Chapter 1093 CARNAGE Is Humane.

Chapter 1093 CARNAGE Is Humane.

Soverick oversaw the entire brainstorming process. His eyes and mind created the links between them. He charted possible outcomes and determined the feasibility of the plans.

Soverick's eye lit up suddenly. He got an idea which he made known to every one of them immediately.

"I have a way to make the kickstart engine work. It can work without the danger of the first sage and can work more than once. It will also make the law matrix that we create more compatible with the shards of power."

They all thought seriously about it and tried to work out the kinks in the plan. It is a serious thing if Soverick makes a suggestion. He will only do so when there's a feasible plan for them to work with. That means the mental structure is completed. Now they must consider whether to accept or reject the suggestion. It is a decision that they will make after ironing out the details.

But they soon realized something unavoidable.

Legion-1 said to them, "It seems we must be willing to make a sacrifice. This plan is too risky. It is likely that we will lose everything so it is best that we decide now to lose something to avoid total loss."

It was their turn to state the obvious so they stated the obvious immediately, "Let's do it."

All of them agreed. The idea might not work. The kickstart engine might collapse and they might risk themselves in vain. But they will take the risk. It is because the outcome, if successful is too good to pass off. There is no reward without risk and anything good is worth fighting for.

The fountain of life couldn't hide anymore. The world shook that day and the majesty of the fountain of life was finally revealed.

It all started with an earth-shaking roar. The earth first shook. It rocked back and forth like a cradle. Then it split apart.

A deep crack appeared in the plane. This crack traversed the entire north of the plane. The north is cold and icy so it quickly gave way. The roar from deep within the earth then erupted from the crack. It caused ice and earth to erupt outwards.

The eruption in the earth was not volcanic but it was dangerous nonetheless. Ice scattered all over the plane. These are huge chunks of ice and not small hail stones. They might as well be meteors of ice slamming into the earth and wrecking devastation all over the plane.

Storm clouds also appeared in the sky. They are not made of ash but snow-laden clouds. The little light that managed to get past the demon god was blocked out. The plane was thrown into total and complete darkness. The day became completely indistinguishable from night.

A sinkhole began to form in the north. It started from the point of eruption and spread outwards. It was as if there was a giant cavern in the ground. Earth and ice fell into this giant cavern in the ground. The entire north and some of its surroundings were swallowed up.

It was amid all this darkness and destruction that a fantastic beast emerged from the sinkhole formed by the eruption. It rose from the ground and spread its wings like a majestic creature.

The fountain of life bestowed the world with the glory of its presence after so long of being deprived of the privilege. It is a terrific beast of cataclysmic proportions.

Rinoz saw it and her eyes widened in awe. "It must be at least 20 kilometers in length." She said.

This is the first time that she is seeing the fountain of life and she couldn't help but be impressed. She can see the fountain of life like most of the things still living on the plane. Almost everyone in the plane can see it because it is so large and so high up in the sky.

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