Gourmet Gaming

Chapter 187: Infinitely Refilling Lamb Meat

Chapter 187: Infinitely Refilling Lamb Meat

The one Minhyuk had called Uncle Taesik, or the Great Mage of Fire, Ruso noticed that the voice sounded extremely familiar. He asked, “Is that you, Minhyuk?”

Minhyuk nodded. He knew that he did not have to hide his identity from any of them. It was widely accepted throughout the Ilhwa Group that Minhyuk was currently studying abroad. However, there were only a select few among them that knew about his illness. The four people in front of him were trustworthy enough to know his identity.

‘As expected of my dad...’

Minhyuk’s father had lived his life wonderfully and kindly, so it was only natural that his friends would come to his rescue. Perhaps they had come here because they also learnt of the fact that Kang Minhoo got PK-ed. Minhyuk was sure that they must have thrown away their work to come and mete out their judgment.

“Ho. To think you’re the famous Frying Pan Killer. What a surprise!”

“Aren’t uncles being the Four Hyenas much more surprising than that?”

Every single one of the Four Hyenas were known to be comparable to their country’s top 20 rankers. Although their levels were not as high as the people standing at the top 20, their characters were covered with so many artifacts that the difference was almost negligible. They were people that enjoyed going on hunts and had never officially appeared nor introduced themselves to the public. They also avoided any friction with guilds. However, they willingly went against a guild just for Minhyuk’s dad.

“The Four Hyenas. Are you trying to go against the Bachran Guild?” Kieri asked, threatening them after watching the situation. He believed that no matter how strong the Four Hyenas were, they were still no match against their numbers.

Nottogi’s Bez, cracked his knuckles as he looked at him and said, “War? We’re going to slaughter you though?”

Kirei frowned when he heard the provocation. He asked, “Your reason?”

“You touched someone you shouldn’t have.”


Kirei tried his hardest to think of who they were talking about, but no one came to mind.

“Then, there’s only war,” Kieri said, swinging his sword right away.


His sword extended like a whip and targeted the Four Hyenas.

“Woah, woah.”

Kieri was a magic swordsman, so it was only natural that he had plenty of magic spells that would accompany his good swordsmanship.

“First...” Bez said, jumping down from the building and landing right in front of the members of the Bachran Guild.

“Let’s deal with these guys before we talk.”


Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

Kaistra immediately fell back to avoid the magics and arrows that were raining down on him.


One of the Anubis that was running straight at him with a huge ax, suddenly found its neck split off froom its body with just a slash of Kaistra’s scimitar.


“Kill them! Kill Legend and they’ll definitely drop good items!”

The enemies finally began to enter their territory. Genie, Kaistra and Locke all kept getting pushed back.

“Why aren’t those kids coming?” Locke asked as he frowned.

“Today’s the day that they were going to play football, you know.”

“Football can’t be better than this, right?”


Kaistra quietly checked Penrus’ condition. Even if Kaistra and Penrus were strong, it was still not easy for them to handle the throngs of Anubises and the crowd of players that kept coming in. However, their biggest problem was Pharaoh. His mana would continue to rise if he kept on summoning the Anubises.

‘F*cking ability.’

In other words, his summoning could be maintained to a certain extent once the mana supply was supported.


The moment he slashed through another Anubis’ neck...



…two lions fell down from the sky, making Kaistra frown.


Penrus moved swiftly to block their attacks.


Kaistra used the opportunity to strike at the lions. Unfortunately, all that his strike produced was a spark.

‘Their defenses are high!’

“Graaaaaaaa!” One of the lions roared as it tried to trample on Penrus.


With just a quick tap, Penrus had evaded the attack.



Genie had mistakenly allowed one of the Anubises to land an attack on her. The troops that were on the forefront rained down arrows and magic on Locke and Genie.

Fwoosh, fwoosh, fwoosh, fwoosh, fwoosh, fwoosh, fwoosh, fwoosh!


The sky turned dark as arrows poured down from above, along with a variety of magical attacks.

‘What about Penrus’ MP?’

Penrus’ MP was not infinite. He could offset the magical attacks that were coming their way, but he would not be able to use ‘Acceleration’ to speed up his movements.

At that moment...


…a spinning spear flew in. The spear that was rotating rapidly sucked in the arrows and the magical attacks that were flying in the air.

Crack, crack, crack!

The incoming attacks were all wiped out mid-air. Then, the spear flew back from where it came from. When they turned around to follow the spear’s trajectory, they could see Grandpa Ben, as well as the other Spear Masters. It seemed like they had finally arrived, and along with them, the frightened soldiers finally began to advance.


The Spear Masters ran forward quickly.

Stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab!

With every step, they would stab their spears through the bodies of the Anubises rushing inside the territory!

“...That’s crazy,” Genie said in surprise.

Then, she saw Ben strolling through the gaps of the enemies with one of his hands behind his back. He easily stabbed through the neck of one of the players that rushed at him, saying, “Damn. Bastards. With just these skills?”

He stabbed his spear straight through another player and an Anubis in front of him.

[Ghost’s Dance]

[The spear dances freely like a ghost as it tramples upon its enemies.]

Stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, stab!




The players collapsed as the Anubises disappeared and grayed out.

“Team One. Forward!” One of the Spear Masters shouted, as the troops that were initially scattered began to move in unison.


“I’ll take on one of those punks too,” Ben said as he moved to intercept one of the giant lions. He looked so tiny in front of it that it seemed like he would easily be pushed back, but it was not the case at all.

Then, the bejeweled staff in the hands of Pharaoh suddenly shone brightly.

[Pharaoh’s Blessings]

[Anubises’ abilities will increase by 30%.]

The incoming Anubises immediately became ferocious. At the same time…

Bang! Bang, bang, bang!

…six more giant lions appeared.


The lions ran swiftly. Every time one of the lions collided and slammed against a building, the building would collapse. It would be over if they broke inside the territory. Fortunately, Ace and Crow arrived.


The Hell Horse that Fire Fist Ace had summoned charged fiercely as it pushed away one of the lions.


The giant lion roared at the hell horse.


Ace, covered in his flames, appeared on top of the hell horse. He said, “Noona, we’re here!”

“You should have come sooner!”

“The other guys will also be accessing soon!” Crow shouted loudly. Along with his shout, several of the guild members accessed the game, including Ascar, the goddess of the battlefield.

Ascar, with a cold and frosty expression, just quietly took on a lion all by herself. However, the lions had extremely high defenses, so Ascar could not penetrate through their skin easily.

“Yo! Guys! We won the football game today!”

“Kyaa! You should have seen the ceremony when I scored!”

“Do you want me to beat you as a ceremony?”


The guild members were starting to arrive one after another.

Pharaoh’s eyes narrowed sharply at the scene.


Pharaoh’s Envoy was just waiting for the guild members of Legend Guild to finally gather. He only had as short as half an hour to summon Baphomet. However, once he summoned Baphomet, he would not be pushed back by the still-immature and undeveloped Penrus. In addition, Baphomet could easily turn the tides of the war, with its plethora of AOE magic and magical abilities. Unfortunately, Baphomet was not Pharaoh’s summon, he was just borrowing Baphomet temporarily. He would even have a permanent 5-point decrease for each of his stats as a penalty for summoning Baphomet.

“You bastards! How dare you!”

“Keuhahaha! Why are you guys so late?! I’ll hit you later!”

The members of Legend Guild that accessed the game systematically divided themselves to attack the Bachran Guild members, the Anubises and the lions.

‘The lions might not be too aggressive, but their defenses are too high for them to kill.’

A strange smile hung loosely around Pharaoh’s mouth. Just as he thought, Legend Guild was truly on another level. They were few in numbers, but they could easily put pressure on the members of Bachran Guild.



“These bastards are stronger than what we thought!”

Wherever each of them passed through, members of Bachran Guild would collapse. The intense, nerve-racking skirmish went on for quite some time.

Then, Penrus stepped on the air in an instant.

‘Since I’m free, why don’t I kill you first?’

Kaistra was an extremely clever boy. Since the other guild members were taking over the lions that he was dealing with before, he could now take a breather. However, he keenly sensed danger.

‘He hasn’t shown us everything yet.’

Just as Penrus was trying to narrow the distance between them while hunting down the enemies that were on his way, Pharaoh’s staff suddenly flashed a blinding black light. The black light pierced straight through the sky and covered it in darkness. Then, a presence slowly emerged from the darkness. The creature was black all over and had the face of a sheep, the upper body of a muscular man, and the lower body that was similar to a horse. It also had a staff in its hand like a real pharaoh. Everyone on the battlefield, including the members of Legend Guild, the members of Bachran Guild they were dealing with, as well as the lions, stopped in their tracks as they turned to look at the new summoned being.

“W…what the hell is that?”

“A de…demonic monster?!”

[The Demon World’s Seventh Demonic Monster, Baphomet has appeared!]

[Pharaoh is not Baphomet’s Attributed Summoner.]

[If you successfully defeat Baphomet, you will be the first to receive the Demon World’s Rewards.]

Then, Baphomet howled loudly as black energy burst out of its staff. The black energy encircled the members of Legend Guild, as well as the forces affiliated with them.


[Demonic Monster’s Curse.]

[Your Physical Attack has been reduced by 40%.]

[Your Physical Defense has been reduced by 40%.]

[Your Magical Attack has been reduced by 40%.]

[Your Magical Defense has been reduced by 40%.]

[Your skills’ cooldown duration has increased by 20%.]



It was an extreme debuff. Then, dozens of magical attacks began to emerge around Baphomet.



Baphomet was a demonic monster, but it was also an existence that had great command of magic. The biggest problem would be Baphomet’s debuff that decreased both their physical and magical defenses by 40%. They knew that it would be over once they allowed just one of those magical attacks to graze them.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!

Dozens of magical attacks poured down and attacked the scattered members of Legend Guild and their troops.


Count Calvat was a lord who managed and owned a territory. His territory was Iphas, located in the south. Right now, he was riding a carriage together with his aide, Jake.

“An invitation to dinner together with the warrant application, what’s going on?”

The lords of each territory were allowed to send warrant applications to the Imperial Palace. Of course, they also had the authority to put up warrants within their own territory. However, if the Imperial Palace put up the warrant, it would cover the entire empire.

Count Calvat was a nobility who had a secret relationship with Black Stone.?Athenae?was a game. One might wonder why an NPC had a secret relationship with a group that was created by foreigners, right? It was a feat that was unimaginable to others, but what if Black Stone gave the NPCs enough money to buy dozens of mansions in every transaction? Furthermore, what if they offered them huge amounts of bribes each time they contacted? Since NPCs had a high degree of freedom, there were bound to be greedy nobles who only looked out for their own interests.

As they maintained such a high degree of confidentiality and trust, Pharaoh had told him to put a warrant. It was a warrant for the Frying Pan Killer. The reason for the warrant? He did not bother to ask. Since there was a request from Pharaoh, then that was it.

‘There’s no way to confirm it since the palace is always busy, after all.’

Would the palace even find out about it? Instead of castigating him, they even sent a servant to inquire about his condition and how he was. After all, they felt that the empress was just like a puppet to them. This was the reason why Count Calvat just carelessly replied to them.

“From now on, wouldn’t they recognize me as the leader of the Eivelis Empire?”


However, unlike his carefree attitude, Jake felt a foreboding sense of crisis. Then, just like that, the carriage arrived in front of the palace. Ruth, the empress’ personal aide, guided their way forward.

“It seems like Her Highness truly prepared a dinner for me. I feel so flattered. I’m looking forward to it.”

“It’s good that you’re looking forward to it,” Ruth replied.

Hearing that, Count Calvat thought that his ‘title’ would be promoted. Then, the door to the dining hall opened.


Count Calvat’s eyes widened in surprise when he saw the scene inside the hall. Ellie was slicing her steak with her fork and knife, a frigid expression on her face. There were three nobles beside her that were trembling wildly, their heads bowed to the ground.

Then, Ellie’s lips raised in a cold smile as she put down her cutlery and threw a bunch of papers in front of Count Calvat. She said, “Let’s start with you kneeling.”

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