Gourmet Style Beast Taming

Chapter 122 - Chapter 122: Chapter 122: Mountain Summit

Chapter 122: Chapter 122: Mountain Summit

Translator: 549690339

“Uncle, I’ll take two of these.”

“Alright! Just a moment!”

The tall stall owner laughed heartily and briskly started preparing the food in his hands.

Qin Lang quietly watched the stall owner place a ball of dough in a flat frying pan coated with thin oil, then quickly flatten it into a pancake shape and stuff it with filling and sauce.

A few minutes later, a golden brown pancake was ready, cut into small pieces by the stall owner with a spatula, wrapped in paper, and handed to Qin Lang.

Then, the stall owner immediately started making the second one.

This delicacy, known as “Fragrance Cake”, has simple cooking steps that need no concealment. However, Qin Lang could guess from the rich and complex aroma emanating from the paper bag that the added sauce must be the stall owner’s secret recipe.

After skewering two pieces of Fragrance Cake from the bag with a wooden stick and feeding them to the two drooling little ones beside him, Qin Lang smiled and did the same for himself.

The baking soda added to the dough gives the Fragrance Cake a loose and soft structure. The heat-induced decomposition of baking soda adds a slight alkaline taste to the cake, which not only does not diminish its flavor, but even enhances it.

The complex fillings and sauces in the pancake fully blend with the dough as you chew, creating a constantly changing sensation due to the salivary amylase breaking down the starch.

It’s indeed a not-to-be-underestimated delicacy.

Looking at the Food Spirit dancing next to the uncle, Qin Lang couldn’t help but ask curiously, “Uncle, is the Origin Cuisine of your Food Spirit Fragrance Cake?”

“Exactly!” The uncle roared with laughter, “1’11 let you in on a little secret: every stall owner on this food street, their Food Spirit’s Origin Cuisine is their best dish!”

Watching the uncle call each piece of information a “secret”, but not lowering his voice at all, Qin Lang couldn’t help but laugh.

It was indeed interesting.

“Qin Lang, look what delicious food I found!”

Having queued for a while at another stall, Qi Xiaoyu finally bought another type of delicacy. She happily walked over with Du Weiwei, bought another Fragrance Cake from the stall owner, and then handed over an extra portion of the delicacy she bought to Qin Lang.

Along the way, they were all sharing the delicious food they discovered like this.

“This one 1 found is also good, have a try!”

Not long after, Zhao Chen also returned with another delicacy that he was particularly fond of.

Thus, the four of them walked deeper into the food street while chatting and laughing.

This was bound to be an interesting food journey.

“Ah- I’m so full!”

Touching his round belly, a few traces of satisfaction appeared on Zhao Chen’s face.

His lazy Food Spirit, Yangyang, landed and settled on his shoulder, nodding with its delicate curved horns in agreement.

Not far away, the three others and the five Food Spirits were in no better shape.

It’s only normal to feel like this after wandering down a food-filled street.

“I checked the map and we’ve only covered a third of this food street.” Du Weiwei looked at the yet-to-be-reached part of the food street, her face filled with expectation, “It seems like for the rest of the time, we don’t have to worry about what to eat.”

“Let’s go. We can walk back to the hotel after we’re full, consider it a walk.” Qin Lang smiled and turned to look at Zhao Chen, “By the way, when does the final competition start tomorrow?”

“Two in the afternoon!”

Being reminded of this, Zhao Chen immediately perked up.

“The finals are divided into four rounds. The first round decides the seventh and eighth-place winners, the second round decides the fifth and sixth, the third round decides the third and fourth, and then comes the much-anticipated championship battle. The tickets for these four rounds are sold separately.”

“Which round did you buy tickets for?” Qi Xiaoyu couldn’t help but ask.

“Of course, it’s the last championship battle!” Without any hesitation, Zhao Chen stated, “The other rounds can simply be watched on replay after the competition. Only the championship battle is a must-see!”

“Let me tell you, this is the hardest match for which to buy tickets, and 1 was able to act quickly and bought tickets before the trials started!”

Upon saying this, Zhao Chen revealed an expression that said, “Praise me”.

“The Championship match of the Provincial Training Competition, huh…”

An anticipation started to show on Qin Lang’s face.

He was indeed curious about the strength of the powerful Spirit Chefs.

Time flew, and soon it was the next day.

The four set off early, took the cable car directly to the top of Bai Lu Mountain, heading in the direction of the summit.

As the city quickly retreated below them, they were replaced by lush forests, and various animals could be faintly seen moving in the forest.

As the cable car continued to ascend, the forest began to evolve into hardier scrubs, snowfields and forests began to blend, and the silhouettes of elven-like white deer could occasionally be glimpsed darting among the merged scenery.

That’s how Bai Lu Mountain got its name.

Here, white deer are viewed as spirits of the snowy mountains.

Continuing upwards, when the traces of the white deer could no longer be seen, they saw an enormous structure that took up more than half of the mountaintop.

It, like a ship at full sail, was reflecting the cold light of its exterior wall under the unprotected sunlight.

They had arrived at Bai Lu Mountain Arena, the only venue for provincial competition in Tianhua State.

The cable car had its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage was naturally to enjoy the scenery of Bai Lu Mountain, while the disadvantage was its slow speed.

Even though they set off early, it was around noon when Qin Lang and his friends arrived at the Bai Lu Mountain Arena, not long before entrance time.

Detail-oriented Du Weiwei had anticipated this and prepared food for them to have lunch. After eating, they quickly found their seats.

Thanks to Zhao Chen, they not only had tickets but also ideal viewing positions.

“Wow! Will the contestants be competing right there?” Qi Xiaoyu’s eyes widened as she looked at a large area in the center of the field, “This is much larger than the Dongxia Arena.”

“Yes, this huge competition space is prepared only for the battle of two Spirit Chefs.” Zhao Chen nodded, a look of anticipation on his face, “One day, 1 will also stand on such a field, or even a larger one!”

Although Du Weiwei didn’t say anything, her eyes revealed a similar ambition to Zhao Chen.


I also want to compete on such a field!

With glowing eyes, Spicy showed an eager expression.

“No problem.” Qin Lang rubbed its head, his expression calm.

By collecting five second-level Food Recommender Badges from this province, he would be eligible to participate in the Provincial Cooking Competition.

Don’t forget, the cooking competitions were also held here.

As time passed, more and more audience members began to fill the seats.

Unlike Qin Lang and his friends, who came to watch the match unprepared, among these spectators, signs and other conspicuous items bearing the names “Zhou Tianhao” or “Zhang Sheng” could be seen everywhere.

These were the two contestants who were about to compete for the title and runner-up positions.

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