Gourmet Gaming

Chapter 748: God of Birth Gaerna

Chapter 748: God of Birth Gaerna

The gods, who were jealous of Mandala’s talents in making potions, had locked him up in a prison and made a ‘Great Spirit’ guard him. Forced to live forever inside the prison, Mandala might have been suffering tremendously. However, it was not just that. The gods even erased the memories related to Mandala in the people’s heads. Because of that, only a few people know of this fact. One of those few people was Nerva.

‘According to His Majesty Nerva, the Great Spirit had already weakened over time, and Mandala would be suffering after being cooped up in this place for so long.’

“Mandala!!! We’ve come here to save you!!!”

“Hero, cursed by the gods because of envy, we have come to save you!!!”

They came here to save Mandala, or so they believed. In fact, the moment they arrived, they thought that Mandala would drop to his knees, overwhelmed with gratitude and covered in tears to thank them for coming to save him. So, why was the situation like this? Why was Mandala standing over there and holding tightly on the fin of the Great Spirit?

“Shut up!!! I’m not stepping out of this place!!!”

They just could not understand.

‘Could we have gotten the legends wrong? By any chance, was Mandala not locked up by the gods?’ No, that was obviously the case.

At that moment, the Great Spirit opened its mouth. “Graaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

Knight Commander Don and the Swords of the Gods turned nervous and vigilant after seeing the Great Spirit open its carp-like mouth and release a strange sound. They were still unable to use any of their abilities.


Suddenly, hundreds of electric bolts shot out from the Great Spirit's mouth and flew toward the Swords of the Gods. The attack was far too fast for them to avoid.

Crack, crack, crack, crack, crack—





[You have suffered the Great Spirit’s Lightning Attack!]

[You have fallen into a five-second stunned state!]

Not only did they receive a huge amount of damage, they were also stunned in place. At the same time, the Great Spirit’s dragon-like tail swished and the dozens of spears that were at the tip of the tail stabbed through the bodies of the stunned Swords of the Gods.



The Swords of the Gods could only scream as they were rendered helpless by the stun. At that moment, Mandala took out several bottles of red potion.

“M, Mandala... We… you…”

“Shut up! I never asked for help!!!”


The moment the bottles made contact with the ground, a loud explosion erupted and engulfed an area of fifty meter radius. The Swords of the Gods did not die immediately, since they had high HP and defense. However, it was still a huge blow. Commander Don and the Swords of the Gods felt like their deaths were certain now that Mandala and the Great Spirit were cooperating.

Immediately after the explosion, the Great Spirit opened its mouth once again. The Swords of the Gods had to stop the Great Spirit from opening its mouth again, but there was still a second left in their stunned state.

When dealing with boss monsters, one usually needed great abilities. However, it was undeniable that one also required excellent skills. After all, it was possible to deal a fatal blow as long as the appropriate skill was used at the right time. However, all of the power of the Swords of the Gods was sealed for five whole minutes.

Meanwhile, there was one man that was avoiding all of the Great Spirit’s attacks using ‘Like the Wind’. That man was none other than Minhyuk, who had the ‘Invincible Body’.

Just when the Great Spirit opened its mouth and was about to release a burst of flames, Minhyuk said, “Like the Wind.”

Minhyuk appeared in front of the Great Spirit in an instant, stabbing it and triggering his skill.

“Sword of Absolute Death.”



The first strike successfully pierced through the head of the Great Spirit, triggering hundreds of sword lights that ravaged its body.

Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang—

However, the Sword of Absolute Death did not do much damage because of the Great Spirit’s thick and shiny scales. Still, that was enough, Minhyuk had bought enough time. The Swords of the Gods had finally been released from their stunned state.

Mandala, who was standing on top of the Great Spirit’s head, lost his balance and fell down.


After falling on the floor, Mandala immediately ran away and hid behind a huge rock.

The Swords of the Gods immediately charged forward after they were released from their stunned state. Knight Commander Don used his Veteran’s Sword and slashed the Great Spirit’s body all over the place.

Clang, clang, clang, clang—

Beloch and the other Swords of the Gods put pressure on the Great Spirit with their fantastic military might and cooperation. However, a problem still remained.

“Why is this damn skin so thick…?”

The swords and attacks used by the Swords of the Gods could cut most things like butter. However, the Great Spirit’s scales boasted a tremendous defense that made it hard for them to deal a significant amount of damage with their blows.


At that moment, the Great Spirit shook its tail, causing it to split into eight that turned into spears and stabbed the bodies of the Swords of the Gods.

Stab, stab, stab, stab, stab—

“Kghhhhk!” Sword of the Gods Beloch groaned as one of the tails pierced through his abdomen.

Even Knight Commander Don could not escape, and his shoulder was pierced.

All of the Swords of the Gods from rank 1 to 5 could use ‘God’s Steps’, a skill that allowed them to avoid their opponent’s attacks by moving a set distance all at once. They could avoid most of the Great Spirit’s attacks. However, the problem was that they were unable to use their skills. Despite dealing countless attacks, they still could not deal any damage at all.

On the other hand, they were being battered and bruised by a series of attacks.

‘Damn it! If only I could use my power…!’

There must be a way. Otherwise, it was certain that everyone would be wiped out.

“I’ll use my skill, so please do your best to restrain the movements of the Great Spirit in front of us.”

“…Your Majesty?”

“…I understand.”

The various techniques like swordsmanship and spearmanship that the Sword of the Gods possessed were said to be powerful enough to be equal to gods. To these people, they wondered how strong Minhyuk’s best skills would truly be. Fortunately, Minhyuk’s Ellie’s Swordsmanship had just been modified.

‘The key here is how much His Majesty Minhyuk’s skills can stop the Great Spirit.’

They wondered if Minhyuk could hold the Great Spirit back at least until the restrictions on their skills had been lifted.

“Intangible Sword.”

[Intangible Sword.]

[Your enemies will be attacked by invisible swords for five minutes. Your attacks will reach everyone within your ten meter radius.]

[You can use Sword Manipulation and send hundreds of invisible swords toward your enemies.]

[Your sword’s attack power will increase by 900%. The movement speed of your Sword Manipulation will also be ten times faster than your speed of wielding your sword.]

Ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping—!

At that moment, blood spurted out from the cuts that appeared after the gigantic body of the Great Spirit.

The Swords of the Gods could easily cut down even the highest of rankers. However, even they could not put a scratch on the body of the Great Spirit because of its high defense.

But in just one second, the creature’s body was littered with rips and tears as blood flowed out in between its scales. The shocking part was that the attack was invisible. Despite the attack being unseen, they could still hear it.

‘The Hundred Swords…’

‘He actually injured the Great Spirit…?’

That was right. The invisible Hundred Swords moved with sword manipulation and hacked at the Great Spirit under Minhyuk’s will.


The Great Spirit was forced to take a few steps back, struggling from the sudden pain that assaulted its body. Minhyuk took this opportunity to narrow the distance between them once again and swing his sword recklessly at the monster.

Ping, ping, ping, ping, ping— Fwoosh—!

Intangible Sword was a skill that could carry out an attack as long as the target was within a ten meter radius of Minhyuk. Thus, he swung his sword more than three times per second.

‘He calculates how the bastard will struggle as he swings his sword.’

‘He’s pressuring the Great Spirit so that it cannot evade or run away.’

‘His skill with the sword is amazing.’

Minhyuk could stand shoulder to shoulder with a gold medalist in kendo. The Great Spirit had a high amount of HP. However, with how much blood it was spurting, it was apparent that it was getting hit very hard.


In the end, the Great Spirit decided to go for a blitz instead of avoiding the blows. It screamed violently as it moved toward Minhyuk. The Swords of the Gods stuck together and tried to hold the Great Spirit back, but it was no use.

Seeing that, Minhyuk immediately used his new skill.

[XX’s Swordsmanship.]

[Your attack speed and movement speed have increased by 40%. Your physical and magical defense have increased by 30%.]

[Your cutting power has increased by 60%, sword attack by 30%, and all sword-related skills’ damage by 20%.]

[Your critical hit rate has increased by 50%.]

[The skill duration is eight minutes.]

Black aura swirled and covered Minhyuk’s body, his black hair fluttering as the blade of his sword shone a bright golden light.

“Sword of Frenzy.”

The moment the skill was triggered, dozens of vital points shone brightly all over the Great Spirit’s body. This was something only visible to Minhyuk.

Minhyuk looked at the charging beast’s gaping mouth. With his current Sword of Frenzy, even if he stabbed from a five meter distance, he would still be able to deal damage to his opponents. That was on top of the Intangible Sword that was still working for him.

The moment the Great Spirit was three meters away from him, Minhyuk struck strongly at its gaping mouth.


[You have successfully stabbed a vital point!]

The notification rang in Minhyuk’s ears the moment he stabbed the Great Spirit's mouth. Immediately after, eight consecutive attacks with 500% additional damage exploded throughout the Great Spirit’s body.

Stab—! Stab—! Stab—! Stab—! Stab—!


Minhyuk immediately jumped and triggered the Heaven Tearing Sword the moment he saw the Great Spirit shriek and trash around.


A five meter long sword light with an additional 3,500% attack hit the beast directly.


It had to be known that the Heaven Tearing Sword was no longer a sword strike that cut, but a sword strike that pierced. In other words, the attack went through the Great Spirit’s body and even broke the wall behind it.

[The 7% chance of forcing the enemy into a stunned state has been triggered!]

[The opponent will not be able to move for six seconds.]

The Great Spirit was left in a stunned state and could not move. Meanwhile, Commander Don and the Swords of the Gods thought: ‘Six seconds. That’s an opportunity.’

‘However, His Majesty Minhyuk must have already exhausted most of his skills…’

‘Are we going to lose this six second opportunity just like that?’

Thankfully, Minhyuk still had a lot of skills in his arsenal.

[Thousand Swords.]

[Upon successful attack on the vital point, the Thousand Swords will indiscriminately stab the enemy with 50% of your normal damage.]

This skill was also one that targeted vital points.


The moment his attack connected with a vital point, thousands of swords rose from the ground around him and scattered a brilliant light. The blinding light left the Swords of the Gods in astonishment as they watched it rip the Great Spirit apart.

Stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab—


At this point, they thought: ‘He really shouldn’t have any more skills, right?’

But then, the word ‘Destruction’ appeared in golden light on the blade of Minhyuk’s sword.

[The Destruction Mode’s 35% chance of triggering sixteen bloody lightning bolts with an additional 1,600% damage for every enemy has been triggered.]


Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

Immediately after that, sixteen bloody red lightning bolts fell from the sky and devoured the Great Spirit’s body. It even triggered a three second stunned state! The Great Spirit, who was almost released from the previous stunned state, was once again forced into another stunned state.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

With every attack that Minhyuk sent, a tremendous storm of lightning would fall down and put pressure on the Great Spirit.





At that moment, Mandala made a move. He threw a bottle of red potion in order to save the Great Spirit that had fallen into consecutive stunned states.


“Like the Wind.”

Minhyuk escaped the area at the speed of light. As quickly as he escaped, he moved to narrow the distance between him and the Great Spirit once again.

Knight Commander Don and the Swords of the Gods all made eye contact.

“This, this time, perhaps all of his skills have been used up?”

“P, probably…?”

‘There is no way that he has any more skills, right?’

“Hundred Swords.”


A sea of blades that contained hundreds of swords spread out and devoured the Great Spirit. The incredible power that could deal 4,000% damage per second was released! It could even inflict an abnormal status and make it difficult for the opponent to breathe!

Devastated by the tsunami of blades, the Great Spirit had no choice but to suffer 4,000% damage per second.

“This time, for sure…”

“There’s no more.”

Contrary to their expectations, Minhyuk flew up and stabbed his sword down on the head of the Great Spirit.

“Continent Destroyer.”


Blazing lava spurted out as the ground exploded, inflicting continuous damage to the Great Spirit.

“This time…”

“There’s no…”

“Sword of Tempest.”


However, the new skill that they had helped produce was triggered. The skill immediately produced a sword.

[The typhoon-like sword with an ego has been summoned.]

[Please choose a ‘name’ for the typhoon-like sword.]

Minhyuk quickly gave a name to the sword. “Stormy.”


[Sword of Tempest.]

[Hundreds of blades will appear and dance around the typhoon-like sword that has an ego of its own. The skill user’s basic speed will increase by 150% and apply to the blades that cut down the enemies.]

[Movement speed will also increase by 300% during the skill duration.]

[The skill duration is three minutes.]

The sword known as ‘Stormy’ shone brightly and put a huge amount of pressure on the Great Spirit by releasing hundreds of sword blades.


“…This time, for sure…”

“There should really be none anymore.”


But then, Minhyuk took a potion out of his inventory and drank everything in one gulp.

[You have consumed Mandala’s Elixir.]

[Your HP and MP have recovered to 100%.]

[All of your skills’ cooldown time has been reset.]

“Sword of Absolute Death.”

Stab, stab— Stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab—!

“Rampant Sword.”

Stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab—!


“Hundred Swords.”






Question marks popped up in the heads of Knight Commander Don and the Swords of the Gods as Minyuk released another flurry of skills.

“That…” The fifth Swords of the Gods, Revor, said, “Aren’t we just standing idly by and watching as His Majesty Minhyuk hunts…?”





It seemed like Revor was someone who could not f*cking read the room.

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