Greatest of All Legends

Chapter 243: A Bright Day and A Dark Shadow

Chapter 243: A Bright Day and A Dark Shadow

**13th August 2020**

*12:31 pm*

Jason stared into the wall of his private ward which had become a prison of sorts for him for the next fourteen days and let out a long defeated sigh while rubbing his forehead in exasperation.

“How did this even happen?” he muttered tiredly, not even having enough energy and enthusiasm to be angry at his current situation.

After losing the most important game he had played in his life so far and even getting injured while at it, he had thought things could not get worse and had already begun thinking about his plans post-recovery.

Unfortunately, the day that started with a bright morning had shown him that it wasn’t only on dark shadowy days that misfortune struck.

It had all started earlier in the morning when a nurse had come by to collect a blood sample from him and also to tell him about his schedule with the doctor later in the day.

Jason had simply taken it in stride and had allowed his blood to be taken before the nurse went off with his blood as they needed to run some tests that he didn’t know nor care about.

With the nurse gone, Jason had gone to wash up and waited on his bed while surfing his phone for some online entertainment.

When his door was once again opened, he noticed that something was terribly wrong, because why would hospital staff come to meet him wearing hazmat suits?

Okay, maybe hazmat suits weren’t the right words, but it didn’t change the fact that the medical staff were dressed like he was carrying some extremely contagious disease and that they needed to be wary of him.

Unfortunately, his morbid thoughts had hit the mark because apparently, when his blood was being tested, the person in charge had done a COVID test out of habit because of the recent situation and the test returned positive.

Hearing the whole cock and bull story from the medical staff that he was infected with the COVID-19 virus and that he would have to be placed under quarantine since he hadn’t yet shown any symptoms which meant that he was either just infected and the virus was still in its incubation period or he was an extremely rare case of what is known as a “carrier”.

Jason not only had a hard time wrapping his head around the whole situation, he had a very hard time even believing the bullsh*t they were spouting.

As a ‘regressor’ of sorts, he not only knew about the virus before these people ever comprehended the possibility of such a virus hitting the whole world and causing a global pandemic, but he also knew the risks associated with the virus and the best ways to avoid it.

How could he, ‘a fu*kin regressor’ fall for the most obvious problem that he had to avoid!?

Being the kind of person he was, Jason never took risks regarding his safety and the only possibility of him contacting the virus in his head was from Mylo’s numerous escapades with every woman he could get his hands on.

If his stupid roommate’s antics couldn’t get him to contact the virus, then how the hell did it even happen?

Back in Portugal, he always kept his nose and mouth covered with a nose mask if he so much as stepped out of his house and the only places where his nose mask wasn’t on were at the team’s training center and at the stadium and those places had been vetted so it couldn’t be from there that he contacted the virus.

Hygiene was also a major thing with him so contacting it that way was impossible.

That left his arrival in Germany, but even then he didn’t see any problems in his conduct.

His mask almost always stayed on and he washed his hands at every opportunity he had.

Even at the stadium, he maintained his caution and the only time things went out of the range of his control was when he had been injured and sent to the health center.

‘Could it be from there?’ Jason had wondered in annoyed surprise.

‘Just one involuntary slip-up and I’m positive for COVID? What in heaven’s mercy is this bullsh*t?’ his annoyance grew as it began to become clearer and more plausible that this health center was the only place where it was possible for him to have somehow contracted the virus.

As for the specifics, he didn’t know.

It could be the ambulance, it could be the medical staff, it could be the air he was breathing in as he came to the clinic, it could be the clinic, it could be the doctor that snapped his arm back into place, it could be the emergency room, hell, it could be the room he was in at the moment!

There was no way for him to know, yet the medical staff in their ‘hazmat suits’ kept asking him for the likely location where he could have contracted the virus.

“You’re the fu*king medics, figure it the fu*k out,” Jason had cussed them out in Portuguese, but he kept his voice low and his face stayed impassive so they didn’t have an inkling of his annoyance with them since they were speaking English, though he could tell they were German by the accent in their voices.

Unfortunately, their not having an idea that he was pissed by their presence had them continue annoying Jason with their continuous questions about all sorts of things that Jason didn’t want to hear and correlate.

After listening to their babbling for a few more minutes, Jason had had it and stood up with annoyance and walked over to the two medics in the room, his 6ft height standing above the two female medics.

“I’ll only be saying it once, so listen very clearly,” Jason said in a very cold tone.

“I am not an idiot and I know about the coronavirus and its incubation time of about 14 days,”

“The mere fact that I’m not showing any symptoms at all means that it hasn’t been long since I contacted the virus,”

“So far, I’ve been in Germany for about ten days so I definitely didn’t contact it before my flight because we ran tests,”

“I couldn’t have contacted it at the hotel I was staying either because like I said, it’s been ten days,”

“If I was going to show any symptoms, by now I’d already find it hard to barely breathe,”

“It also couldn’t have been the stadiums or where we did our training, otherwise I wouldn’t be the only one testing positive and an outbreak would likely have occurred earlier,”

“With all the places I just eliminated, use your medical knowledge to try and pin the ‘appropriate location’ where I could have contacted the virus instead of trying to pin the location on all other places but the obvious one,” Jason said his last sentence while unconsciously poking his hand on the chest of the medical staff while his eyes gleamed with his annoyance in full view.

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