Gourmet Gaming

Chapter 685: Divine Will

Chapter 685: Divine Will

The commentators were left speechless after seeing the gates on the walls of the Beyond the Heavens Kingdom repeatedly open and close.

[I have absolutely no idea why they placed Conir in command of the troops.]

[Conir is definitely the wrong person to be placed in the position of a commander. Is the Beyond the Heavens Kingdom currently so empty that there’s no other figure that can lead their troops?]

[Some of the soldiers of Beyond the Heavens died from Black Dragon Vormon’s bombardment of magical attacks because of their repeated charge and retreat.]

[The soldiers’ morale is rapidly decreasing. It’s very obvious. Going back and forth like that repeatedly will definitely exhaust them.]

Just like the commentators, the soldiers of Beyond the Heavens Kingdom also could not understand their situation.

‘Why the hell?!’

‘Why is the authority to command given to Sir Conir?!’

Some of them even wondered if the whole thing was just a joke to the higher-ups. But then, Conir, who was standing on the walls, jumped down on the ground and said, “This time, it’s for real! I am Conir! Everyone, charge!!!”

“…This time, it’s for real?”

“I think it’s for real this time?!!!”

The troops’ fighting spirit burned brightly the moment they saw Conir join their ranks. The enemies were trying to devour their beloved and cherished kingdom.



“Protect Beyond the Heavens!!!”

Although they did not realize it, the morale of the Beyond the Heavens’ soldiers soared to the skies. Conir grabbed his sword and charged forward. Right behind him were hundreds of thousands of their kingdom troops.

Rex glanced at the troops behind him and ordered the two Sword of the Gods, “Get 700,000 of our troops to advance without any delay.”

He could tell by watching the situation, that the Beyond the Heavens Kingdom’s army under Conir’s command was nothing but a group of weak and disorderly soldiers. Because of that, Rex was fully convinced that he would be able to break through the kingdom’s walls before Spear God Ben, Elpis, Gorfido or the executives of Beyond the Heavens arrived.

Then, 700,000 soldiers of the Hell Corps stepped forward with their overwhelming and dreary momentum.

[Can you see it? The level of the Death Soldiers that the God of Death has sent forward reached Level 490.]

[The Death Warriors that are mixed among them also have levels that reached Level 550.]

[Their levels are very incredible. They’re actually at a level where none of the current players could fight against. In fact, even their numbers are terrifying. How many are there? There seems to be around a million of them advancing?]

The rest of them were demonic beasts and monsters from hell. Rex had actually sent forward 400,000 soldiers at the vanguard, with 300,000 demonic beasts at the rear. To put it simply, Rex had sent his strongest force forward.

‘If we can kill all of these recklessly charging fools then I will be able to accumulate my contributions. If I can summon a powerful being from hell from those contributions then…’

Then, the Beyond the Heavens Kingdom will collapse. Around 700,000 troops lined up and stood in front of Rex. At the vanguard were soldiers, whose bodies were charred black, and warriors with rusty sheet metal armor and weapons. There were also countless Hell Werewolves, Hellhounds, and mammoths, ready to charge at any given moment.

“I am Conir!!! Kill them all!!!”

Conir truly meant it this time. He would truly wipe out all of the enemies in front of him!




The Hell Corps that blocked their path roared. That was not all, there was also the gigantic black dragon above that was glaring at them with its yellow eyes.


Conir was startled. He was a powerful and unrivaled swordsman, but he was also just a boy with an intellectual disability in his current form. The scene in front of him would definitely frighten him, especially if he was alone.

“U, uwaaaaa! Re, retreat. Retreat!!!”

The situation was perfect. Conir and the Beyond the Heavens troops turned around yet again, just before they collided with the Hell Corps. Rex’s lips could not help but twist into a gruesome smirk.

“Charge after them and kill them all!”

Frantically fleeing enemies were very easy targets. With Conir at the lead, the troops immediately turned around and fled.

“U, uwaaaaaaaah! Ruuuun!!!”


“Mages, send support to the rear!!!”

A baptism of magical attacks rained down on the chasing werewolves, hellhounds and gigantic mammoths. However, the magic did not deal much damage because their skins were too tough and thick.



One of the werewolves leapt and bit down on one of the soldiers neck, knocking him down to the ground.



Just like that, the Beyond the Heavens Kingdom’s soldiers began to fall one after another as they got caught by the attacks behind them.

“This, this is not it…”

“We won’t listen to Sir Conir from now on!!!”

The soldiers felt the need to defy the orders from their superiors at this moment. All of a sudden, the fleeing soldiers caught sight of a robed figure on top of the walls. Despite the black robe covering his entire being, it could not hide the thick and white fur!



Everyone suddenly realized what the ridiculous display was for, as they desperately rushed inside the walls of the Beyond the Heavens Kingdom. The mages and archers stationed on the walls fired their shots at the enemies, slowing down their advance as much as possible and aiding the retreating troops.


The fact that the soldiers of the kingdom had reached the walls also meant that the enemies were also advancing and nearing their gates.

“Push ahead!!!” Rex commanded.

Once the gates were breached, their kingdom’s fall would soon follow. The 700,000-strong troops did not stop their charge at his command.

Unbeknownst to them, Bichor had already finished his preparations. He pulled the hood of his robe back and revealed his round head covered with rich and thick fur. Then, with a vicious and mean smile on his face, he said, “Fufufufufufu. Conir, you did a good job.”

Meticulous enemies would never send a lot of troops at the very beginning. This was because they would want to test their enemies’ powers and forces. However, right now, the God of Death had sent a considerable number of troops to their gates. It was all thanks to Conir’s self-sabotage operation.

[Hey, isn’t that smiling bichon on the walls the ‘Nasty Bichon’ that slaughtered the troops of the Luvien Empire in the past?!]

[You’re right. He’s the Nasty Bichon! Damn it, he looks really ugly right now!]

Bichor had shown a nasty smile when he massacred the Luvien Imperial Army in the past. Because his smile had been incredibly nasty, the people had started to call him ‘Nasty Bichon’ or ‘Ugly Bichon’.

Whether they knew who he was or not, Bichor did not care. All he did was speak with his dreary voice and say, “Bang—“

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

Then, at that moment, the area about a kilometer away from the walls of the Beyond the Heavens Kingdom exploded. To be exact, the explosion bloomed in the middle of the charging 700,000 enemy troops.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

Several other explosions were triggered by that one explosion, creating a devastating domino effect. But that was not the end.

Creak, creak, creak, creak, creak—

The walls of the Beyond the Heavens Kingdom creaked open as tens of thousands of spears shot out from deep inside and pierced through the troops upfront.

Stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab!

Beyond the Heavens Kingdom was teeming with talented people. They had Golden Hammer Lant’s disciple, Orgel, as well as the president of Ilhwa Construction, Roadol, with them. When these two people met with Bichor, a trap specialist that had reached the level of a god, they were able to create the best, and most dangerous, traps.

[You have lost 173,311 allied troops!]

[You have lost 123,113 allied troops!]

[The God of Death is looking at you coldly!]


Rex hurriedly shouted, “Retreat! Retreat!!!”

If they could retreat and fall back right now, then he might at least be able to retain half of the Hell Corps. However, it was already too late. The best and strongest mages and archers of Beyond the Heavens Kingdom that Jarrod had hidden behind the walls and ordered to prepare their killing shots appeared.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

A bombardment of powerful magical attacks rained down on the retreating enemies. That was not all. The sky above the retreating enemies suddenly darkened.

The City in the Skies, Atlas, had appeared above them. ‘Jarrod’ the Tactic Star has already deployed 100,000 troops inside Atlas. These soldiers unleashed arrows and magical attacks from the City in the Skies. Even the traps that Bichor had set up in Atlas had been released.

Thwack, thwack, thwack, thwack—

Just like a machine gun, fifteen spears were shot out per second from Atlas, sweeping away the enemies below them.

[You, who have taken over the God of Death’s power, have lost over 700,000 Hell Corps!]

[You have lost a total of one million troops!]

[The God of Death is a harsh and cruel being!]

[Five points from all of your stats will be deducted and destroyed!]

[The God of Death is giving you a warning!]


Rex gritted his teeth. He thought that it was the best timing for him to kill most of his enemies while obtaining only a bit of damage on their side. That was why he came here to fight with his own body.

‘I admit that Beyond the Heavens Kingdom is not an easy place to deal with.’

Because of that, Rex decided to go all out from now on. In fact, after becoming the God of Death, Rex believed that the Beyond the Heavens Kingdom would not be able to do anything against the full power of his forces.

“Vormon. Immediately turn the Beyond the Heavens Kingdom into an abyss of hell. Sword of the Gods, please join the battle.”

“We should do that.”

“Graaaaaaaaaaa!” Black Dragon Vormon roared as he soared to the skies with hundreds of magical attacks appearing around him.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

Hundreds of magical attacks fell upon Beyond the Heavens Kingdom. However, despite the mages’ best efforts to create a shield that would protect their kingdom, they were still unable to do anything against the barrage.

“We will advance right away.”

There was no need to waste any more time for meaningless battles.


With Rex’s order to advance, one of the Sword of the Gods, Elainey, threw the spear in his hands and created a large hole in the walls of the Beyond the Heavens Kingdom.

‘Huh… this is too easy…’

Rex thought that the Swords of the Gods were too playful. For a moment, he felt resentment towards them, who chose to wait on the sidelines despite the situation earlier. Fortunately, they were trying to cooperate with him now.

The huge hole that Elainey created would definitely be their point of breakthrough. Thousands of Hell Corps would charge through there and create havoc inside the kingdom. It would make the Beyond the Heavens Kingdom’s fall much easier.

There was no need to worry anymore. Besides, Black Dragon Vormon was flying above them and bombarding them with magical attacks.

‘Their executives are not here yet. And Vormon’s summon still has three hours left.’

Indeed, the story might be different if the executives of the Beyond the Heavens Kingdom had appeared. Actually, even if the executives arrived here, there was no way the greatest being would die that easily.



That was when a shocking thing happened in front of Rex. Why did it look like Black Dragon Vormon was shrieking? And why was he flying towards them as if he was fleeing?

An unidentified white spear was stuck through Black Dragon Vormon’s neck, as an old man with long black hair fluttering behind him appeared and jumped up from the walls.

The old man clicked his tongue when he saw Black Dragon Vormon shrieking from fear. He said, “It’s you again?”

The old man sounded as if he found the appearance of Black Dragon Vormon to be annoying. Then, he stabbed the dragon’s neck with his spear once again.



“Kihyeeeeeeeeeck!” Black Dragon Vormon shrieked as his body burned and slowly disappeared from the flames that appeared and wrapped around his body. His eyes were filled with terror. It seemed like he was truly afraid of the old man in front of him.

Then, the old man glared at Rex and the rest of the enemy troops. At the same time, a notification rang in Rex’s ears.

[The Beyond the Heavens Kingdom’s Temporary Commander, Spear God Ben, has appeared!]

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