"I'm sorry, this situation is a bit of an odd one," Ryu began to explain.

Eska blinked again, looking at Ryu before noticing the naked woman lying down before him. A truly odd situation, indeed.

Her gaze looked down at Ryu's crotch and seemed to understand something. Even so, she still waited.

Ryu was quite patient with his wife, telling her everything.

"I see." Eska nodded calmly, her cool silver eyes meeting Ryu's. "Do you need my help?"

The two were close. Ryu had pressed Eska's body into the side of his hip and he could feel the warmth and softness of her breasts against the side of his chest. Even though she was still fully clothed, every curve could be felt by him.

Ryu smiled. "Are you not happy?"

"How can that be?" Eska shook her head, just as elegant as ever.

"I understand that you're not happy, I shouldn't call you for such a thing. It's quite unfair of me."

Eska was taken aback by Ryu's words. She leaned back a bit to see his smile and couldn't help but look away after a split moment. Ryu's smile was truly her weakness.

She wasn't like Isemeine or Ailsa at all. She hadn't fallen for Ryu until she saw something other than his cold gaze.

Ironically, her relationship with Ryu had started in much the same way it was about to for Wobbling Fairy. But the difference was that she had ended up quite lucky in the end. Ryu changed to the point that he became the very man she had the greatest weakness for.

That gentle smile, the care in his eyes, the tone of apology… it all made her feel quite weak. She could only look away, feeling her heart quicken. How could she say no to this man?

Still, Ryu didn't take advantage of her weakness at the moment. He just lightly held her waist, breathing in her delicate orchard scent.

Ryu had a great fondness for mature, arrogant women like Eska. They had a uniqueness to them that he couldn't get over. Even Eska's scent was more complex than most of his women. It seemed to change with the wind, swaying with the movement of her hair.

"Lord Husband, you don't need to apologize for such a thing…" Eska said softly.

"No, I do." Ryu smiled a bit bitterly. "You haven't been a tool to me in a very long while, and I don't want you to see this as that. In fact, I hope you will see it the opposite way. I want you by my side for this because it places my heart at ease."

Eska's heart fluttered and her face became redder. It was impossible to hide. Her skin was just as porcelain white as Ryu's own. If it was any more transparent, one would even be able to see the veins running beneath.

Ryu used his other hand to gently cup her cheek and then kissed her lightly.

Eska's body went almost limp in his arms as though she had just melted. She embraced Ryu's kiss, and then his tongue, her soft breathing becoming heavier.

A jolt of electricity ran through her body when Ryu glided his hand down her waist and the outline of her wide hips, gently grabbing a handful of her ass.

She could feel herself moistening already, feeling an eagerness to be one with Ryu that she hadn't experienced before.

It was clear to Ryu now that the truest key to Eska's body was her heart, and right now it was as open as the fluttering wings of a butterfly.

A slight moan left her lips as Ryu's hand slipped below her round ass, catching the hem of her dress and running his palm up the smoothness of her skin.

Her breathing hitched. Ryu's fingers slipped between her fleshy plumpness, pressing against the line of her panties, pushing her bottom lips apart with an almost forceful gentleness. For a moment, it almost felt as though he was going to push the fabric into her, but she was in too much of a daze to care.

Ryu's lips left hers and kissed down the slender curve of her neck, sucking on her collarbone lightly as her underwear became flooded with a fragrant liquid.

Every one of his actions was gentle and soft, caring for every inch of her without missing a drop. He was almost agonizing in his patience, and it took the last bit of her willpower and reasoning to not press him down herself.

It was only then that Eska remembered that she wasn't here for herself, but rather to help Ryu.

She didn't believe that Ryu didn't have enough control over his body to "stand at attention" if he needed to. He could stop blood flow to that region just as easily as he could force blood flow even if he wasn't aroused.

The real reason he wanted her by his side was because of the exact reasons he had stated. She put his heart at ease.

Her hands reached down and she gently caressed his balls, trying to not lose her focus. Soon, she could feel something hot forcing her slender fingers apart.

She stroked Ryu with the same gentleness he had shown her and then pressed him against Wobbling Fairy.

All the while, Wobbling Fairy lay on the ground with Ryu between her legs. There were complicated feelings swirling in her heart, but she pressed them down with a vicious will.

She winced a little bit when she felt Eska's actions, but Ryu didn't seem to have eyes for her at all. One would have thought that she wasn't here at all.

She winced again as she felt Ryu press into her, a discomfort running through her body. However, soon, she shook her head and her eyes returned to a deadpan indifference.

She had fought more bloody battles than she could count. The pain was nothing more than psychological. If she cut off that part of her, nothing would bother her at all.

She felt something rip as she was completely pierced through. She took in a cold breath and felt herself settling down. Now, it had begun.

Ryu had taken many virginities in his life, but never once had any of his women reacted like this. That was because he had taken his time, he had coaxed them, allowing their bodies to warm up.

Even when it was with Eska and Isemeine, back then Isemeine had been in a practically rabid state of lust.

Wobbling Fairy, unfortunately, didn't gain such a luxury and it could be said that this would be a memory she would hope to soon forget.

She closed her eyes, prepared to focus on her cultivation. The exchange of energy between herself and Ryu had begun.

Ryu, though, didn't seem to notice this. He had pulled Eska into his arms, lifting her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, kissing him deeply.

Their breaths were in sync, as were their heartbeats. They had forgotten the rest of the world, basking in one another's warmth.

The heat in Eska's loins was only growing more feverish, and she lamented that Ryu only had a single rod to use… that was until Ryu's hands suddenly grabbed her ass, lifting her even further until her thighs rested on his shoulders.

Eska was completely taken aback until her eyes almost rolled to the back of her head.

Ryu had pulled her panties to the side from the back and plunged his tongue into her delicate folds. He alternated between a combination of licking and light sucking, making Eska quiver with every gesture.

Eventually, she couldn't hold back her moans at all. Spine-tingling orgasms ran up her spine, but Ryu was relentless. It was as though he was trying to make her experience every ounce of pleasure for every ounce of displeasure he had experienced in the last several months.

She called out his name again and again, gripping his hair so hard that it seemed she might rip up a piece of his skull at any moment.

Wobbling Fairy twisted in slight discomfort. Ryu's own personal excitement had made him pump faster, and she still hadn't quite adjusted. Now, she was suddenly in an even more uncomfortable position.

She still couldn't understand why it hurt so much. Compared to the heat that was before her, her body felt stone cold. For a moment, she even thought that Eska was faking her pleasure.

But then she saw Eska's face. She had lost control of herself, falling back to the point she had to be caught before she crashed into Wobbling Fairy. And it was at that moment that Wobbling Fairy saw her face.

She could only see the whites of Eska's eyes. Then there was the flushed skin, her quivering lips, the sheen of sweat that coated every inch of her.

Then she remembered how elegant this woman had been when she first appeared…

That was when she understood that this woman probably didn't have it in her to fake such a thing. Her embarrassment would shine through immediately. The only way for her to release like this was if she really couldn't hold it in anymore.

'Does it really feel so good?' Wobbling Fairy couldn't help but wonder. Looking down at her own crotch, with a slit trail of blood running down her inner thigh, and the wincing pain she was experiencing…

She felt that this might very well be the worst experience of her life. Was it worth it?

She clenched her fists. 'Definitely. Definitely worth it.'

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