soul, even death!

Rose felt the air around her grow much colder. It shouldn't have been cold this season, but she truly felt the chill to her bones.

For the first time, Rose had some admiration for the father she had always refused to acknowledge... This guy was really extraordinary.

Situ Mingze was in no hurry, looking at her with a smirk, patiently waiting for her answer. The bosses of the Western Alliance Society and their guards, of course, were even less in a hurry. They grinned wickedly, gradually closing in, encircling Rose and the others within a small space of about thirty to forty square meters.

As soon as Situ Mingze gave the order, everyone would raise their guns and turn the four of them into Swiss cheese.

Rose looked at the man beside her. At this moment, only this man still maintained a casual smile, as if everything in front of him had nothing to do with him. He was just an inconspicuous bystander in a movie.

"It seems like I've failed," Rose smiled bitterly. She knew Yang Chen was very capable, but the situation in front of her was no longer one that one person could turn the tide of. Even if Yang Chen had three heads and six arms, he couldn't possibly protect the three of them from the siege of thirty or forty guns, right?

Yang Chen reassuringly held Rose's cold hand, conveying a hint of warmth to the woman. "You may have failed, but after all, your opponent is older than you. By the time you reach his age, you'll definitely have a brighter future than him."

"Can I live to that age?" Rose murmured to herself.

"Of course," Yang Chen laughed heartily. "I absolutely won't allow you to leave me."

Rose's dewy eyes gazed at Yang Chen for a moment, as if making a firm decision. She turned to face Situ Mingze. "I can't die today."

"So, are you saying you should listen to me now?" Situ Mingze lifted a victorious smile, his eyes flashing with an increasing cruelty. As long as Rose became his puppet, there would be many things he could do... His ambition would swell dramatically!

Rose took a deep breath. This decision could save her life, but it might also bury her future. But if she didn't choose this, the chance of saving Yang Chen and the other two would be completely lost!

She couldn't allow herself to leave him. She couldn't let him die because of her negligence!

Steeling herself, Rose was about to nod...

"Wait!" Yang Chen raised both hands, suddenly shouting loudly, as if he had seen some supernatural event, inexplicably reaching out to pinch Rose's tender cheek, perplexed as he asked, "My dear Rose, what do you want to say? Why give up and listen to him for no reason?"

"I..." Rose's eyes reddened, smiling bitterly. "I'm sorry, I can't watch you guys die in front of me. Perhaps surrendering is the best option."

Yang Chen was speechless. It turned out that this silly woman thought she was already powerless and wanted to sacrifice herself to save the three of them. It was both moving and laughable...

Although, according to reason, this was indeed a dead end, but, there are always exceptions, right...

"What a cute fool you are. When I said don't leave me, it didn't mean we were going to die together, let alone surrender to him," Yang Chen chuckled, stroking Rose's cheek. Rose blinked in confusion. "What do you mean then? If I don't surrender, he won't spare any of us."

Yang Chen cleared his throat and said, "You lost, but I haven't."

Rose was momentarily stunned, then a hint of something strange flashed in her eyes. After more than half a year of being together, as their feelings deepened, she gradually began to understand some of this man's thoughts. She could sense the truth in Yang Chen's words. Could he really have a way out of this? The thought was terrifying, even to Rose herself!

Meanwhile, Zhang Hu, who had been pinned down, heard Yang Chen's words. He reluctantly raised his eyes and saw the man who had truly led him down this path. Seeing his indifferent expression, Zhang Hu's despondent face gradually changed. Two imperceptible flames of excitement ignited in his eyes...

Situ Mingze was getting impatient. He felt like Yang Chen in front of him was just a clown talking nonsense. He sneered, "Young man, your name is Yang Chen, right? It seems your skills are not bad if you can make my daughter surrender to you so wholeheartedly. But it seems like your brain really isn't working well. Do you not understand what it feels like to be shot?"

Yang Chen calmly patted Rose's palm and whispered, "Don't worry, don't move." Then he turned to Situ Mingze with a smile. "My skills are indeed quite good. Unfortunately, you're a man, and an old man at that, so you won't get to see them."

"You're quite daring, but arguing like this won't change anything under these circumstances. If you want to stay alive, don't influence my daughter's decision anymore," Situ Mingze said, immediately feeling the urge to shoot Yang Chen. But considering how much Rose cared about him and thinking about controlling Rose in the future, he decided it might be better to keep this young man as a hostage.

Yang Chen ignored Situ Mingze's words and casually glanced around, counting the number of people. Muttering to himself, he said, "Forty-one, a bit too many. Looks like I'll have to use some unconventional methods."

With that, Yang Chen slowly crouched down, sitting on the floor, and then reached down to take off his rarely worn shiny new black shoes. He also took off his pair of white socks and stuffed them into the shoes. Then, in full view of everyone, he rolled up his trouser legs, stopping just above his calves.

When Yang Chen stood up again barefoot, everyone in the room thought he had gone crazy. Was this guy's brain full of rocks? At such a life-and-death moment, why was he taking off his shoes, socks, and rolling up his pants? Was he planning to go farming or something?

In fact, Yang Chen hadn't finished yet. After smiling apologetically at the people around him, he took off his suit again and then his shirt, leaving only a white undershirt on the inside.

He stuffed all the discarded clothes, shoes, and socks into the arms of the stunned Xiao Zhao and said, "Help me take care of these, don't drop them, I'll need to wear them later."

Rose, Xiao Zhao, and Chen Rong looked at him puzzled, not understanding.

Situmor Mingze finally realized that he couldn't figure out what this young man was up to. This lack of control made him uncomfortable, and he couldn't help but ask coldly, "What are you doing?"

Yang Chen jumped in place, stretched his muscles, and said, "Nothing much, just don't want your blood to stain my clothes later, I prefer to stay clean." He grinned amiably.

"This kid must be out of his mind! Haha, what is he talking about?"

"I think he's scared to death, a pretty face is just a pretty face, totally useless..."

Several big shots from the Western Alliance Society thought Yang Chen was completely crazy, talking illogically.

Situmor Mingze laughed in anger. Whether Yang Chen was crazy or not, he was determined not to let him live.

"Oh? Do you have any way to make our brothers here bleed?" Situmor Mingze teased Yang Chen, looking at him as if he were watching a lone puppy.

The smile on Yang Chen's face gradually disappeared, replaced by a somewhat abrupt bleak expression, neither sad nor happy, as if completely empty. What's even more eerie is that Yang Chen's pupils gradually changed from black-brown to a dazzling crimson...

The forty or so members of the Western Alliance Society gathered around all felt a chilling coldness at the same time!

This wasn't an ordinary chill; this inexplicable coldness made everyone immediately think of only one thing!


Not only all the members of the Western Alliance Society, but even the three roses behind Yang Chen also felt an extraordinary bone-chilling coldness. It was as if the Yang Chen standing in front of them had turned into a raging storm, with him as the center, an invisible darkness began to permeate the entire venue. The phrase "deathly stillness" truly manifested its most literal meaning!

Many of the underworld big shots present first felt as if they were already on a battlefield strewn with corpses, with heads thrown in blood, horses with legs severed, and intestines flying, the pervasive piles of bodies staining the desolate wilderness red with thick, viscous blood...

Such imagery seemed absurd, yet many struggled to swallow their throats, finding themselves inexplicably drawn to these gruesome scenes!

However, for Rose, who was most familiar with Yang Chen, after the initial shock, she felt a sudden pain in her heart. Watching the man's figure submerged in darkness in front of her, Rose felt as if her heart had been ruthlessly cut open by a sharp blade. Various feelings of violence, brutality, darkness, and ferocity surged into the depths of her soul, causing her heart to almost stop beating, making it difficult to breathe, until she felt herself being pushed into a desolate wilderness, entering an icy polar region, no longer able to feel any warmth...

Was this how he felt?

Tears welled up in Rose's eyes in an instant.

The others present, however, wouldn't have as many sensations as Rose. They simply felt the place suddenly become so unfamiliar, all because of the terrifying aura emanating from the man in front of them, causing their bodies to feel numb and stiff. They knew it was just a kind of hallucination, yet they found it hard to break free from this sense of emptiness!

At this moment, even breathing became a heavy burden, and the oppression on their souls felt like a raging flood, swallowing all their vigor!

Situmor Mingze widened his eyes, blood vessels already prominent. He was facing Yang Chen directly, most able to comprehend the emptiness in Yang Chen's gaze at this moment, a hollowness that made Situmor Mingze feel weak.

The man in front of him was no human; in his presence, Situmor Mingze felt like an ant facing a human!

Even if ants armed themselves and formed a group, they couldn't resist the foot of a human stomping down!

Situmor Mingze, his breathing becoming rapid, wanted desperately to shout aloud, to find out who this absolutely insane person was! But he couldn't muster the strength or the courage!

For the first time in his life, Situmor Mingze felt a fear so intense he wanted to cry! But just at that moment, Yang Chen made his move.

Yang Chen's movements were graceful, neither fast nor slow. In three seconds, he had already crossed the ten steps between him and Situmor Mingze.

Without a hint of emotion in his crimson eyes, Yang Chen met Situmor Mingze's gaze for a moment before reaching out and tapping the back of Situmor Mingze's neck.

Situmor Mingze's eyes widened as if he forgot to resist. After being tapped, his eyes closed, and he slumped to the ground unconscious!

His collapse seemed to inject a dose of adrenaline into all the other members of the Western Alliance Society. Finally sensing the crisis at hand, they began frantically raising their guns, attempting to aim at Yang Chen!

But just as everyone instinctively moved to attack Yang Chen, his speed suddenly became incomparable to before!

Almost like a blur, Yang Chen swiftly dispatched the two closest bodyguards in Zhang Hu's entourage, sending them flying with two palm strikes. Then, in rapid succession, he kicked away the nearest fat boss and his two henchmen!

Before the dull thuds of their bodies hitting the courtyard pillars could fade, Yang Chen's figure had already appeared in the midst of another group of people!

Yang Chen's hand chop turned into a steel-like blade, landing on the heads of two black-clad bodyguards. It cut through them as if slicing through cheese, spraying blood and flesh everywhere, enough to make even these underworld figures nauseous!

But Yang Chen remained unaffected. His hands and feet moved through the crowd like a dance, each movement causing blood to spurt and screams to echo continuously!

The bodyguards, reliant on firearms, couldn't imagine how to face an enemy when their guns couldn't target. And when they finally had a chance to aim at Yang Chen, it was too late — his metallic limbs were already devastatingly striking their bodies!

Xiao Zhao, holding Yang Chen's clothes, finally understood why Yang Chen had taken off his garments. When he realized the significance of the blood-red hue before him, he felt nauseous and wanted to vomit!

Chen Rong couldn't bear it either. Upon smelling the pervasive scent of blood, the young girl passed out.

Even Rose, who had been enduring from the start, eventually closed her eyes, unable to bear seeing anymore.

When the last five members of the Western Alliance Society faced Yang Chen with trembling hearts, one of them finally thought of a way to save himself. With trembling arms, he raised his gun, attempting to aim at Rose and the other two.

But he underestimated Yang Chen's speed at this moment. Before he could lift his hand, Yang Chen's hand chop had already fallen on his elbow!


The sound of bones breaking was unexpectedly crisp. When the man realized the pain, his arm, along with the gun, had already dropped to the ground!

The five individuals, unable to wait for Yang Chen to strike again, were directly scared unconscious by the terrifying scene before them...

Time froze, the scene fixed at this moment.

In the vast hall, the lights still bright, but the pristine floor had turned into a battlefield. Scattered limbs, flowing crimson blood, faces of defiance... And at the center of it all stood a lone figure.

Zhang Hu, who had been lying on the ground, was the only audience member brave enough to witness everything. He didn't dare to get up, as his legs had turned as weak as boneless...

With closed eyes, Rose finally heard the silence around her and cautiously opened her eyes. In their gleam, she saw the man still standing, and at the same time, she saw men lying all around!

He won?

He won!

With forty guns pointed at him and in a space of several dozen square meters, this man had defeated all his enemies in just a few breaths!

Rose no longer cared about the gruesome scene before her, for she only had one thought now: to rush over and give Yang Chen a passionate embrace!

Dragging her long skirt on the floor, Rose disregarded the blood all around as she ran to Yang Chen's back, forcefully wrapping her arms around his waist, crying tears of joy.

"Husband, you did it..." Surviving the ordeal, Rose couldn't care less about her status as a big sister of the underworld, only wanting to hold the man in her arms and cry tears of happiness.

But Yang Chen didn't turn around. He remained in place, but his body began to tremble...

Rose noticed Yang Chen's abnormality and nervously walked to stand in front of him. When she saw Yang Chen's complexion at this moment, her face drained of color! Though the crimson hue had faded from Yang Chen's eyes, returning to their normal color, his gaze appeared vacant and lifeless. His face was pallid, with occasional flashes of sickly red and white, cold sweat dripping continuously from his forehead, and his lips had lost all color, resembling white paper.

Yang Chen's entire body was drenched in sweat, trembling increasingly.

"Husband... What's wrong with you?" Rose was more afraid now than when she had been staring down the barrels of guns. She couldn't imagine what her life would be like without Yang Chen. But now wasn't the time to ponder these questions; she couldn't bear to see Yang Chen like this!

"Husband, speak, please speak! What's wrong with you? How can I help you?" Rose cried out, shaking Yang Chen's arms continuously.

Xiao Zhao and Zhang Hu also came to their senses. Though the scene before them made their legs weak, their greater concern was Yang Chen's condition!

Under Rose's constant shaking, Yang Chen finally regained some semblance of consciousness. His forehead bulged with veins, as if enduring unimaginable pain. His voice hoarse and intermittent, he managed to say, "Hit... hit... knocked out... me..."

Rose hesitated upon hearing this response.

"Hurry..." Yang Chen roared in agony, his eyes rolling back, his body almost convulsing.

Unable to bear seeing Yang Chen like this any longer, Rose gritted her teeth and mustered all her strength, landing a palm strike on the back of Yang Chen's head!

But Yang Chen's body strength far exceeded Rose's imagination. Even though Yang Chen deliberately didn't put up any defense, actively asking to be hit, Rose's forceful blow still couldn't stimulate Yang Chen's nerves enough to render him unconscious!

Rose gritted her teeth. Turning to Zhang Hu, who had rushed over, she shouted, "Zhang Hu, use all your strength to knock Yang Chen out, quickly!"

Pale with fright, Zhang Hu knew the situation was tense, and despite his fear, he mustered all his courage, delivering a powerful blow to the back of Yang Chen's neck!

Yang Chen's body was heavily struck, falling into Rose's embrace. With a muffled groan, he finally lost consciousness!

"What... what happened to Yang... Yang ge?" Xiao Zhao stammered nervously.

Seeing that although Yang Chen was unconscious, his facial muscles were still tense, indicating he was still in unbearable pain, Rose didn't dare to waste any more time. She quickly instructed Xiao Zhao and Zhang Hu who had troubled faces, "You two handle the aftermath here. I'm taking Yang Chen to get medical help immediately. If you have any urgent matters, don't bother me for now!"

With that, ignoring the pained expressions of Zhang Hu and Xiao Zhao, Rose lifted Yang Chen and ran out of the hall.

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