Chapter 512 Unlimited Copying Vs Copying From Memory.

He tried to create a way for demon dukes to evolve and grow stronger but he got a promising explosive device. Instead of bypassing the requirement for Authority and allowing the evolution of demon dukes, the upgrade empowers the body of the demon dukes with unstable energy and puts them in a state too powerful for their state of existence to handle. They end up exploding. It is a lesson that the rules, limitations, and restrictions are there for a reason.

The tree father is being careful in using its avatar here in the Zargoth plane to try to acquire another domain. It has decided on the domain of order and the sun. Those domains are open for the taking now that there is no god with them. The best thing is that the Tree father doesn't need to start afresh with a new church. It already has believers and can just add another title to its name. So it became the God of Life, Order, and Sun.

It chose those two domains because it can only maintain 3 separate domains despite the unlimited amount that the black orb can allow. It is partly due to the suppression of the law matrix and the inability of the tree father to withstand the soul burden of more than 3 domains.

The law matrix of the void universe cannot stop the shard of power from being able to handle unlimited domains, but it can increase the burden of each subsequent domain. There is an exponential increase in the burden of domains as more and more are added to them. 3 domains are the current limit of this avatar of the tree father. Going further is inefficient.

It is better to let the other avatar have more domains than to force this avatar to take another domain. If all the other avatars have just 2, then they will have more domains for less burden than forcing a single avatar to have 4 domains.

Legion thought really carefully about the selection of domains. The three domains of Life, Order, and, Sun are very compatible and can be fused. The domain of the sun can benefit from the energy of Helios. With Helios's help, the tree father can control the heat from the sun that reaches them and they can create powerful artificial stars if they need it. The artificial stars will be named Death Stars because they will be used as weapons.

Helios and the tree father are also collaborating on an alternative path of refinement for the giants of order. It is based on their runes and the original divine power engine that they created. It is why the tree father selected Order instead of Power and Might. The divine power engine has been changed to the demon power engine because there are no gods but there are plenty of demons. Beelta's old body is still very useful for their research even after her death.

Giants of Order can't progress beyond transcendents. The alternative path aims to bypass the restriction of order on their body and enable them to evolve. The idea is to use the law fragments on their body to create a prison-like engine that will siphon the power of demons. So giants might not be able to evolve but they will be able to use the power of demons that they have captured within their prison.

pαndα`noνɐ1~сoМ Technically, a transcendent giant of order can have the power of a demon Lord which is the equivalent of a titan of law and a grand god, if they successfully bind a demon Lord to their prison engine. This will enable giants of order to become relevant once the era of conquest starts.

Legion is not doing it out of charity. They are doing it to get stronger foot soldiers. They control the plane now and can do anything they want with it. So they are just improving the quality of their tools. That's why the rune for the prison engine is going to go to contain a lot of control and sabotage mechanisms to ensure loyalty to Legion.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

The alternative path of power is Helios's and the tree father's project. As for him, he is on his way to see if he can hurt the new celestial supreme. He is currently flying up in the sky to meet the Celestial supreme. He has some new toys since the last time they faced off that he is hoping to test out.

A lot has happened to him since the creation of THE WILL OF THE KING. He sent his avatars around while he remained busy modifying his sin abilities. He is about to leave the plane permanently but he wants to test his new abilities before he goes. He has some new abilities that have been officially recognized by his mark of sin. He receives a notification when it happens so he knows he has created something orthodox instead of the abomination that is the so-called upgrade of the Chaos spark.




#(THE POWER OF ENVY: Make copies of any magical ability or skill that you see and have seen at higher power)

First, there is the change to his very first mark of sin. It was easy to change and he could have done it on his own because the change he wanted was easy. His shard of power made the change quicker. The original POWER OF ENVY could make only three copies of an attack. He removed the limit on it. It was easy to do and he could have done it on his own.

What wasn't easy to do is removing the limitation of activation on sight. The former ability needed him to see the attack before copying it but now he can just use his memory to copy an attack that he has seen before. It is Unlimited Copying Vs Copying From Memory.

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