Golden Experience

Chapter 140: “Not Eligible For Selection”

The official results of the second official event have been announced.

“Well, I already knew it.”

In the department of acquiring Defense Points— a term I’ve never heard before, but apparently points were set for that as masked data— Gi1gamesh ranked first, Amatein second, and a player named TKDSG third.

The rankings below that haven’t been announced, but it seems that individuals will be notified of their rankings.

Rare also received the result “not eligible for selection”.

On the other hand, in the Invasion Points department, Blanc ranked first. Second place went to Lyra, and third place to a player named Bamb.

Here too, Rare was “not eligible for selection”.

“She got her name on the Invasion ranking because of the coup d’état…”

In the event, points are calculated based on the points acquired as the defense side or invasion side. The player’s race is irrelevant. Lyra and Blanc, even though players, collaborated with Rare and overturned the Aural Kingdom. Currently, the national leader of Aural is under Lyra. They managed to earn points in this way and entered the rankings.

“With Lyra, we need to make sure not only her face but also her name is hidden… Wasn’t she called Lord Hugelcup by the NPCs? So, if we don’t call her that in public, it should be fine.”

The same goes for Blanc. Even if she’s revealed as a player, it wouldn’t be fun.

“For now, let’s keep an eye on it. I thought this player named Bamb might be the goblin who took over the city. If that’s the case, they should have earned fewer points than Lyra at least, but…”

If this player named Bamb is not the goblin in question, then that goblin was an NPC. Alternatively, similar to Rare, they might have already been proposed by the operation because they had the monster’s territory under control.

On social media, it was said that goblins gradually replaced the undead. If that goblin had already dominated the monster’s territory in advance, it’s hard to imagine the type of small fry changing midway.

But it can’t be said with absolute certainty.

It’s possible that the goblins held back the undead, and at the start of the event, they instigated them into the city. There are ways.

“Anyway, since it’s about another country, let’s leave it alone. At worst, if we summon Ururu in the sky and crush the city, we’ll figure out who they are.”

Ururu is the name given to that Elder Rock Golem. If there’s only one, it’s okay to call it by its individual name like the World Tree, but its race name is too long. The name “Uluru” is another name for the famous monolith, Ayers Rock, in Australia.

Even if we’re going to carry out the sabotage, it would be better to reincarnate Ururu first. The current Ururu was defeated by Rare alone, and there’s a possibility of it being defeated even if dropped in the middle of the city.

“No, if it can’t fly, is it impossible to defeat it? Well, never mind. Better safe than sorry.”

Rather than that, let’s first think about the rewards.

Rare’s special reward was three ingots of “Mithril”, slightly less than the third-place reward for the publicly available event MVP. Considering that you can receive it without being eligible for selection, it’s a significant return. However, thinking about it, if you had participated, you might have aimed for first place.

“…That’s a bit self-centered.”

The special reward is three ingots of “Mithril”.

In reality, even if you say that, I have no idea how valuable it is. I know that something called Adama-something is a considerably high-ranking metal, but I don’t know if it’s better or worse than that.

For Rare, who has no intention of trading with the outside world, the market value is meaningless. The only criterion for value is whether it can be used.

“Let’s keep it stored until something comes to mind.”

Or perhaps it would be a good idea to hide it in the treasure chests of this capital dungeon.

Since it’s been given out as a reward for the event, it’s probably not that rare.

In any case, compared to the practically reward-less first event, the rewards are much better.

And for Rare, there is something even more exciting than the rewards.

The implementation of the limited transfer service, which means the opening of certified dungeons.

This is supposed to be implemented as soon as the short maintenance is over, meaning tomorrow.

On this day, the system message received upon logging in provided specific details about the changes in penalties and a final confirmation of the player’s intentions.

The specific details refer to changes in the death penalty.

The details were that if a player died in a field he controlled, he could not respawn for three hours in the game.

To put it bluntly, it’s very heavy. Depending on how you think about it, losing 10% of experience might be better.

The in-game three hours mean two real hours. This is fine.

Not being able to respawn means being in a dead state for three hours. Therefore, subordinates will remain dead for four hours.

If they were to die for such a long period of time, materials can be freely taken from ant-type creatures and treants that leave corpses behind when dying, and living monsters can would leave their drops where they were, opening up the empty area.

The restoration of the dominated area will require an immense amount of time, and it would be disastrous if there were a group of players in front of Rare when she resurrects.

Once respawn points are scattered, within three hours, they can prepare and gather people, continuously hunting like a routine. After all, players can teleport in from anywhere.

“So I absolutely can’t die anymore.”

Moreover, it’s nasty that the target area is “the field one controls”. For example, you can’t set individual settings like targeting the capital but not Liebe.

As I thought before, if I agree, it means I will never be able to build my own home again. There’s no resting place for a dungeon boss.

Nevertheless, Rare still agreed.

She couldn’t discard the advantage of easily attracting suckers to the territories she controls.

As long as she is in her own turf, there’s no need to worry about experience loss due to the death penalty.

Therefore, Rare poured her remaining experience into raising the INT and MND of brain-type subordinates like maids, wights, and ant logistics troops.

Before maintenance, her forces gathered in the dance hall of the royal castle for a thorough meeting and exchanged friend cards between managerial parties. Since friend cards are not created unless consciously taken out of the inventory, convincing NPCs of this concept took the most time.

So far, it had been enough for Rare to unilaterally hand over the cards, but it wouldn’t work if she wanted subordinates to talk to each other without going through Rare each time. If that were the case, there was a risk that Rare wouldn’t be able to respond while logged out.

Ant-type monsters can intermittently and for a short time engage in activities with a few minutes of sleep. Supervised by Sugaru, who possesses this ecology, Sugaru’s direct subordinates were placed in various areas. In case of emergency, Sugaru can fly to the scene with [Summon] and directly command or engage in direct combat. This is the same for Rare, and she obligates her summoned subordinates to always act in pairs with Sugaru’s subordinates.

However, considering the risks, Rare, Sugaru, and Sieg are almost not expected to participate directly in combat. The damage if these three were defeated would be unimaginable. Direct combat is only allowed in the event that all queen-class beings, undead, treants, and others have been defeated. If such a situation were to occur, it wouldn’t make much difference if only Rare and the others remained. It wouldn’t be respectable for Rare to run away alone.

“I decided on the head of the brain, but when I think about it, ant logistics troops weren’t specifically meant for that. At first, I didn’t have anything else to do, so I had them do it. Before I knew it, they had become a status just below queen class within the ants… a bit biased towards INT.”

“And I raised them together with wights, but thinking calmly, maids don’t really need that much intelligence.”

The maid serving Rare looked shocked by Rare’s muttering.

However, Rare knows. This is an act. It can be said that she unnecessarily added wisdom.

“What’s done is done. The fact that subordinates don’t have a death penalty means that you can’t reduce the given experience. Fundamentally, the growth of subordinates is irreversible.”

More worrying than that is Blanc.

As explained beforehand, she warned her to be careful due to the significant risks, but by then, Blanc had already replied with her consent.

She even went so far as to say that if the death penalty became a three-hour break, it would be lucky.

I thought about directly explaining it to them, but over there, Deas is left behind, and there’s also Queen Beetle. In addition, there’s Weiss, a brain. I have no choice but to leave it to them.

“More than worrying about others, I should worry about myself first. The fact that you can teleport from anywhere means there’s no distance issues or travel times, and I will probably get more player visitors than Blanc.”


Author’s note for chapter 140:

Everyone talks about dungeons, but there is no such thing as a dungeon in the system.

It is just a normal area with a lot of characters who are subordinated to other characters.

I don’t think the term “dungeon” was ever used in any system messages.

All the management did was to implement a one-way transference service.


T/N: Good/Righteous Route (正道ルート) and Evil/Wicked Route (邪道ルート) seem to be basically the path that would normally be taken and the path that would be ‘heretical’, so to speak.

Uluru is another name for the famous Ayers Rock. It’s pronounced the same as Ururu, which is an actual Japanese name, so I’ll go with Ururu for the name of the golem.

Also, the Invasion 3rd placer’s name seems to be either Bamb or Bambu, and not Bamboo, in case anyone was wondering. I’m going with Bamb for now, if enough people prefer Bambu I can change it later, but only 1 person has expressed that so again I’ll leave it as is for now.

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