Meref tried to increase the emotion of forgiveness and guilt. It was even easier than trying to control someone's mind, he just needed to intensify each emotion and get Theo to stop controlling his people.

If that worked, the chances of him winning would increase, he could use his people to attack together, and then when Theo was exhausted, it would be the time for his death. It was a good plan, Meref thought it was his chance. He saw that Theo was falling into his plan, however, he did not imagine that his mind was more powerful than he thought and managed to return to normal in less than 1 minute.

He couldn't even get Theo to think he was being too excessive, at most he made him reflect on his actions, but it wasn't enough, he was weak... His mind was weak compared to Theo's. Now, he was even more afraid. A powerful mind that managed to control many people at the same time, and still managed to protect itself, was scary!

Meref began to feel weak and helpless, he saw his people dying and sadness almost drowned him in his sorrows, tears streamed from his eyes over and over. He felt powerless and weak, very weak.

'I am a worm, maybe I should die, I do not deserve to live in this world. I should just kill myself and get rid of that plague that I am...' Meref knelt on the floor with a depressed expression and started thinking about committing suicide.

"I Don't want to live anymore!" Meref screamed dramatically and with his hand enveloped by darkness, it crossed his chest and hit his heart. Then he vomited blood and died kneeling on the floor.

Of course, Theo knew it wasn't over. He approached and pierced his hand in Meref's body and withdrew his soul.

Wide-eyed, Meref's soul cried out: "How is that possible?! You are a monster!"

"Don't be the drama queen, this isn't you complete soul in any case, there is still a little mouse under the ground, right?" Theo smiled mockingly.


Without giving him a chance to say another word, Theo used <Devour> on Meref's soul.

Theo's soul was slightly strengthened, but perhaps because it was not complete, it was not so much.

Like a fishing net, Theo used the spiritual mana of darkness and launched it towards the ground, crossing the ground as if it were the sea. When he "pulled" a demon identical to Meref appeared.

"W-When did you find out?!" Meref shouted in disbelief. It was difficult for him to believe since his plan was perfect. Even if he lost, at least he would come out alive, although he regretted the lost lives of his people, he cared more about his own life.

"From the start." Theo replied.

He had entered Meref's mind by the time he arrived. He just pretended he didn't know to avoid Meref's escape with the teleport talisman. Everything was within his calculations, he knew that Meref did not want to use that talisman if it was not necessary. However, now trapped in the net made of spiritual mana from the darkness, he was trapped and could not move, he could only speak.

'As a powerful and intelligent being, I can't believe that I'm going to die in this isolated place without anyone knowing. Did I manage to escape from the Celestial Emperor, to fall here?' What laughable was his situation? Meref couldn't help laughing at himself.

He admits that he underestimated Theo more than he should, he admits that he made a mistake when he thought of attacking him for being arrogant and didn't even investigate him properly, but did he have to be so badass? Did it have to be so formidable? How did a random person who was handed over to him with possible rewards become a real hunter, and he was the prey?

It was unacceptable! It was unacceptable...! He didn't want to believe it, he refuses to believe that he was so unlucky. However, even if he refuses to believe, even if he denies this reality that he is experiencing, he could not escape. It was too late to want to do anything else.

Even with the difference of a kingdom completely, he was destined to fail from the beginning when he made Theo his enemy. It was a complete defeat!

​ Meref was silent. He didn't even try to beg for his life. He saw it in Theo's eyes and understood more or less that it wouldn't change anything, he would just be humiliating himself even more.

When Theo was about to attack, he said, "At least let that half of my soul be reincarnated, that's all I ask!"

"Will not happen. Don't take me for a fool, didn't I say? I can read your thoughts, you are like an open book for me, I look if you want to look, I know you say that, but your mind thinks otherwise, like for example; Reincarnate and luckily for fate to recover his memories and take revenge. The chances are low, but they are not null. As long as they are not null, I will not be happy."

"Bastard!!" Meref lost his temper. He threw away all his masks that formed and a distorted expression appeared.


Theo didn't speak this time. He concentrated spiritual mana in his hand and created a sword of light and pierced Meref's head with the sword. It was fast, very fast. Meref still kept his eyes open even in the face of so much light, all because he didn't see the attack coming and when he seemed to notice and his eyes widened in amazement, he died.

Theo pulled Meref's soul out of his body. This was all because Meref knew he could devour his soul, he realized that it was too risky for people to know this skill. So he decided to hide.

When he devours Meref's soul a new holographic message from the system appeared.

_ _

• [Sixteen-year-old soul; Changed to Seventeen]

_ _

'My soul has already reached my present age.' Theo thought and then looked at the demons killing themselves. He didn't worry about them seeing him use devour on Meref's soul, as he was cautious and used his illusions to camouflage everything that happened.

Theo kept everything that belonged to Meref in his storage ring and instead of enjoying the show letting them kill themselves, Theo was in a hurry. He promised to return as soon as possible. That's why he started killing the demons.

It was fast, Theo moved even faster than lightning, even tracks of him running was not left behind. Every second that passed was a demon's head being cut off. It was always just a cut. Not two, just one.

Before long, only demon women and children survived. But some women were killed by having their minds read by Theo. Another thing that happened was Theo finding women from other planets hidden underground. All these women were nothing more than a sperm bank to generate new children for the deceased demon.

Theo also helped them by erasing their memories of all the suffering that went on here. All demon women and children also had their minds erased. Theo entered the [Dimensional Room] and explained the situation to everyone, and they agreed that it was a good idea to bring them to Planet Spirit and let them live as they wanted.

Although they are demons, not all were bad. Only men of that race were driven by madness and some women. That is why did do not need to kill them all and Theo could see that now with all their memories erased, they would not do anything stupid. In the end, they were no different from other races, they just grew differently.

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