Chapter 1042 Sorrounded.

He made up his mind. "I should target Primogenitors for now. I can then change my focus to other sources when my divine ability is full."

He can go about killing and murdering but it can't compare to a heart of Carnage. The returns for killing random people will be too low and it will take a lot of time compared to the harvest from a primogenitor. So he decided to focus on Primogenitors for now. He will begin a massacre when he can't eat any more hearts of Carnage. 



BLOODLINE: Unknown Royal Bloodline.






ENERGY QUALITY: Origin Energy.

ENERGY QUANTITY: 12,020,759.

VITALITY: 231,728,639,829

ENDURANCE: 223,927,163,928

STRENGTH: 246,828,933,722.

AGILITY: 207,737,638,138


PERCEPTION: 230,882,829,932

SPIRIT: 251,317,353,478




DIVINE SENSE (GRADE): 250,000,000(C)







STATUS: Relaxed.

A single heart of Carnage earned him at least 1,000,000% in boost the first time. If he lets the dish simmer very well and soak up more flavor, which he did in the case of Marlinto, then he can even earn a 1,550,000% boost from it. The addition of 150,000% that he got from the millions of Emperiti's thralls and familiars makes for a total of 2,700,000%

He chuckled to himself after digesting his prey. "I am sure the Vampires must be livid by now. This is sacrilege to them. I stole from their supreme and I killed an entire Lineage of Vampires. Even Xigger wasn't this notorious and they hated him for it. I can just imagine the looks on their faces and their hatred for me."

His strength has increased from 10^17 to 5 X 10^17. That's more than 5 times his previous power output. That is a lot considering how large his stats were before. But that's not the only thing that he gained from killing and eating Marlinto. He also gained the hatred of the Vampires and the pleasure of stealing from the demon god. 

What he did is sacrilegious to Vampires. It is the ultimate disrespect to their supreme and a sin that can only be atoned for with his death. Others believe that the heart of Carnage is to be bestowed. But he doesn't think that. He doesn't believe that any power that is bestowed is true power. If it can be bestowed, it can be taken away. 

Xigger learned that lesson the hard way. He on the other hand has no respect for the power that is bestowed. He believes only in the power that he gained himself. Even the title of the child of the plane is not secure. That's why Legion is currently working on a way to create their own source of infinite energy. 

They planned to use the Authority of the Celestial Supreme to do that. So they schemed to kill Zernon for it. Unfortunately, that won't work anymore. The god of fate toyed with Helios, Aeternus, and the tree father in the Zargoth plane. The god of fate used them to become the Celestial Supreme and they can't do anything to him. But that won't stop Legion. They will continue looking for a way to become reliant on themselves and only themselves. 

He also won't stop trying to make himself stronger when there is a way to. He just has to take what he wants regardless of the hatred of the Vampires. If anything, their hatred only makes his hunt more pleasurable. 

He said in anticipation, "It is time for the next target."

There are a lot of Primogenitors in the plane. He only needs 7 more hearts of Carnage to complete the capacity of his divine ability. So he has to resume his hunt. 

He withdrew his domain after digesting Marlinto. The dark world shrunk around him. It disappeared into his mind through his soul to the soul sphere and back to Legion-1. The disappearance of the domain made him appear in the Cavern where the fight started. Except the cavern isn't the same anymore.

The entire place has been scorched with flames and demolished by explosions. This is not purely due to his fight with Marlinto. Most of the fight took place within the domain so it didn't affect the world.

He is only responsible for the large crater that formed when his domain crushed everything it came in contact with when it was activated. Even that crater has been overshadowed by several other types of damage. Someone other than him must be responsible for the destruction of the underground space.

He doesn't have to look far for what caused the destruction. The ones responsible for the damages are still around. In fact, they are very close to him.

"This is not good." He said when he realized his situation.

He is surrounded. There are thousands of wood elves around him. They are looking at him with very hostile gazes. Most of them are irrelevant to him. He could sneeze and they would keel over. The 3 origin gods surrounding him are another story entirely. His roar will not harm them much less his sneeze. 

He chuckled and said, "I'm guessing you guys are not here to welcome and congratulate me."

One of the origin gods laughed. She asked, "What makes you think that?"

She, like the rest of the Origin gods around him, is very leafy. They look like detached parts of some plants that have become sentient. The lady that spoke is the smallest one. She looks like a delicate pink flower. She has several pink petals that have shiny spots on them as if sprinkled with glitter. The flower that she is is not attached to a stalk. She is a free-standing flower.


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