Chapter 395: Jinx I

***31st December 2020***

The sun shone brightly on the green fields on the CTFD Portogaia where the Oporto players were having their team training session.

It was the last day of the year, which for so many people was the time for a year end break where they would travel to their homes to spend the year end with their factory, but the Oporto team was different in this aspect.

Part of it was due to the professionalism of a top-tier club, and another part was that the manager wanted the players at the training grounds preparing for their next game after a narrow escape against their opponents two days ago.

… Well, maybe that was the major reason the players were hard at work instead of on their way home to their families all over the world.

In a room that functioned as the manager’s office at the training ground, the manager was seated at the table drawing some things onto his pad.

It looked like some sort of a tactical set-up, considering the shape and the names being used, but the work wasn’t complete yet.

As the manager continued his drawing, he heard a sharp knock at the door.

*Knock* Knock*

“Come in,” The manager called out without looking up, his focus remaining on what he was drawing, but from the sounds that entered his ears, he knew that whoever had knocked the door had already come into the room.

After a few more seconds of drawing, he could finally see what he was drawing take shape well enough that he wouldn’t forget after the interruption, thus he finally looked up.

“Pepe? What brings you here?” he asked, his curiosity evident in his voice.

Training had barely begun an hour ago so there shouldn’t be anything that would bring the team captain to his office, but what his eyes were seeing were suggesting otherwise.

“Ah… it’s about what you asked me to do two days ago…” Pepe began, but could see that the manager’s curiosity hadn’t disappeared.

“About Jason and Mylo,” he added, and immediately, Conceicao’s eyes lit up in remembrance of the matter.

“Are they still giving each other the cold shoulder? What happened between them?” Conceicao immediately asked.

He had forgotten the matter earlier, but now that he remembered, the urgency of the matter once again bore on him and he pushed aside the tactical drawings he was doing.

“We…” Pepe began and pulled out a chair for himself,

“We… might have a problem… a very big problem,” Pepe sighed heavily as he sat down at the table directly across from the manager.

‘That doesn’t sound comforting,’ Conceicao thought, but he still needed to hear the story.

“Tell me, what happened.”

Pepe didn’t hesitate to tell him what he had heard from Viera.

Viera had acted on the Pepe’s orders and asked Jason about the matter and initially, Jason didn’t seem to want to talk about it, but after little bit of effort from Viera, Jason spilled the beans.

What Viera didn’t know was that Jason had figured out that he was probably acting on someone’s orders to find out the situation between him and Mylo, and after weighing the situation, he had decided that there was no point in hiding the story, hence he had told Viera everything about the story.

Jason had chosen full transparency and had told Viera about how he had met Sofia, what he had felt for her, his actions towards her and their progress with each other, and everything else until the night when he found out that he had been played like a fool.

Viera himself couldn’t believe his ears when he heard the story from Jason, especially since he had heard about Sofia from Jason before and he knew that Mylo knew her as well.

After all, they used to be roommates and Sofia was also the only girl apart from Jason’s agent that had ever been seen with Jason.

After getting all the information, he had come to training this morning like usual and he had told Pepe about what he had heard from Jason and Pepe told the manager everything that he had been told.

“… That’s a major issue that we can’t just hope to blow over,” Conceicao sighed as he finished listening to what Pepe told him.

“… Are you sure that is the whole truth?” he asked after thinking about it for a few seconds.

“I can’t confirm that, but I believe that it is very likely, sir,” Pepe began.

“Jason is not the kind of guy that would come up with such an elaborate story to justify a quarrel between him and someone else, he’s more likely to ignore the whole situation,” Pepe continued, saying what he knew about Jason.

“I’m not saying everything was fabricated… but you’re right, that kid is too straightforward to play those kinds of games,” Conceicao started out trying to defend himself, but midway through, he could not help but agree with his team’s captain.

“Also, from what I’ve heard, that Mylo kid is quite the expert in horizontal relationships, so this sounds to be right up his alley,” Pepe chimed in.

“That doesn’t give me any hope… but we need to at least hear the story from both sides,”

“Help me with that as well,” Conceicao asked Pepe who nodded while still seated in the chair.

Conceicao lay back in his chair and rubbed in between his brows.

Things had become quite troublesome.

This was probably the worst thing that could happen to the team right now.

Despite still being on a good run of form, they had been quite shaky in the last match and conflicts between the players were the perfect ingredient to turn that shaky performance to a run of bad form.

The problem was that there was no simple way to solve the problem.

If the story heard was true, then there was now an irreconcilable chasm between two of the team’s current best performers.

There was no way to settle the matter because considering the age of the two players, they weren’t likely to be able to put aside their differences for the greater good.

In fact, forget about age factors… Conceicao didn’t think even he would be able to work professionally with someone who slept with his wife.

He was sure that whenever they were even thousands of kilometers apart, all he would be thinking was about shoving a knife into the guy’s throat and cutting his di*k off.

It was already a wonder that a physical fight hadn’t broken out yet.

Conceicao was thinking about what he could do to avoid any problems when someone suddenly barged into the room,

“*Huff* Manager, the players are fighting!”

‘Shit, I had to jinx it,’ Conceicao thought as he immediately rose from his chair.

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