Greatest of All Legends

Chapter 236: Blue and Black VS Blue and White IX

Chapter 236: Blue and Black VS Blue and White IX


{Marvellous counterattack! Absolutely unexpected! Borderline crazy!}

{Porto have come up with a response early in the second half that has finally given their fans some hope for this game!}

{Do Porto have something here!?} Guiseppe’s voice burst out in excitement as he delivered prime commentary that excited the Porto fans to no end after seeing their team finally get one back.

{They watched and waited, and now they have delivered!}

{Wonderful wonderful counterattack!}

{I don’t think it took any more than ten seconds to conclude the attack right from its inception with Otavio’s interception!} Guiseppe added, his voice still bursting with excitement.

{I mentioned earlier that Jason added a lot of variation to the Porto attack and he has proven me right on that counterattack}

{The way he got away from Stefan de Vrij earlier was completely out of this world and that helped them keep the attack alive, and not only did he do that, but he still went on to send in a perfect cross that served as an assist to a long-awaited goal for the Porto side}

{The Porto striker’s shot was unstoppable and there was nothing Handanovic could do to deny the Porto team this time} Alan added his own commentary in a calmer voice, but his excitement was almost as palpable as Guiseppe’s as he described the situation with impressive precision and top-level storytelling skills.

The Porto players, however, weren’t swept up in excitement as they simply shared a few high fives and headed back to their half of the field, but their faces looked a bit lighter than before as a slight bit of hope had begun blossoming in their hearts.

The Porto fans however had fully regained their hopes even though their team had only scored one goal and barely reduced their deficit.

The fans were jumping cheering and beginning to cheer for their team once again with hopes that Porto could somehow stage a comeback.

The Porto players didn’t know all this because of the deafening silence of the stadium they were in, but their steps had definitely become a bit lighter after getting a goal against their opponents.

Since there were hardly any celebrations from the Porto team, the match soon resumed with Inter Milan kicking off for the second time in the game.

Immediately after kicking off, the Inter Milan team immediately launched an attack, trying to break past the Porto team with all they had, even using their burly physiques that had been tempered by rough Italian-style football.

It seemed that Porto’s goal had struck a nerve in the Inter Milan team and they were not going to rest until they reciprocated the favour.

#64th minute…

Due to the more frequent Inter Milan attacks, everybody on the Porto team had to fully commit themselves to defending the Inter Milan team who were playing like they were goal-starved.

Even Jason had to play his part and had already made more than five interceptions so far which was reminiscent of a well-performing defender’s stats.

What was funny about the situation was that Jason was a player who wasn’t very inclined on his defending, not to mention that he was an attacking player, and also he had only spent about twenty minutes on the field, thus he had the lowest interception stat on his team apart from Tiquinho who was the only one not behind the ball, and Augustin Marchesin, his team’s goalkeeper.

That was how much the Porto team was being pushed back and oppressed with high attacking play, but Porto somehow withstood all that while waiting for another opportunity and the opportunity soon arrived with Danilo Perreira managing to bully Brozovic off the ball.

Upon retrieving the ball, Danilo sent the ball to Telles who immediately brought the ball under control before sending the ball forward to Luis Diaz.

Receiving the pass, Luis Diaz immediately made to take off down the left flank, but he was soon blocked by Alexis Sanchez and Borja Valero on his right while Diego Godin was coming at him from the front.

Immediately assessing the situation and realizing that it was almost impossible to try and get through all those players without losing the ball, he immediately changed his approach and sent the ball back to Telles who had arrived behind him.

Telles caught the ball with his left leg, pushed it forward a bit, and then hit the ball powerfully, sending it forward in the direction of Inter Milan’s penalty box.

The ball flew smoothly through the air, reached the apex of its flight, and dipped, seemingly going to land just meters outside the Inter Milan team’s penalty area.

As the ball came down, Tiquinho Soares outjumped his marker to get his head to the ball, hoping to send the ball to his striking partner Moussa Marega, but due to some hassling from his marker, he headed the ball completely away from the direction of it’s intended target.

The ball ended up flying towards the right side of the field and Jason immediately ran for the ball, but he soon realized that he wasn’t the only one moving for the ball.

Ashley Young, Inter Milan’s left-wing-back was also running for the ball at an almost equal pace to Jason.

Jason’s brain soon began doing some mental calculations and he realized that he was more likely to get the first touch to the ball before Ashley Young.

‘In that case,’ a thought appeared in Jason’s mind and immediately he got close enough to the ball, he acted,

Stretching his leg out to reach the ball first before it reached the ground, Jason tapped the ball carefully using just enough force that the ball rolled in between the arriving Ashley Young’s legs before Jason evaded the Inter Milan player himself and went behind him to collect the ball.

Not pausing for a moment, Jason immediately pushed the ball forward as he was just a few yards away from the Inter Milan team’s box.

With the goal in sight and remembering the manager’s words, Jason immediately pulled his leg back and unleashed a powerful shot from 23 yards away from the Inter Milan goal.

The ball tore through the air at an alarming pace, rising off the ground and moving towards the top left corner of the Inter Milan goal, but just when the ball was about to smash into the back of the net, Samir Handanovic appeared in the way of the ball and he got his hand to the ball, deflecting the ball away from it’s intended path.

The ball veered away from the goal after deflecting off Handanovic’s gloved palm and smashed against the left post before flying back into play but before anybody could react a shadow in blue and white stripes appeared at the corner of their vision, lunging for the ball in a flying tackle that sent the ball back from whence it came.

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