Chapter 1113 Little Bitch.

Chapter 1113 Little Bitch.

The demon gods are hell-bent on getting that special world spark. They will do everything they can to get it. It is a struggle not unlike the common struggle in the abyss. The fittest will survive and the Victor will become stronger. 

It is for this once-in-a-billion-year opportunity that CARNAGE and WRATH are willing to sacrifice hundreds of millions of accumulation to acquire. But then something finally went right for the demon of god of Carnage. The plane which is about 5 billion km square finally gave up. 

The surface of the plane has cracked all the way down to its foundation. There was a sharp crack as it detached from the law matrix. It stopped being a plane at that point. It has lost its connection to the realm tree so it is just a chunk of land, air, and water floating in the void. 

A chunk of land, air, and water cannot resist the pressure of the void on its own. The divine plane was the first to go. It cracked and fell inwards like the shell of an egg. Air was siphoned out of the plane into the void after the barrier around it was breached. Then the broken land masses were shredded by the void. 

In the midst of all this are two tiny beings fighting for the treasure. They are probably big when compared to the inhabitants of the plane. However, compared to the debris of a broken plane and two even bigger red clouds smashing into each other, the black hexapod and the white-scaled lizard are small beings jostling each other like children. 

Transcendents and above can survive in the void. The smart ones who care about self-preservation, which is all of them, left the wreckage of the plane in a hurry. They want the treasure but there are two demon gods around. The presence of such malevolent entities deterred them. But not Ragnarok and the fountain of life.

Ragnarok is currently in possession of this special treasure. He held it tightly against his chest while he used his ten tails to batter the fountain of life. He focused on defense and fleeing the destroyed plane. The fountain of life couldn't do anything to stop him. 

The fountain of life roared in frustration. It yelled at him, "Curse you Ragnarok."

"Enjoy your brief moment of arrogance you little shit. It will end very soon."

The demon god of Carnage is right about that. It is much faster than him. It is gaining on him as fast as possible. It is falling towards him like a giant funnel of energy and power. He will collapse if he is struck by this funnel. 

"You better hurry up. I am running out of time." He shouted in his mind to Legion-7.

Maybe if he throws the treasure far away from himself then the demon god will stop chasing him. But he didn't give it up. The major reason is that he is greedy. He doesn't want to give up something that is already his. 

The second reason is that this treasure is special. Legion is in possession of a world spark that they gained from the first sage so he knows that this is not a world spark. It is something more than a world spark. It is all the more reason why he should not give up the treasure.

But the most important reason is because there is a way for Legion to get away with this treasure and more. He might die but Legion must get this world spark or something greater. Otherwise, his effort will be in vain. So he must escape with it. 

Legion-7 is seeing to his escape right now. It has extended a tentacle through the soul sphere into his existence. Legion-7 began annexing his soul immediately so that he could resurrect Ragnarok later.

His soul is being consumed by Legion-7 but he didn't resist or panic. Instead, he laughed at the rushing tide of red blood about to reach him and made sure to provoke it one last time, "The fountain of life failed. You have also failed. Watch me laugh. It is the last laugh and it is mine."

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