Gourmet Style Beast Taming

Chapter 64 - Chapter 64: Chapter 64: Spirit Executor’s Badge

Chapter 64: Chapter 64: Spirit Executor’s Badge

Translator: 549690339

Qin Lang’s closed-door training plan could not be carried out smoothly.

All thanks to a certain adolescent.

On the second day of the closed-door training, Qin Lang, who was pondering over ten ingredients on the table about how to match them, received a call from Zhao Chen.

Awhile ago, unable to resist Qi Xiaoyu’s enthusiasm, he exchanged numbers with the trio.

But before this call, they had not contacted each other by phone.

On the other end of the phone, Zhao Chen mysteriously mentioned that there was something important to tell Qin Lang, and asked him to come out.

After considering it, Qin Lang decided to go and see, in a way to clear his mind.

Because he was having trouble deciding what dish to choose for the elimination competition.

If it’s just about making a decent dish, with Qin Lang’s cooking experience, it’s possible using ingredients from Food Chest N0.97.

But as this is a decisive elimination competition, Qin Lang didn’t dare to slack off.

At present, Qin Lang has two main ideas.

The first one was to use pork hind leg to make Fried Pork in Scoop.

Missing cilantro and green onion, but other ingredients are available in Food Chest No.97.

As for the starch, it is treated as basic seasoning, not restricted.

However, Fried Pork in Scoop made from pork hind leg will be slightly inferior in taste.

The second one is to make a dish of carrot stewed beef brisket with carrots and beef brisket.

Although lacking in star anise, cinnamon, and other spices, but having rosemary, the taste of the dish is still decent.

Other ideas, after trying, one by one, were rejected by Qin Lang.

And these two methods are merely alternatives to Qin Lang.

He hoped to find a better choice, but he didn’t have any ideas at the moment.

Instead of staying stuck, it’s better to go out and take a breather.

After tidying up, Qin Lang, accompanied by Dan Bao, arrived speedily at the gathering point Zhao Chen mentioned.

It was the plaza in front of a commercial building.

Not only Zhao Chen was standing there, but also Qi Xiaoyu.

“Qin Lang! Over here!” Qi Xiaoyu was the first to see Qin Lang and waved at him.

Qin Lang walked quickly to the two of them, his gaze turned toward Zhao Chen, who was standing with his hands behind his back and a mysterious smile on his face. “What’s the big thing you mentioned on the phone?”

He vaguely remembered that a few days ago, Zhao Chen said he would give him a surprise.

Most likely, it’s the same matter he was about to bring up now.

“This guy wouldn’t say anything, insisting on waiting for you to show up.” Qi Xiaoyu rolled her eyes in annoyance.

“Heh heh~” Zhao Chen’s face became more cryptic, “Watch carefully!”

He slowly extended a hand from behind his back, flipping open one side of his wide-open coat to reveal a badge hanging on the inside of his coat with a hook.

Before Qin Lang could react, Qi Xiaoyu gasped from the side, “You got the Spirit Executor Badge?”

Pleased with Qi Xiaoyu’s reaction, Zhao Chen gave her an approving look, then took down the badge and waved it in front of Qin Lang.

“The Moon Rose Badge, 1 got it!”

Oh-These cringy lines.

Qin Lang couldn’t help but examine the badge in Zhao Chen’s hand.

It was a copper badge with a vine splitting down the middle, depicting stars and a moon on one side, and a design resembling a rose on the other. The words “Dongxia City – Moon Rose” were carved on the front ribbon.

In this respect, it was somewhat similar to a Food Recommender Badge.

However, in shape, the two were different.

The Food Recommender Badge is wider at the bottom and narrower at the top, like a shield.

The badge in Zhao Chen’s hand was sharper at the top, and the middle and bottom parts were of similar width, looking more like the tip of a sword.

As Qi Xiaoyu said, this was a Spirit Executor Badge.

Spirit Executor, full name Food Spirit Executor, is a position in the Spirit Chef Association that is on par with a Food Recommender.

They too can challenge Spirit Chefs and grant their own recognized certificates – Spirit Executor Badges – to Spirit Chefs who pass their tests.

The Spirit Executor and the Food Recommender are different.

A Food Recommender’s test targets a Spirit Chef’s culinary skills, corresponding to the Spirit Chef’s path of cooking.

But the Spirit Executor’s test is for a Spirit Chef’s combat capability, corresponding to the Spirit Chef’s training path.

Their uses are also different.

The Food Recommender Badge is proof of eligibility to participate in cooking contests.

The Spirit Executor’s Badge is proof of eligibility to participate in training competitions.

They both have levels one, two, and three, and the number needed for different levels of competition is exactly the same.

Thinking about this, a hint of surprise appeared on Qin Lang’s face.

He received the Food Recommender Badge due to his rich cooking experience from his previous life.

But Zhao Chen, who only has a one-star Food Spirit, obtained a Spirit Executor’s Badge…

Is it that easy to get a Spirit Executor’s Badge?

Should he also give it a try?

“Hmph~” Seeing Qin Lang finally showing the expression he wanted to see, Zhao Chen’s nose almost lifted to the sky, “This Moon Rose Badge, 1 got it after challenging Mr. Liu Xuan, a Spirit Executor, three times!”

“It represents that the strength of a Spirit Chef has been recognized!”

“It represents the first step for a Spirit Chef to become the strongest trainer!”


Zhao Chen’s Food Spirit, Yangyang, nodded in agreement, then looked at Dan Bao next to Qin Lang with a somewhat challenging gaze.

Now that it has been recognized by a Spirit Executor, it will never lose to Dan Bao in a rematch!

Dan Bao glared back, not willing to show weakness.

It has obtained three Food Recommender Badges together with its Spirit Chef!

If it’s about quantity, who can outdo whom?

A thoughtful look appeared on Qi Xiaoyu’s face at the side.

The Spirit Executor’s Badge…

It seems she heard Weiwei mention it.

Ah! She remembered!

Qi Xiaoyu raised her head, looking at Zhao Chen with an odd expression in her eyes.

“Qin Lang, don’t believe him!” She spread her hands, “The difficulty of the test for the first Spirit Executor’s Badge has been lowered.”

“Training competitions and cooking contests are different. Older Spirit Chefs are much stronger than young ones. This is also reflected in cooking contests, but it will not affect the fairness of the competition.”

“So unlike cooking contests, training competitions are divided into two types.”

“Firstly, training competitions for all age groups.”

“Secondly, youth training competitions for Spirit Chefs under 25, referred to as Youth Training Competitions.”

“Participation in city-level training competitions requires three local First-Class Spirit Executor Insignias.”

“But city-level Youth Training Competitions only require one local Spirit Executor’s Badge to register.”

“And because it’s for youth, the threshold is lower.”

“Normally, at least a three-star Food Spirit is needed to get a Spirit Executor’s Badge, but for the first one, as long as you perform well, a one-star Food Spirit may have a chance to achieve it.”

“Don’t glare at me.” Qi Xiaoyu glared back at Zhao Chen who was puffed up because he was exposed, “Do you dare to obtain the second Spirit Executor’s Badge in Dongxia City?”

Zhao Chen immediately put out his fire.

The second Spirit Executor’s Badge. A Spirit Executor will not give any leeway on it.

With his ability, he doesn’t stand a chance at all.

Damn it!

So that’s how it is.

Qin Lang came to his senses, his gaze looking a bit odd at Zhao Chen.

Seeing this, Zhao Chen decided to change the topic.

Apart from the Spirit Executor’s Badge, I have another thing to tell you all, that’s why I called you here..”

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