Chapter 503: Chapter 503: Luo You Woke Up

Within just one day, Ming Que had already purified 29 tufts of one hundred thousand years old spiritual herbs. She was clearly giving her best to purify them.

Other than the 15 tufts of spiritual herbs which were kept in a jade box placed beside her, all the other purified spiritual herbs had her teeth marks. All of them were stained with lots of her saliva.

Every time this little girl purified a tuft of spiritual herb, she would give them one or two bites, destroying the components of the herbs.

It was unknown whether she was so fond of these herbs that she could not restrain herself or she was thinking that Ning Fan would not take them from her after she had bitten them.

Is this the cunning idea of a kid who is trying to hoard all the food...?

Ning Fan took the 15 tufts of one hundred thousand years old spiritual herbs without knowing whether to laugh or cry. Then, he left the rest of the spiritual herbs that were covered in saliva to Ming Que.

“Please help yourself. There is no need to rush... Don’t worry, I won’t take them from you.”

“Really? Are you really not going to touch my medicine babies?” The little girl blinked, looking a little unconvinced. Meanwhile, she took a bite on the thirtieth tuft of spiritual herb which she had just purified.

“Silly girl...”

Ning Fan shook his head helplessly. Su Yan felt that his current expression was a little hilarious.

“I’m off to do something. You two should stay here and rest. Don’t go running around.”

Just as his voice fell, he disappeared in a flash and entered the Profound Yin World again.

He had already gathered 15 tufts of one hundred thousand years old spiritual herbs. They were enough to harmonize the final three pieces of the dark golden lightning bamboo leaves.

Ning Fan appeared in the foggy sky with a body as light as wind. He walked into the thatched cottage without making any sound to avoid disturbing Luo You who was still asleep.

He activated his intent realm power and formed a small dark cauldron which was only a little over one chi* (30.7 cm per chi) tall. It kind of looked like the miniature version of the Dan Fragmentation Cauldron.

He took out every single tuft of one hundred thousand years old spiritual herbs. Then, he summoned a ball of devil flames to heat them up repeatedly.

Two hours later, all fifteen tufts of spiritual herbs were turned into droplets of viscous green medicinal liquid but they did not undergo the refinement process.

Since the medicinal liquid was not going to be used for pill refinement but for harmonizing the power of the dark golden lightning bamboo leaves, there was no need to refine them repeatedly and extract their essence.

Afterward, Ning Fan took out an agate jade bowl which contained a blood mark and poured the viscous medicinal liquid into it. He then put in the three pieces of dark golden lightning bamboo leaves.

As he applied his magic power, the lightning bamboo leaves melted into the medicinal liquid very quickly.

The liquid which was green at first immediately became as dark as ink.

“Finally, it’s time to wake you up...” Ning Fan looked at the white-robed beauty who was sleeping soundly and peacefully. His eyes flashed with complicated emotions.

This lady had helped him countless times throughout his cultivation journey. This time, however, it would be his turn to help her.

When Ning Fan first encountered her, he was merely a Vein Opening Realm cultivator.

Today, however, he had grown and attained the Reckless Devil Realm...

After standing in silence for a while, he suddenly held the agate jade bowl and drank all of the medicinal liquid.

The medicine was extremely bitter but Ning Fan did not really mind its taste. He held the liquid in his mouth without swallowing it.

Then, he went to the side of the bed and gently leaned forward toward Luo You. He pushed his mouth toward Luo You’s ice cold lips, manually feeding her the medicine using his mouth. Slowly, all the medicinal liquid went into Luo You’s body.

The dark golden lightning bamboo leaves were fundamentally medicine to repair one’s primordial spirit. As the medicinal liquid flowed throughout Luo You’s body, her primordial spirit gave off faint flashes of black lightning. Her aura force began to rise dramatically at this moment.

Ning Fan immediately rose to his feet and wiped his mouth. Luo You’s unique fragrance still lingered around his lips. The strange feeling inside him became even more intense.

After putting all of his emotions behind him, he stood still while staring at Luo You, observing her aura force which was increasing steadily and rapidly.

Luo You’s aura force kept rising, gradually advancing toward the Second Heavenly Layer of the Void Fragmentation Realm.

Her demure and beautiful body gently floated above the bed, staying afloat in midair. As her aura force spread out from her body, her white dress fluttered lightly.

She was still asleep but her brows were tightly drawn together. Her forehead was also beaded with fine sweat, as if she was in great pain.

The pain she felt was still intensifying, making her breathing more rapid and heavy.

All of a sudden, she opened her eyes. They were filled with pain and agony.

It was a mere few seconds before she broke through to the Second Heavenly Layer of the Void Fragmentation Realm. At this moment, however, it felt like ten thousand years.

Is he the one who woke me up...? Is he Ning Fan?

Luo You looked at the white-robed young man who was standing right in front of her. Even though the both of them had known each other for many years, it was her first time meeting him in person.

When she thought of Ning Fan wholeheartedly looking for the medicine to wake her up from her slumber, her face became filled with complicated emotions. Immediately, she put up a strong and determined face, looking like she was no longer afraid of any pain.

At this moment, she just wanted to hide her soft side. She did not want others to see it. That was it.

“Silly younger brother, thank you for waking me up. However, I am at the critical moment of advancing to the Second Heavenly Layer of the Void Fragmentation Realm. Thus, I will not be greeting you. For now, get one million li* (500m per li) away from this thatched cottage so that you won’t be affected by my aura force. Astral Wind Secret Art...”

Her tone of voice was lazy but slightly enchanting at the same time. Her eyes then became as deep as the ocean, hiding her true emotions from anyone’s sight.

She combed her hair and put it in a bun. Her hair might be messy but it did not affect her elegance at all. As she waved her hand, a massive wave of Void Fragmentation Realm aura force turned into a gust of astral wind, directly sending Ning Fan one million li* (500m per li) away from the cottage!

It gave him a jolt. This astral wind had power which was nearly at the Second Heavenly Layer of the Void Fragmentation Realm, depriving him of any strength to resist. All he could do was to let the wind carry him one million li* (500m per li) away.

The astral wind dispersed after. When Ning Fan had just regained his balance, the thatched cottage which was now one million li* (500m per li) away from him suddenly released layers of sea waves formed from magic power, covering the entire sky!

At this very moment, Luo You successfully advanced to the Second Heavenly Layer!

As for the aura force she released in the process, it shattered the entire hollow space within the vicinity of one million li* (500m per li) and the thatched cottage was directly turned to ashes.

If it wasn’t for Luo You sending Ning Fan away in time, he would have certainly been inflicted with severe injuries by this wave of aura force.

The sea of magic power gradually diminished.

One million li* (500m per li) away, a calm lady wearing a snow white dress walked toward Ning Fan in gentle lotus steps with a languid smile on her face.

By making a single step, she could travel across a distance of one million li* (500m per li)!

With just a touch of her finger, all the remnant force of her magic power was scattered, fixing the hollow space within the vicinity!

“It feels really great to regain my power. My good younger brother, you didn’t get hurt, did you?”

The lady’s expression seemed concerned but the way she asked was casual and indifferent.

“Well, your aura force didn’t get to hurt me so I’m fine. But I sympathize with that thatched cottage...” Ning Fan replied with a smile. Then, he took out a fifty thousand years old spiritual herb.

Using his magic power, that branch rapidly grew, producing countless leaves. Its roots grew longer while its stem grew thicker, turning into a long and thick trunk.

When Ning Fan touched it with one of his fingers, the leaves scattered and the trunk fell apart. At the next moment, they began piling up together, forming a thatched cottage in seconds.

“But there is a new thatched cottage now. You still have a place to rest.”

Ning Fan secretly observed Luo You. The current Luo You looked beautiful and alluring, just like a poppy. Every wink and smile she made could enthrall men.

However, Ning Fan knew that Luo You was pure and delicate while she was asleep.

Luo You’s current personality was not her true nature.

She is wary of me. No. It should be because she’s wary of everything in the world. Therefore, she chose to hide her true nature...

Ning Fan thought to himself.

While Ning Fan was observing Luo You, she was also observing him carefully.

In the past, she used the Yin Yang Locket as the medium every time she communicated with Ning Fan in his mind.

Their present encounter could really be said to be her first meeting with Ning Fan.

She could still remember when she met him for the very first time.

During that time, Ning Fan was just a mortal. Under the help of the Yin Yang Locket, he broke through to the First Level of the Vein Opening Realm and stepped into the world of cultivation.

During that time, Ning Fan was extremely weak. If it wasn’t for her who was constantly helping him, he would not be able to protect anything and anyone, be it his younger brother or Old Devil.

Today, however, he had gained several tens of years of experience and gone through five hundred years of cultivation. He seemed to have grown more mature and stronger.

The aura force which he was releasing when he created the thatched cottage with a single finger had clearly reached the Void Inquiry Stage. However, what she found strange was that Ning Fan was not a true Void Inquiry Stage cultivator.

It was indiscernible in the eyes of common Void Fragmentation Realm experts. In Luo You’s eyes, however, Ning Fan’s qi was extremely weird.

“This is... Ancient devil!”

Luo You finally found out the reason why Ning Fan’s qi would be so strange.

It was because Ning Fan did not obtain Void Inquiry Stage aura force based on his magic power but with his essence qi instead!

She could vaguely recall the last time she saved him before slumbering for a long time. At that time, Ning Fan definitely had yet to cultivate the ancient devil cultivation realm.

During the several months she was unconscious, his ancient devil cultivation realm progressed by leaps and bounds, making him become a powerful ancient devil!

She was not clear about the details of the cultivation realms of the ancient devil cultivation. However, she was fully aware of the mightiness of ancient devils.

Ning Fan’s aura force was comparable to the Void Inquiry Stage. However, common Void Inquiry Stage cultivators would certainly not be his match since he was an ancient devil.

Ning Fan who had cultivated the ancient devil path definitely had an unrivalled strength among Void Inquiry Stage experts at present!

“You’ve gotten stronger...” She stared at Ning Fan. All of a sudden, she somehow felt a hint of loneliness.

That feeling vanished in the next second and she put up that lazy and relaxed expression again. Then, she teased Ning Fan.

“My good younger brother, you’ve spent so many precious spiritual herbs just to wake me up. How do you want me to repay you? Do you need me to have a dual cultivation session with you?”

She was used to teasing others in the first place, just like how she teased the young Ning Fan in the past.

“Dual cultivation? You are currently in the form of your primordial spirit. You don’t have a true physical body with flesh and blood. If you practice dual cultivation with me, it will hurt the foundation of your primordial spirit.” Ning Fan shook his head.

“Bah! I was just randomly saying it but you really dare to hit on me? How dare you!?”

Luo You pouted. Her demeanor was charming and coquettish. She was slightly less seductive than Su Yan but a little more captivating than her.

Of course, she was not truly angry when she said those words. Meanwhile, she was silently repeating four words in her mind – Mid Reckless Devil Realm. It was unknown whether she was interested in the ancient devil cultivation realms or she just wanted to remember information related to Ning Fan.

Ning Fan continued to tease Luo You after that. Their conversations were about some uninformative topics.

No matter how Ning Fan tried to tease the current Luo You, she always maintained her lazy and relaxed demeanor. There was not any sign of weakness which she had displayed when she was unconscious.

Ning Fan felt somewhat disappointed. It seemed like Luo You was not going to open up to him.

At first, he wanted to ask her about her personal matters. He wanted to know what kind of pain Luo You had experienced, her helpless and sorrowful past, why she chose to cultivate the Yin Yang Transformation and so on... However, there was no way he could ask her any one of those questions now.

His Yin Yang Locket could not read Luo You’s mind. Besides, even if he asks her those personal questions, she who chose to bottle up everything would not really give him the correct answers.

Ning fan understood that it was not because she did not trust him. If a person ever had an extremely painful experience, they would usually hide their weaknesses and true intentions from others and put up a strong face. It was not strange for them to act like that.

“So now that you’ve woken up, are you going to protect me in the future and make sure I can travel across the Rain World without any hindrance?” Ning Fan no longer tried to close the gap between them and started joking casually.

It seems to be quite a good idea to maintain our current distance.

“Hehe. I will naturally protect you since you helped me recover my primordial spirit’s cultivation base. Be it Moksha Sovereign or the Rain Sovereign, I will help you get rid of all those who dares to touch you. How does that sound?” Luo You sounded as if she was just speaking off the top of her head but she also seemed pretty serious.

Only she knew what her true intentions were. Just like that day when she saw Great Emperor Mo Luo trying to enslave Ning Fan where she immediately rushed to Ning Fan to save him regardless of everything...

During that time, she certainly was not just thinking about her own interests and the benefits she could get from her relationship with Ning Fan.

However, she just would not admit that. At least, before she gets her revenge, she would not allow herself to be weak or happy.

All she needed to do was to put on a face and live on with loneliness...

“It really can’t get any better if you are willing to help me.” Relief filled Ning Fan’s heart. If he had Luo You’s help, his chances of successful revenge would increase by a great deal. Aside from that, he would not have to worry about his safety.

With an expert at the Second Heavenly Layer of the Void Fragmentation Realm acting as his bodyguard, he would not face any life-threatening danger no matter what he does in the Rain World unless he makes the entire Rain Palace his enemy.

“Little You Er... No. Luo You, I am going to attain the Sixth Revolution medicine soul in another few days. Thus, I need to go to make my preparations. You have also just recovered your Void Fragmentation Realm cultivation base. You should get some rest. Here are some items which you might need. Your original thatched cottage got destroyed so you can use these for the meantime.”

Ning Fan passed a storage pouch to Luo You. He stopped calling her “Little You Er” in order to help create some distance between them that was comfortable to her.

Luo You’s body tensed up for a second but she immediately recovered her composure and wore a smiling face as usual.

“Sixth Revolution Pill Refinement Realm?! My good younger brother, you are really amazing. If you become a Sixth Revolution Pill Refinement Master, you can almost be on equal footing with Void Fragmentation Realm experts already.”


Ning Fan nodded. He was suddenly at a loss for words, not knowing what to say next. After conversing with Luo You for a little longer, he left the Profound Yin World and gave her the space and time to rest.

She clearly had woken up from her sleep but the distance between her and Ning Fan seemed to have widened.

Ning Fan could not help but feel a little upset.

Translated by Tommy, edited by Roel

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