Chapter 570 The Art Of Life.

Soverick tried and tried. He gripped and punched. Each of his moved dealt lethal or critical damage. The Ravens are larger than him but they can't match his strength, but he is too outnumbered. More birds start to surround him the longer the fight last. The fight hasn't lasted 5 seconds and he is already about to be surrounded by 100 birds. If not for the trees then he will be easily overwhelmed. He has to do something because all it will take is one good hit with their claws to rend him apart. It is an unpleasant outcome that he hopes to avoid because he very much likes to be in one piece. Who doesn't?

He slammed into the underbelly of a raven and punched it. The collision knocked the bird backward while the punch pulverized its chest. Soverick flew closer to his stunned target and dug into the wound. He hurriedly spread the soft tissues in the wound apart and entered it. The Ravens are very large so there is room for him. He had to wiggle and struggle a bit but he got in. Most importantly, he got in before the other Ravens can get to him.

The Raven he entered didn't think highly of his resourcefulness. It screeched and cawed in pain. It floundered about but it couldn't do anything to the guest within its body. Soverick tore into it from the inside out. He reached up into its chest and killed the bird by crushing its heart. He crushed anything that looked important because creatures can have several hearts. 

The raven became limp after he crushed the single heart. It seems the Ravens didn't evolve to have many hearts. It fell to the ground creating a loud crash. The other ravens cawed angrily while circling the corpse. They were wondering where Soverick is or if he is dead. They won't leave until they see his corpse. They will tear it apart to make sure. 

Soverick burst out from the back of the corpse and struck the closest giant Raven. He caught the bird unawares so he was able to close in on the bird before it could resist. He grabbed one of the wings of the startled bird and pulled it with all his strength. The raven made a sound of pain like no other as its wing was torn from its body. 

That cry of pain crossed language barriers and could be understood by everything, even souls. It was a pure transmission of the emotion of pain that anyone can empathize with. But to Soverick, It was a pleasant sound. It sounded like music to his ears. Like the wonderful voice of choirs and the beautiful sounds of instruments. It is certainly better than the sound the flesh made as it was forcefully and unnaturally separated.

He grinned and admired the sight of his work.

The bone of the wing was torn violently out of its socket. Ligaments and muscles were ripped. Pink blood poured out of torn blood vessels from the wound. The blood scattered in the air and splashed on him. None of it actually touched him. His barrier stopped it. That's the only thing the barrier is good enough for right now. That glancing blow with the claw is enough to know that his barrier cannot withstand the sharp edges of the bird's feathers, claws, and beaks. One hit and he is good to go.

Chaos descended after that. The birds tried to overwhelm him with numbers but he will foist their plan by seeking abode within the safety of a bird's body. Then he would rip the bird apart and start the cycle again. It became a blur of violence. The birds are bigger than him and very dangerous too but he is stronger than them individually. All he needs to do is get his hands on them. Once he is in contact with them then he can separate their body parts into gory pieces with his bare hands.

He crushed bones, tore wings, punched through an entire bird, broke their backs, and snapped their necks. Their corpses piled up and a small stream of pink blood began to form but the Ravens refused to retreat. They cawed and fought him relentlessly. The forest echoed with their shouts intermixed with the occasional sound of his fist Pulverising flesh and bones snapping.

The trees helped to reduce the numbers that can face him at once but the birds are simply endless and unrelenting. They refused to give up despite the gory death of a lot of them because they have nowhere else to be. They were made to put him down and put him down they will even if it takes all of them. Besides, he has not managed to kill 1% of them. That is not enough for them to lose morale just yet.

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ Not that he is complaining. He is enjoying the experience. There's a feeling of euphoria that you will experience when your fingers dig past flimsy skin into the muscles that lay beneath. You will feel the heat of life and the rhythm of the heart beating to pump blood through the entire body. Life is a beautiful work of art. Multiple organ systems working together to keep it going. The height of euphoria comes when you render that work of art useless.

He defaced the art of life by destroying the body and he did it one piece at a time. He did it by digging his fingers into their bodies, grasping hold of flesh, and ripping it away. Then he repeated it. His hands moved in a blur of motion as he subtracted more flesh from a body. He grabbed everything he can grab and pulled it away be it muscle, organs, or bones. He deconstructed life and he enjoyed it.

What he is doing can be considered art too. He is remaking their bodies. He found it not up to his taste. His taste being that he wants them dead. So he is rearranging their body parts to meet the requirements of his taste.

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