Chapter 1195 Soul Body Vs Body Of Law.

External law fragments affect the consciousness and also limit the amount of stats that transcendents can transform with Origin energy. They also slow down their healing so it is unlikely for an Origin weapon to be easily assimilated. But if it works, then he would gain the powerful body of law of titans of law.

This kind of body of law is not like the weak one gained through bloodlines. Bloodlines grant less than 1% law fragments in the body whereas a true titan of law that broke through from a long of law and whose existence experienced the baptism of the loss of essence from their Origin has a body of law that ranges from 20% to 80%.

That means they will be able to resist up to 20% to 80% of damage from attacks and also gain the amplification of world power by 20% to 80%. A body of law is the next stage of evolution on the path of perfection and it is something to look forward to. Especially since he would be getting it earlier with a soul body.

He was admiring himself with his divine sense when his mark of identification alerted him to a communication request from an Origin god. He reached into it with divine sense and activated the communication talisman within it. A hologram that only he could see appeared in front of him.

The Origin god said, "Congratulations on becoming a transcendent. I have been assigned to mentor you about the path of power that supreme beasts take so that you won't lose your way and waste the potential that the Supreme Alliance sacrificed 254 Shapiros and other resources for."

The mark spoke directly to his mind so only he could hear it. The transmission of the voice contained inflections and expressions of emotions so he was able to hear the grave importance of the last part.

He bowed to show respect. "I appreciate the Supreme Alliance for its help but isn't an Origin god too much as a mentor for a transcendent?"

"An Origin god is probably too much for other races but not for Supreme Beasts. This mentorship program was implemented by the Supreme Alliance to ensure that every Supreme beast becomes an Origin god. It has enjoyed a lot of success so we have a lot of Origin gods. So there are a lot of Origin gods to spare to mentor transcendents. The program has created a virtuous cycle. More Origin gods mean we can train more Origin gods and the Supreme Alliance is all about efficiency."

"As it is, you have more than a 90% chance of becoming an Origin god. That is more than 90 times the normal chances of other races. You will become an Origin god as long as you do not squander your potential. The other 10% of supreme beasts that fail to become Origin gods do so only because they want to experiment and try other means. They want to be exceptional and they failed entirely."

"90% chance? That sounds good." He said.

The chance to become an Origin god as a transcendent is very low. After all, one has to become a lord of law, king of law, overcome the deadly breakthrough to a titan of law, manage to gain control of their concept before they run out of time, then manage to acquire Origin essence or survive the tribulation.

He is truly impressed with the Supreme Alliance. First, it was the 100% chance to become transcendents and now it is the 90% chance to become Origin gods. High elves have achieved the first but the second is still beyond them. They have only achieved a 50% chance of becoming an Origin god.

If someone has a 50% chance of survival for each of the five stages, they would have a chance of 3.125% to become Origin gods. Of course, 50% is for situations where the person is not killed along the way. It doesn't account for external problems apart from the inherent difficulty of the path of perfection. It is no wonder why others have a less than 1% chance to become Origin gods.

The failure of high elves in becoming Origin gods despite having ample life essence is because most of them are weak-minded. They have relied on their bloodlines for most of their life and they almost never fight because they don't have any threats. Their Willpower is weak so their mind is destroyed during the mind tribulation.

Their body is strong but that isn't good enough to become an Origin god. Only those that don't have any weakness in body, mind, and soul will pass the tribulation and become Origin gods.

Life essence can ensure a breakthrough to transcendence but it can only improve the chances of becoming origin gods. The tribulation is still dangerous. Still, even that 50% is already enough for high elves to feel proud. They don't participate in the trial of heaven because of life essence.

He thought to himself, "Then again, high elves have higher fertility than Supreme beasts and a higher population so they should have more Origin gods than Supreme beasts."

Unlike high elves, Supreme Beasts have no bloodlines. And even though they have life essence too, they do not relax on their laurels. They are always fighting to acquire more divine abilities because that is their source of strength.

The fact that some Supreme Beasts don't always use the tried and tested tribulation method to become Origin gods reminded him of something. He remembered seeing some Supreme Beasts in the trial of heaven.

He said to himself, "That would explain why some Supreme Beasts still attend the trial of heaven. They are trying something different. But what is it that they are trying?"

"I appreciate your help." He said to the Origin god.

Then he asked respectfully like a young Supreme beast would, "What should I call you, sir?"

He wasn't timid since he wasn't raised that way but he expressed due respect like someone who was fed nicely and forced to fight his peers for his life by his Superiors should.

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