Golden Experience

Chapter 185: “Straight Line, Rotation, Meteor Sword”

“What do you think happened?”

“I don’t know. According to the messenger’s account, not only the knight order but also the town, fields, and everything else were lost and turned into a barren land.”

“It’s like a natural disaster. However, for our country with few professional soldiers, losing a knight order is more than just a setback.”

In the capital of the Portree Kingdom, within the central palace, Ustashe was troubled.

The third knight order was dispatched to Hiers. Usually tasked with defeating monsters, the third knight order was the most experienced in combat within the Portree Kingdom.

Although they lacked experience in interpersonal combat, they were expected to perform better than other units.

In reality, their plan succeeded, and they quickly took control of the town of Hiers. Unable to identify who the bandits were, and fearing potential retaliation from survivors, they killed all the residents and looted food and crops.

However, the next report came from the messengers and transport team sent for food transport and regular communication. The unbelievable content was that the town they believed to have conquered had disappeared, and there was no sign of the knight order anywhere.

“Could they have mistakenly ventured into the territory of monsters?”

“Normally, as the third knight order whose main duty is to defeat monsters, they wouldn’t mistakenly attack in that direction…”

They didn’t understand what was happening, but the fact remained that the town they thought they had conquered had been destroyed. Unless an unprecedented natural disaster occurred, someone had done this intentionally. Logically, whoever that was likely intended to attack either the Hiers Kingdom or the Portree Kingdom.

If the intention was to attack Hiers, they could leave it alone. However, if there was hostility towards Portree, they needed to take measures.

The already small Portree Knight Order couldn’t deploy widely and wasn’t skilled in defense. The loss of the third knight order further weakened their position. Nevertheless, they had no choice but to strengthen their defenses with the remaining knight orders.

“We don’t even know if these bandits have any connection. Those bandits and now, what grudge do they hold against our country?”

Ustashe once again held his head in his hands.

“Your Majesty, there is a communication stating that Wilrab is under attack by an unknown assailant.”

Portree is a land with rugged terrain, utilizing its mountainous and narrow land. Forts are constructed on mountain tops and slopes, housing specialized communication soldiers to establish a communication network through semaphore communication.

Communication soldiers require advanced specialized training, and communication may be disrupted due to weather. However, it allows for much faster information transmission than messenger pigeons.

“Wilrab? The fortress city, right? Another monster outbreak?”

Wilrab is a frontier city bordering a forested region. Serving a central role among neighboring frontier cities, it boasts larger walls and a city size twice that of others. The last major outbreak played out as expected, fulfilling its role during that time.

It is also a city where the Fourth Knight Order is stationed permanently. Apart from the capital, there are only three other cities with a standing knight order in the country, making Wilrab one of the cities with considerable military strength within Portree.

Because of this, including the last outbreak, no monsters have ever breached the city. It is known for its impenetrable defense.

“It seems that the monsters attacking are stronger and more numerous than usual, and the Fourth Knight Order is having a tough time.”

“Tough time? Even if they are strong, they can’t be as formidable as our knights. There are hardly any monsters in this country stronger than our forces, and those few wouldn’t attack a city for no reason. Even during the last outbreak, they remained silent.”

For instance, the large Great Tree Forest in the south, lying seemingly to obstruct the country’s expansion to the sea. Legend has it that the forest is home to a Spider King. The thread obtained from this spider is said to repel even magic, and a cape woven from this thread is stored in the national treasure vault.

Even the threads obtained from the smaller spiders in the forest, while not as potent, have high magic resistance and can produce beautifully colored fabrics, fetching high prices in trade.

However, even the smaller spiders have a size comparable to an elf’s height, making them formidable for ordinary mercenaries. While the knight order can easily handle their extermination, the knights’ swords aren’t meant for such tasks.

Recently, threads brought in by the long-eared barbarians and their kin had increased from somewhere, and though of slightly inferior quality, they still met the demand to some extent.

Even Ustashe acknowledged that occasionally, the barbarians proved useful.

During the last major outbreak, the Spider King remained silent. Though there was some commotion from the smaller spiders, it wasn’t to the extent of them venturing out of the forest.

Besides the Spider King, there are other equally powerful monsters said to exist in the country, yet none have ventured out of their territories.

Even if they did, facing one formidable opponent wasn’t a challenge for the entire knight order. Even mediocre mercenaries could be somewhat useful in clearing minor nuisances and acting as a meat shield in battles.

“Well, never mind. What kind of monsters are attacking? Spiders? Slimes? Wait, if it’s Wilrab, could it be harpies?”

Being attacked from the sky would indeed be troublesome, but Wilrab was built as a defense against the mountains where harpies reside. It should have solid anti-air defenses, prepared for opponents flying through the air.

“No, it seems to be something like black skeletons.”

“Skeletons? Just low-level trash. No need for the knight order to intervene. What are they doing? Do they want to be executed, the lord of Wilrab?”

“I’m afraid not, Your Majesty. There is also information suggesting that the disaster that attacked the Hiers Kingdom summoned a large number of black skeletons. Perhaps…”

“…Is the disaster now targeting us? The disaster that never left the Hiers Kingdom until now?”

The disaster is said to originate from the Liebe Great Forest in the Hiers Kingdom, an area located on the eastern side within the Hiers Kingdom.

The disaster headed west from there, destroying the Hiers Kingdom capital. Now, it seems it turned back, headed south to attack Portree.

“For what purpose?”

They had dispatched troops to avoid provoking the monster territory.

“Um, if the town to which we sent troops is already under the influence of the disaster, this might be retaliation.”

“Nonsense! Are you saying the disaster used human bandits from our country to plunder?”

“I’m afraid, Your Majesty, that those bandits might have come from the Hiers Kingdom.”

Indeed, that was a possibility. There was also the possibility they came from Aural. Although there were no clear signs within the country originally, if a group of human bandits were active in the Elven country of Portree, it would attract attention. Unlikely.

“Aural…? The forces defeated in the political upheaval in Aural came here? Damn, it was almost a bloodless revolution!”

Reports from the grass suggested that there were minor clashes in the Aural capital, but it ended before escalating into a large-scale conflict.

“…Well, it’s too late to say that now. It is a fact that the town in Hiers was destroyed, and it is likely a fact that we are under attack in retaliation. Whether it’s due to the disaster or not, we have no choice but to defend ourselves.”

“City gate, hold it!”

“How’s the preparation of the heavily armored infantry? If the city gate is breached, it’s up to the heavily armored infantry to defend the town! Ensure everyone provides support!

The wall team, reduce the enemy numbers as much as possible! It’s okay to damage the anti-air guns a bit at this point! Aim them downward somehow! … What!? We must survive this moment; we won’t even be able to confront those harpies! Face reality!”

The city of Wilrab is enveloped in turmoil.

However, it’s only the knights causing the commotion.

The residents are holed up in their homes, holding their breath, and the invading monsters are silent.

This fortress city, which has never allowed monster intrusion before, is under attack by mysterious black skeletons, and the city gate is on the verge of being destroyed.

“What are those skeletons? Their numbers are overwhelming!”

If they were just ordinary skeletons, it wouldn’t matter even if there were tens of thousands of them. However, it seems these are not ordinary skeletons.

Their black bodies are covered in a metallic sheen, making them impervious to the knights’ attacks. In terms of pure strength, Portree’s knights are superior, but if they can’t inflict damage, defeating them is impossible.

Some active skills from squad leaders seem capable of destroying them, but it’s not as simple as a single blow. Additionally, there are individuals among them using magic, and they can be devastating with long-range magical attacks.

Meanwhile, arrows and magic from Portree seem to have no effect on them.

Initially, the commander, seeing them as just skeletons, decided there was no need for a siege and chose field battle outside the city walls. However, gradually pushed back by opponents impervious to their attacks, they ended up retreating within the walls and resorting to a siege defense. Not only that, but the enemy magic attacks are now on the verge of breaking the city gate.

This is the terrifying aspect of magic.

In one-on-one combat, they may not be as formidable, but when effectively utilized by an organized group, it allows for a wide range of tactics. They can perform the roles of archers and battering rams in a single unit. While they may be inferior to archers in range, they don’t need to carry arrows, and though they may be less powerful than siege weapons, their numbers make up for it. For a commander who has never considered a siege, this use of magic makes it both impressive and threatening.

Tactics like these would make sense if the opponent were human. However, the enemy is monsters. Even the commander, who has not experienced wars between humans, and if he has, only dealt with bandits, has never seen monsters attack city gates, let alone use magic.

If there were a history of wars between humans, this situation might have been different.

“Squad leaders, despite being at the commander level, you can inflict damage with active skills! The anti-air guns should be able to destroy them in one shot! Hurry with the work!”

The city gate is no longer holding.

Inside the gate, the heavily armored infantry is already in formation, but if they are infiltrated into the inner part of the wall, even if the anti-air guns are modified, they won’t be able to shoot. There’s a possibility of involving allies, the city, and ordinary citizens.

“…I see! Alright! Fire!”

The modification was just in time, and some of the anti-air guns have transformed into anti-ground artillery. However, since they are not securely fixed, it’s unclear if the second shot can be fired after the first. Also, if the firing angle is too low, the projectile might fall from the barrel before shooting. It can only aim at the rear of the enemy formation. Shooting the frontline enemies would damage the city gate, so that’s not an option.

In other words, until the city gate is breached, the makeshift anti-ground artillery’s role is to reduce the enemy’s numbers.

The fired projectiles pierce through the enemy rear column, destroying several skeletons upon impact.

The enemy’s magic users are focused on breaking the city gate, so most of them are in the front row. Only knight-type skeletons, which are powerless against the city wall and gate, are gathered in the back. While there’s not much the anti-ground artillery can do against the crumbling city gate, reducing the number of skeletons in the rear might influence the subsequent battle if the gate is breached.

“So, only one shot can be fired. Doesn’t matter! Fire—What!”

“Commander, skeletons are on the city wall!”

“What!? From where!?”

“It seems some agile skeletons climbed the city wall! While the wall team is busy with the anti-air guns…”

“Shit, can the wall team handle it!?”

“It’s impossible! The wall team consists only of technical jobs suitable for making projectiles and gunners with shooting skills. They’re not effective against skeletons!”

Against skeletal enemies without flesh, arrow attacks have little effect. Even swords and maces can’t damage them unless wielded by high-ranking knights. Moreover, bows are even less effective than other weapons.

“The gates have been breached!”

“Oh no, we can no longer fire our anti-surface guns! Tell those on the ramparts to keep the enemy there somehow! The anti-surface guns no longer need to be protected!

Heavy infantry, are you ready?

The others, hit them from the flanks while the heavy infantry hold the enemy off!”

Heavily armed infantrymen are in formation on the boulevard extending from the castle gates, bumping into the enemy.

If the knights standing by on the side streets of the avenue, etc., led by their squad leader class, charge from the enemy flank, they should be able to use their breakthrough power to devour the enemy.

The enemy knight class, which should be holding the line in front, is being moved backward, while the wizard class, which should be supporting the enemy from the rear, is moving forward. If we can divide them and prevent them from joining forces, we can obstruct the enemy’s coordination.

Although the enemy outnumbers us, we still have a chance to win if we can break up the battle and destroy them individually.

Or rather, we must believe that we can manage to do so.

Compared to other countries, the number of knights in Portree is small. Therefore, they are accustomed to fighting enemies who outnumber them. Even if they are more powerful than us.

However, although the enemy’s fighting power itself is weaker than that of the knights, its strong body makes it almost impervious to our attacks.

“What on earth is this chaotic monster… Where did it come from?”

The enemy’s attacks are also sharp, and the shields of the heavily-armored infantry are damaged.

However, they haven’t been completely destroyed, and the heavily-armored infantry have the luxury of taking turns and resting.

The separated enemy forces are gradually reducing their numbers.

At the same time, several metal lumps are generated from the ground seemingly out of nowhere, causing some knights to stumble and fall.

“What are those… Metal lumps, huh? From the skeletons? No, wait, does that mean those aren’t skeletons? Magical creatures? Some kind of golem?”

The commander of the city’s defense is also concurrently serving as the captain of the Fourth Knight Order stationed there.

Being the captain of the Portree Knight Order makes one an elite. Although they don’t have authority surpassing the lord, a competent lord entrusted with such a significant city would typically delegate the defense to the elite captain in times of crisis.

Every captain is over 100 years old, and the commander himself is over 200.

Living for such a long time provides opportunities to gather information on various monsters. Portree might have fewer eyewitness accounts, but there have been reports of golems, a type of monster, leaving behind metal or rock chunks when defeated.

While not metal chunks, angels that periodically invade also leave behind items when defeated, disappearing afterward.

“…Things are improving, but just in case, transmit this information to the communication unit.”

The number of metal chunks rolling on the ground is gradually increasing.

At this rate, it will take time, but they should be able to exterminate them.

The fatigue of the knights is a concern, but they all carry fatigue recovery potions. While rarely used due to concerns about aftereffects, in this situation, no knight in the Fourth Knight Order would hesitate to use them.

“Commander! The heavily armored infantry is…!”

“Wh-what is that… what happened there!?”

However, at that moment, the heavily armored infantry was suddenly blown away.

For a commander who has lived for 200 years, it’s a sight he has never seen before. Heavily armored soldiers, clad in thick armor and holding sturdy shields, are airborne.

At the center of it all, standing at the forefront of the pseudo-skeletons, is an old knight resembling a human. It seems that old knight is the one who blew away the heavily armored infantry.

“Is that the enemy… leader?”

If it’s the leader of the skeletons, that thing is undead. However, skeletons are technically monsters. So, is that one also some kind of monster like the pseudo-skeletons?

Regardless, whatever it is, the situation is bad.

The enemy is just tough. This plan is based on the premise that the enemy’s attacks cannot penetrate the defense of the heavily armored infantry. If there’s an existence that can disrupt the formation of the heavily armored infantry, even if it’s just one person, the plan is in jeopardy.

There are still many pseudo-skeletons remaining, and some are on top of the city wall.

“No, it’s not about disrupting the formation; that’s…”

Even after the first blow, the heavily armored infantry is continuously blown away. They have no experience with such a thing. Every soldier seems to be taken aback.

Moreover, at an inconvenient time, it seems the cooldown of the enemy magical troops, who had destroyed the city wall, has finished.

Also, the knight-types that were held back in the rear have now moved to the front, replacing the magical troops, further increasing the enemy’s defensive capabilities.

This was a strategy that relied on a small number of strong individuals, the squad leaders. The result of that strategy is unfolding. It has been overturned by a much stronger single individual.

If the squad leaders are defeated, there are no cards left to resist the monsters in this city. And that is only a matter of time.

“Instruct the residents to evacuate. It’s probably too late, but…”

The commander unsheathes his sword.


“Staying here like this is pointless. The plan has failed. There’s no way to recover. Even if we manage to escape, we’ll only face judgment from His Majesty.”

The commander, along with all the knights in the command post, wield their swords and fight as dead soldiers.

Ustashe never expected to hear such a report.

“…Wilrab has fallen?”

Was it the incompetence of the lord or the ineptitude of the knight order’s commander? It’s likely neither.

It’s simply that the enemy had more formidable forces than anticipated.

“The last communication from the Fourth Knight Order’s commander was information about the enemy leader.”

With a single swing of his sword, the leader blew away several heavily armored infantry men, repeatedly executing such attacks.

It is unknown whether our attacks would work against the leader. After all, all our attacks have been evaded. Moreover, we failed to find and establish effective tactics against the enemy’s foot soldiers.

From the report, there is no confirmation of the existence of what seems to be a calamity.

However, that doesn’t provide any comfort. If it can destroy us, whether it’s a calamity or an unknown entity, it’s the same thing.

“Hurry, issue evacuation orders to all cities between Wilrab and the capital. The enemy has the strength to capture Wilrab. Resisting would be futile. We have no choice but to confront them in the capital.”


…Shall we proceed with a scorched earth strategy?”

“No, whether undead or magical creatures, they don’t seem to require sustenance. It would be a waste of time. Prioritize evacuation. We can’t afford to lose more citizens and weaken the nation further.”

Watching the emblematic official leave, Ustashe also rises from his seat.

There are things he must do.

“An artifact. Never thought I’d have to use one in my time…”

The only relief is that the opponent seems to be close to undead. If that’s the case, the artifact should be effective. Even if it’s a magical creature, if it’s the opposite of undead, it likely won’t take a form similar to a skeleton. The same speculation can be made about the enemy leader leading them.

“There’s no point in holding back and losing. Let’s go with the best one. Even if the balance of power with other countries is disrupted… No, that’s irrelevant now. Hiers is already gone, and there is an enemy of humanity on the continent. It’s truly a turbulent era. Even if we manage to survive this crisis, what awaits us beyond is…”

Bowing to the humans is distasteful, but seeking protection from the neighboring country, Aural, might be necessary.

That country is probably the most stable nation at the moment. Even cities that suffered from bandit attacks are now receiving generous food supplies from Aural at an exceptionally low price. So, it’s certain that they are at least friendly to Portree.

The enemy forces that advanced through the deserted highway appeared in the Portree capital in a matter of days.

Portree is a long and narrow country stretching east to west. Even if the enemy forces appearing from the north aimed for the capital, it wouldn’t take much time.

Especially if the enemy forces, which would require minimal sleep and rest, were considered. No, if anything, it was rather late.

“I see, they’re black….”

The ones waiting for the enemy forces in the capital were primarily the Second Knight Order, responsible for the defense of the capital. Next were the Fifth Knight Order stationed in Piacere, a town facing the Umidita Lake where slimes emerge, which is usually to the east. Further, the Sixth Knight Order protected Aspen City, playing a role as a defensive wall against the southern forest.

And the First Knight Order guarded the palace and the royal family as the royal guard.

The Seventh Knight Order stationed in the western city of the country couldn’t make it in time.

According to the information, the enemy had numerous individuals using magic and had siege weapons as a unit.

In the battle at Wilrab, they were pressed by the overwhelming number of enemies in the field, ultimately luring them into a narrow urban area to gain an advantage. However, with these many knight orders, such tactics were unnecessary.

It was possible to surround and divide them without using the walls of confined spaces.

Many knights had acquired effective and powerful active skills. Especially in the First Knight Order, being the royal guard, where everyone had such skills. They were composed of the elite of the elite, including high elves who were nobles.

Ustashe, not wanting to turn the capital into a battlefield, chose the grasslands surrounding the capital as the battlefield.

This land was usually used as pasture. Once it turned into a battlefield, it could no longer be used as pasture. It would be necessary to think of an alternative, but what mattered now was surviving today, not tomorrow’s milk.

“With this force, there should be no defeat. Indeed, it’s a total war.”

If, at this moment, monsters overflowed from Umidita Lake and the southern forest, cities facing that side would be wiped out.

However, what Ustashe must protect above all is this capital and the artifact.

Even if major cities were destroyed, the country wouldn’t be lost, but if the capital and the royal family were annihilated, the nation would fall.

Strictly speaking, the grassland, the battlefield, was not the capital, so the artifact couldn’t be used.

The conditions weren’t as strict as saying it could only be used inside castle walls, but it still needed to be closer.

Therefore, the artifact was already installed near the castle walls.

In the worst case, troops would be immediately moved closer to the walls, and the battle would take place around the artifact.

It spread curses indiscriminately, so knights directing the enemy would also be cursed along with the enemies they led. The exclusion condition only registered the leaders and deputy leaders of each knight order, and Ustashe.

Since the artifact is a consumable item, using it would mean a decline in the value and status of the country. Still, it was much better than losing everything.

It’s about time the Second Knight Order, stationed in the center, would encounter the enemy.

Once they made contact, the Second Knight Order would gradually fall back, and the Fifth and Sixth Knight Orders, stationed on the starboard and port sides, would surround and encircle the enemy. The First Knight Order was guarding Ustashe.

For some time after the start of the war, the situation unfolded as Ustashe had planned.

Currently, the enemy is surrounded by the Second, Fifth, and Sixth Knight Orders and is gradually decreasing in number as expected. The report that only certain active skills could penetrate their defense was initially not believed, but it turned out to be true.

The knight orders were overwhelmingly superior in numbers. Ustashe thought that once surrounded, the conflict would be resolved quickly, but the sturdy enemy soldiers were not decreasing easily.

Furthermore, since it was a tactic relying on only some knights, there was also concern about the fatigue of those knights.

Enemy magical attacks were troublesome, but in the current situation of surrounding from all directions, they were sporadic. Squad leaders and above, the true main forces, were engaged in close combat, so they weren’t targets for magic.

The knights forming the encirclement were suffering casualties, but some damage was inevitable.

“The enemy leader was reported to be exceptionally strong, right? Seems like there’s no such person.”

If they take their time, it should be possible to annihilate them. The damage to the knights should be less than initially anticipated.

Ustashe personally went to the front line considering it a crisis of the nation’s survival, but it turned out to be anticlimactic.

It might have been fine to wait in the palace after all, but Ustashe was also a high elf. As someone noble, there was no choice but to stand on the battlefield, against a potential crisis for the nation.

If the city is in dire straits, it’s the lord’s incompetence. If the nation is in dire straits, it’s Ustashe’s incompetence as the king.

After a while, a knight from the encircling group ran towards Ustashe, holding his chest.

There wasn’t a designated role like a messenger in the ranks, but was this what it was supposed to be? Or perhaps a wounded soldier?

He might have suffered damage to his chest, but if he could run, he should still be able to fight.

Ustashe, as a king, rarely appeared on the battlefield. It seemed normal for defense battles in frontier cities, although it had never happened before.

If he intended to sabotage, it would be necessary to execute him. To which knight order does he belong?

The knight’s hand left his chest, revealing the emblem indicating his affiliation on his armor’s chest, yes—

“Your Majesty! Please step back! He’s from the annihilated Fourth Knight Order—”

The emblem officer beside him shouted, and the knight, who had somehow approached in the blink of an eye, was now in front of Ustashe.

It couldn’t have been that Ustashe was absent-minded or looking away. In an instant, the knight had moved over a dozen meters.

“Now, were you being called ‘Your Majesty’ just now?”

The face couldn’t be seen due to the helmet, but it definitely wasn’t a skeleton. It should be a normal, fleshy man. If it were a skeleton, even in armor, it would be hollow and make noise. And the voice was natural.

Ustashe had never encountered a talking skeleton before.


“[Gerade Schneiden].”

The area around Ustashe, guarded by the First Knight Order, was cleaved in a straight line by the sword flash released from the knight wearing the Fourth Knight Order’s armor, causing the formation to split in two from the center.

This attack was undoubtedly aimed at Ustashe in the center, but he narrowly avoided it.

Being a king would accumulate a considerable amount of experience points. As a high elf who also demanded excellence from himself, it was only natural to use that experience for self-strengthening.

Even without practical combat experience, Ustashe avoided the attack of the mysterious knight based on his ability values alone.

“Guagh! Royal Knights! Kill this man! He’s not a knight of our country!”

The mysterious knight was surrounded by the royal knights.

The royal knights were Ustashe’s followers and had more experience points than other knights, as they were meant to protect Ustashe and the palace.

Therefore, all of them possessed the strength equivalent to or greater than squad leaders from other knight orders. Even if this mysterious knight were the leader of the enemy skeletons, possessing the strength reported by the Fourth Knight Order, defeating him was not impossible.

“[Drehungbahn].” (T/N: don’t mind me, just doing my best with, apparently, german)

However, with the skill released by the mysterious knight, the royal knights surrounding him were all split vertically.

The sword flash that split the formation in two earlier had an abnormal level of power.

The royal knights had top-notch abilities, and their armor was made of a mithril and magic iron alloy.

Mithril, on its own, has high magic affinity but high thermal conductivity, making it unsuitable for armor. However, by combining it with magic iron into an alloy, thermal conductivity can be suppressed, and hardness can be slightly increased.

Portree had weak metalworking technology. This armor was made using technology established in the former unified nation. There were reportedly even better armors in the past, but they no longer existed in the present.

In other words, this armor represented the highest performance available in Portree.

The mysterious knight easily cut through this armor and, with a single skill, split them all in two.

It was unbelievable.

What kind of sword could make that possible? Or was there a secret to these skills?

“Enough! If surrounding him won’t work, then—”

“It seems undeniable that you’re the king. Then, this time, I won’t let you evade. Be blown away altogether! [Schwert Meteor]!”

Perhaps it was an illusion.

The sword flash released by the mysterious knight pierced through Ustashe like a shooting star from the sky, causing an explosion that blew everything around, including the royal knights.

Nothing was left afterward.

There was only the gouged earth.

With Ustashe’s death, the remaining royal knights also fell on the spot, and when the knights fighting on the front lines realized it, no one was standing in the headquarters.


“Oh, well done.”

Deas commended the Adamant Scouts.

The Adamant Scouts had lurked around the city outskirts a day ahead of the main force, with the mission of confirming the location where the artifact was installed. Rather, it was more accurate to say that they deliberately delayed their movements by one day compared to the scouts.

The scouts, who had collected all the artifacts set up next to the castle walls, reported to Deas, who had disguised himself as an enemy knight and wreaked havoc on the main camp.

It would be ideal to store them in the inventory to avoid bulk, but it was uncertain who might be watching where. He couldn’t afford to make a careless move that could threaten the position of his lord.

In the group continuing the siege on the front lines, it seemed that some knights had noticed them. However, the enemy’s main force capable of defeating the Adamant Scouts was still playing with the Adaman-knights near the center of the siege. It would take a while to defeat them all, so Deas decided to leave them alone.

“Now, you guys, let’s take over the palace. Her Majesty doesn’t seem particularly obsessed with the extermination of the royal family, but there’s no harm in aiming for perfection.”

They had already achieved the assassination of the nation’s head, which was the most crucial objective. In a sense, the rest was a formality.

However, Deas attempted to infiltrate the royal capital to eliminate all members of the royal family.

The city gate was tightly closed, but that was not a problem.

The scouts could climb the walls, and Deas could run along the walls.

“It’s impossible to escape from us. We don’t know which one is the royal family, but they are probably in the palace. If we kill everyone in the palace, including those inside and anyone trying to escape, the mission will be accomplished. The time limit is until the Adaman-knights on the surface are completely wiped out. Let’s go.”

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