Chapter 1095 A Terrifying Sandwich.

Chapter 1095 A Terrifying Sandwich.

Rinoz refuted in anger. "I am not weak. I have the entire power of the plane supporting me. I am strong."

"Your reign of terror ends now." She declared with a great shout, "I will kill you today."

The fountain of life sneered. It couldn't take her seriously. This was a girl that it had watched grow up. This was a girl that had reached her current level of power largely due to its help. This was a girl that is alive today thanks to its mercy.

It said in ridicule, "I am a force that you cannot possibly imagine or comprehend. You don't even know what kind of power I wield and you dare to call yourself strong. If you knew my full might then you would be running for your dear life now. You are but an ignorant child granted a modicum of power and you have let that power get to your head. You are nothing and you will die as nothing."

The fountain of life laughed and its laughter rumbled through the plane, vibrating through every living and nonliving thing. It shook them to their very core.

"But go ahead, little hero, show me what you're made of. Dance with destiny and embrace your inevitable demise. Your death will give me what I need to reshape this world in my image."

The explosion harmed Rinoz but it also freed her, if only temporarily. She was thrown away by the explosion but the fountain of life was already creating earth around her to capture her again.

Still, this was enough time for Rinoz to retaliate. She urged the ghouls to attack. They responded to her order while she tried to fight off being captured again.

She stretched out her 9 tails around her to hold back the two giant slabs of earth created above and beneath her. Her tails served to prevent the slabs from crushing her while she produced more Novas to destroy them.

Meanwhile, the fountain of life wasn't having a good time despite how carefree it looked. The ghouls have attacked it. The white ghoul that used to be Fenrir had used itself as a beacon to warp other ghouls to itself. So millions of ghouls appeared around it and went on to attack the fountain of life.

The fountain of life looks carefree even though it is being attacked by millions of ghouls because there is a barrier around it that is preventing the ghouls from even touching it. This is the same barrier that was used to seal the ghouls in the first place.

Usually, ghouls can pass through barriers as long as they are not reinforced with soul force. Even then, they can break those kinds of barriers that they can't pass through with brute force. So this barrier that has stopped the ghouls must have met the two requirements of reinforcement and power.

This is quite a surprise considering that the fountain of life is not an Origin god. It has managed to reinforce its barrier with something equivalent to soul force and it is powerful enough to hold back not one ghoul, but millions of them.

It is an achievement that is not without its burden. That burden is affecting its power of creation and preventing it from capturing Rinoz easily. The fountain of life can't hold back the numerous ghouls who are still increasing in number while also trying to crush Rinoz.

Rinoz was able to use the distraction to her advantage. She had to strain herself to the limit trying to keep the earth slabs apart. But she did it. It eased off the fear in her heart. It made her complacent. She was proven wrong very quickly.

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