Gospel of Blood

Chapter 258: Master! You're finally awake!

The familiar feeling of summoning came over, and crimson mist began to spread.

In the blink of an eye, Nice found himself in the familiar ancient Dark Night Castle.

Seeing the beautiful and noble figure on the Blood Throne, Nice was extremely excited.

Almost instinctively, he rushed forward, crying and wailing,

“Waaa—meow! Lady Charlotte, you’ve finally awakened!”

“If you didn’t wake up, poor Nice would really have turned into a dead cat! These days of being imprisoned have starved Nice thin!”

“Nice… is so pitiful!”

Crying out loud like a child complaining to a parent, Nice rushed towards Charlotte.

And then… thud, it crashed into an invisible barrier just before the steps, sprawled out, and slowly slid down.

But he quickly got back up, looking pitifully at Charlotte on the throne, teary-eyed and whimpering,

“Boo… Lady Charlotte…”

Watching the fat, flirtatious cat with a husky voice trying to act cute, Charlotte felt a chill down her spine.

She couldn’t help but shiver and quip.

“Alright, stop trying to act cute. With your appearance and voice, it’s really quite gross.”

Nice: …

He coughed a few times, then said, feeling wronged.

“Ahem… um, Lady Charlotte, you really misunderstood… I am truly excited to hear your voice again!”

“Is that so? From what I see, your days in the Lagrisse family’s magic workshop seem pretty comfortable. Saying you’ve lost weight… looks like you’ve gained another circle instead.”

“Sir Nicholas, it seems you’ve been getting along well with the Lagrisse mages recently.”

Charlotte said casually, glancing at him.

Hearing Charlotte’s address for him, Nice instinctively looked away.

“Huh? Lady Charlotte, what are you talking about? I don’t quite understand…”

Charlotte gave it an exasperated look and teased.

“Nice, has anyone ever told you that when you play dumb and lie, you are so exaggerated that you might as well write your thoughts on your forehead?”

Nice: …

He cautiously lifted his head and saw Charlotte’s amused expression, feeling embarrassed.

“Uh… well… Lady Charlotte…”

“Call me Master.”



“Um… when did you wake up? And when did you start watching over me?”

Nice cautiously probed.

Charlotte adjusted herself comfortably on the throne, propping her head on her hand and crossing her legs.

“Probably when you were smugly instructing the Lagrisse family’s magic craftsmen to create magical equipment to use against Castell.”

Nice: …

“Uh… it’s all a misunderstanding, Master. I had no choice. If I didn’t show some value, I would have turned into a dead cat already!”

“Wait! So you heard everything just now?”

Nice suddenly realized.

Charlotte glanced at it and nodded slightly.

“Mm, heard it all, of course. Legendary Mage Nicholas, no wonder you know so many divine spells.”

“Or, more accurately, you aren’t really a contract believer; the divine spells you know… must have been stolen from the Gods using some forbidden means, right?”

Facing Charlotte’s meaningful gaze, Nice chuckled awkwardly.

“Uh… ashamed to say, I’ve just delved a bit deeper into magic…”

“Oh? So you don’t deny that you are the Legendary Mage Nicholas?”

Charlotte laughed lightly.

Nice sighed.

“You’ve heard and seen everything. How can I deny it… I can only remain silent…”

Seeing the black cat’s resigned expression, Charlotte shook her head.

“Alright, honestly, I don’t care about your past identity, whether you are a Legendary Mage hunted by various churches or a black cat with extraordinary power. Since you’ve signed a contract with me, now… you are my servant.”

“Tell me, what happened while I was asleep, and how did you end up in Silver Mine City?”

Seeing that Charlotte was no longer probing, Nice immediately perked up.

He scratched his head and said,

“This… Lady Charlotte, it’s a long story…”

“About a month and a half ago, miners started disappearing in Silver Mine City again. To investigate, we sent two extraordinary knights and a squad of soldiers…”

“But we soon lost contact with the team we sent. After discussing with Sebastian, we decided to look into it ourselves.”

“However, after further consideration, Sebastian stayed in Northport to protect you, while I snuck into Silver Mine City to investigate…”

Charlotte’s interest was piqued.

“So… did you go there under the guise of my inspection?”

Niss scratched his head.

“Initially, no, but after arriving in Silver Mine City, to facilitate the investigation, I borrowed your identity a bit… but unexpectedly, I ran straight into the enemy and got captured by the Blood Demon Cult.”

Charlotte’s eyes flashed.

“Oh, the Blood Demon Cult? So you mean to say that the force behind the Lagrisse family… is the Blood Demon Cult?”

Niss sighed.

“Yes… you must have ‘seen’ that nasty little female dragon just now, right? She is the mount of a priest from the Blood Demon Cult, and the Lagrisse family… has probably been colluding with the Blood Demon Cult for a long time.”

“Moreover, from what I’ve heard from the mages and craftsmen in the workshop, they seem to mention something about ‘ruins’. Master, the Lagrisse family’s rebellion might not be that simple. There’s not only the shadow of the Blood Demon Cult but also other motives!”

“Ruins, huh…”

Hearing Nice’s words, Charlotte starts to ponder.

Her thoughts quickly connected more dots.

“So… the one who turned Laura de Lagrisse into a bloodborne wasn’t from the Nez Clan, but Shedite…”

“This Blood Demon Cult really is a persistent trouble.”

Nice nodded repeatedly, with a righteous look.

“Yes! These evil guys are causing trouble everywhere, and the wicked Demigod Blood Demon Archduke Abaddon has always coveted the power of the True Ancestor of Blood!”

“Lady Charlo… I mean, Great Master, you must capture these guys in one sweep and let their Evil God behind them know your power!”

Charlotte gave a half-smile.

“Alright, stop fanning the flames. I remember… you seem to have some grudges with Abaddon as well?”

“Uh… Master is wise. The Blood Demon Archduke has committed countless atrocities, and any righteous person is mortal enemies with them!”

Nice said righteously.

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