As the two armies clashed, the battle for control began swiftly.

The rebel camp’s wall, already breached in several places, could no longer resist the coalition’s attack.

Led by extraordinary nobles, the vanguard quickly stormed into the camp.

A chaotic melee erupted inside and outside the walls. There were no cannons or smoke, just crowded masses, furious shouts, flying arrows, and the flickering of source power and magic from the extraordinaries.

Nobles with extraordinary powers were like unstoppable monsters upon scaling the walls. Apart from the rebels’ extraordinaries, almost no one could hold them back.

From her vantage point on the hill, Charlotte could see the battlefield clearly; the coalition had an overwhelming advantage.

This wasn’t due to superior numbers but because there were too few extraordinaries in the rebel camp to match the northern nobles charging ahead.

Despite knowing her side was significantly stronger, Charlotte was still somewhat surprised at the near-slaughter of the rebels by the invading nobles.

However, considering the upcoming “fishing” plan, she could guess the reason.

The rebels’ extraordinaries and nobles were likely all with the Lagrisse family’s main cavalry force. Taking the camp and eliminating the rebels inside was nearly a certainty.

But Charlotte’s thoughts had already moved beyond the immediate battle. She scanned the distant horizon, looking for signs of the rebel cavalry.

The main concern was whether powerful extraordinaries hidden among the rebel cavalry could threaten her forces, especially that black dragon.

She had pressured Sebastian before, and even if she hadn’t reached the Blazing Sun, she was likely at the pinnacle of the Silver Moon tier. Her presence on the battlefield could pose significant trouble for the coalition.

Charlotte’s side lacked enough high-end combat power, and while she could use her own extraordinary abilities, exposing them in front of so many troops wasn’t ideal.

Unless… she acted under someone else’s identity.

After some consideration, Charlotte decided to rely on her butler.

“Sebastian, keep an eye on the battlefield. If the black dragon appears, intervene immediately. If necessary… use stronger powers.”

Charlotte hinted.

Sebastian, understanding her intent, nodded respectfully.

“As you command, Master.”

At that moment, Baron Angus stepped forward, watching the battle’s peak.

“Countess, the assault is at its height. Shall we have Count Gaston signal to lure out the rebel cavalry?”

Charlotte looked at the coalition surrounding the camp, engaged in fierce combat, and nodded.

“Send the signal.”

On her order, a crimson magic flare shot into the sky with a piercing whistle.

Charlotte tensed, watching the rear of the rebel camp closely.

Conscripts could be replaced with time, destroying the elite rebel cavalry would be the true victory. Whether this battle could decisively crush the rebel main force depended on whether the rebels took the bait.

The flare’s sound echoed across the battlefield, but there was no movement from the rebels. One minute passed… two minutes… three minutes… Just as Charlotte started to suspect the rebels had sensed something amiss, the ground began to tremble.

The tremors were faint at first but grew stronger. Along with the shaking came a rumbling like rainfall—cavalry on the move.

Charlotte turned towards the source and saw smoke rising on the horizon beyond the camp.

Soon, a cavalry unit bearing the Lagrisse family’s banner and clad in chainmail appeared in Charlotte’s view.

The elite forces of the Lagrisse family!

Charlotte’s spirits lifted.

But as the sound of hooves grew louder and more cavalry appeared, Charlotte’s expression turned serious.

It wasn’t just the Lagrisse family’s famed cavalry; it was a massive cavalry corps, thousands strong.

Besides the Lagrisse banner, there were unfamiliar black flags with animal totems. The riders under these banners wore light armor and wielded long sabers.

Baron Angus’s face changed.

“It’s the Northern tribe’s lancers from the Northern Grand Duchy! The rebels have received help from the Northern Grand Duchy!”

The Northern Grand Duchy?

Charlotte frowned, puzzled at why their northern neighbor was involved.

She glanced at the coalition’s still-reserved cavalry, comparing numbers. The rebel cavalry seemed to be at least three times her side’s.

Charlotte’s heart sank, suddenly unsure of the upcoming battle.

“Angus, can we win?”

After a brief hesitation, Baron Angus replied.

“With a surprise attack, victory is possible. Count Gaston’s troops are elite, with a high proportion of extraordinaries. The Northern Grand Duchy’s lancers are mostly regular soldiers… But a complete annihilation is unlikely.”

Charlotte sighed.

“As long as we win, that’s enough. No one expected the rebels to get help from the north. Signal Gaston to attack.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Angus responded respectfully.

With Charlotte’s order, the signal was sent. The coalition’s elite regulars and northern nobles’ cavalry, led by the Tulip Count, flew the Borde banner and charged into battle.

Seeing the “Borde cavalry” charge, the rebel cavalry’s morale surged.

However, the vanguard soon fell into confusion as the “Borde cavalry” didn’t charge the coalition but headed straight for them.

Over 4,000 armored cavalry formed a wedge and charged the rebels.

Soon, Charlotte’s eyes widened in surprise.

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