Golden Experience

Chapter 125: “Official Forum 2”

{Second Official Event Reflection Thread}

1: MentaList

Thank you for the second event.

First, I’ve arranged the significant events that occurred on the continent during this event period in chronological order. If there’s anything else, please copy and add it.

This thread is also being directed from the verification thread, summary thread, and event thread. We want to gather opinions from as many players as possible, so feel free to share your thoughts regardless of your usual residency.

Since you won’t be able to log in after the event due to maintenance, take your time and relax!

Before the Event

[Hiers Kingdom] The “Seventh Calamity” is born.

– Day 1

[Hiers Kingdom] Erfahren destroyed, Lourdes destroyed, Verdesud destroyed, Altriva destroyed

– Day 2

[Hiers Kingdom] La Colline destroyed

Calamity strikes – Hiers Capital First Battle (Day): Victory for players – Second Battle (Night): Defeat for players – Hiers Capital destroyed

– Day 3

Hiers Kingdom disappears from the official website (Officially declared destroyed)

– Day 4

[Hiers Kingdom] Erntal destroyed – [Pearl Kingdom] Neuschloss destroyed

– Day 5

Nothing special

– Day 6

Nothing special

– Day 7

[Shape Kingdom] Einparast destroyed – [Pearl Kingdom] [Shape Kingdom] Tension rises between Pearl and Shape (virtually declaring war?)

– Day 8

Nothing special

– Day 9

[Aural Kingdom] Coup d’etat in Aural Capital, Regime change

– Day 10

[Aural Kingdom] New regime established Declaration issued

Not describing defense success (since more than half of the cities were successfully defended near the final date)

2: CountryPop

Good job!

3: Alonson

Event boss… or rather, a new boss. It happened in the Hiers Kingdom, and the event led to the destruction of Hiers. After the first war between humans on the continent, there was a coup in the stable Aural?

4: Healthyunpeelable

Is it a greedy setting?

5: Amatein

I wondered what the event composition would be when a new boss appeared on the second day and the country was destroyed, but looking back, some kind of event was happening throughout.

6: Nameless Elf

I wonder if the Aural revolution was the highlight of the event.

7: MentaList

I get the impression that the operation is not completely controlling the occurrence and flow of events, so the triggers and such might be created, but the subsequent flow might be left to NPCs and players. If that’s the case, the order of event occurrences may not matter.

8: Haust

What the operation did was the birth of the seventh calamity and creating sparks between Pear and Shape, and sowing the seeds of Aural coup, right?

9: Yoichi

No, the trigger for the Aural coup was the destruction of Hiers Kingdom. On the final day, the Aural new regime announced that the previous king of Aural killed the surviving Hiers royal family and took the artifact. Because it was inhumane, the princess overthrowing the king led to the coup.

10: Lyewarehouse

Are there players who participated in the coup?

11: Monkey Dive Sasuke


Because it was the capital during the event, there were probably hardly any players. Maybe just the production types?

12: Limited Company Smith

Most of the production types had moved to the front lines. There’s no point in making things if they don’t sell. This time, blacksmithing and leatherworking, and alchemy for potion replenishment, and the town’s cafeteria almost went bankrupt due to cooking. These areas seem to have earned quite a bit of money and experience.


Even those who are not good at combat or production seemed to have earned quite a bit of money. Some people gathered and provided delivery services using teleportation to transport materials, water, and ingredients to the frontier towns. If combat continues, circulation stops, so the outskirts were short of goods. It came up in some thread, and well, you need initial investment for transportation, but other than that, it’s a money-making method you can do alone. It seems to have helped the conquering group, and it’s a win-win situation.

14: Orinki

I understand prioritizing experience points and not defeating the boss, but thanks to that delivery, the whole town seems to have been saved.

15: MentaList

Ultimately, not many cities were completely destroyed. I think that’s a good thing.

16: Healthyunpeelable


Don’t forget that there were countries that were destroyed in the early stages.

17: Gi1gamesh

Well, that couldn’t be helped.

18: Wayne

That’s right… it’s like a natural disaster.

19: MentaList

Well, if the calamity is in the position of the boss of this event, it’s a situation where monsters are being hunted by humans across the continent. In her position, there’s no choice but to destroy entire countries.

20: Monkey Dive Sasuke


Don’t defend her so much. Well, she was beautiful.

21: Amatein


That’s true.

22: Nameless Elf

No, it’s not just because she was beautiful. There must have been some skills or something, like charm skills. The moment you felt your fighting spirit wither away. That’s probably why Menta is also affected by abnormal conditions.

23: MentaList

Since the calamity has been mentioned, I’ll summarize the flow and aftermath of the calamity extermination battle (skip). In the end, it seems to have been a showcase and awakening event for the new boss.




40: Amatein

So, that’s how it was.

In the end, it seems like it was a showcase and awakening event for the new boss.

41: Arafubuki

Is that so? Could it be that if we hadn’t forcibly defeated it at the beginning, it wouldn’t have powered up?

42: Nameless Elf


That’s a possibility, but considering the artifact was in the royal capital, it was probably eventually defeated by the knights. Even without players.

Thanks to Wayne gathering everyone, those who participated received a massive bonus experience, but the outcome was likely the same, right?

43: MentaList


I agree with that opinion. Furthermore, considering the power and strict usage restrictions of that artifact, it’s probably an event-exclusive item. But since it’s an item, monsters could potentially use it in reverse. So, it couldn’t be handed over to the enemy. Going off-topic, but the Aural king’s decision to secure the artifact, even if it meant killing the Hiers royal family, played a part. The revolution happened because the method was poorly chosen.

44: Monkey Dive Sasuke

Well, even I would consider killing to take it.

45: Gi1gamesh


That’s probably true for you, but making such a judgment as the head of a country is dangerous. Well, even then, there was no need to kill. Protecting them would have sufficed.

46: Wayne

But, from what I heard about Aural, in the end, the Hiers royal family didn’t perish during the destruction of the royal capital. I wonder how they survived.

47: Gi1gamesh

Maybe they were trying to flee?

48: Wayne

Fleeing, huh… Even though there has never been a war between nations, they thought of fleeing?

49: Amatein

However, the prime minister of Hiers was an exceptionally capable individual. He probably devised a plan to not hand over at least the royal family and the national treasure.

50: Wayne


So, in the end, the lag from the destruction of the royal capital to the official declaration of the nation’s demise was due to that.

51: Professor Mori Etti

In other words, ultimately, the royal family and the national treasure are what constitutes a nation in this game.

52: Haust


Considering the situation, that seems to be the case. Well, we don’t know what happens with the national treasure since it wasn’t lost.

53: Professor Mori Etti

Normally, or rather, in our understanding, a nation consists of territory and citizens. Currently, in Hiers, most of the territory and citizens are still intact. For example, if Hiers had a trade agreement with a neighboring country, would it become invalid? Usually, new regimes inherit such agreements.

To give an easy-to-understand historical example, think of the Treaty of Amity and Commerce between the States and Japan. It was signed by Japan’s Edo Shogunate, but it was inherited by the Meiji government. Because of the international norm that treaties signed by the previous regime remain valid, they had to struggle and eventually abolish unequal treaties by replacing them with new ones.

I wonder how Hiers Kingdom would be in such a situation.

54: Lyewarehouse

First, do the countries on this continent have the concept of international treaties?

And, it’s difficult to say, but technically it’s the “Treaty of Amity and Commerce between the United States and Japan.”

55: Haust

Well, to exist as a nation, it must be recognized as such by other nations, usually through international law or treaties. However, on this continent, recognition as a nation seems to be revoked once the royal family and the national treasure are lost. So, the conditions for recognition as a nation by other nations are the royal family and the national treasure, and if those are lost, cultural traditions dictate that it won’t be acknowledged as a nation.

56: Professor Mori Etti

Even if that’s the case, how do they objectively prove the existence of the royal family and the national treasure? In reality, you objectively prove the existence through indisputable land and citizens and international treaties. However, in terms of proof of existence, the royal family and the national treasure lack objectivity.

57: Lyewarehouse

That’s probably because it’s modern times.

Even ancient Japan established a nation through imperial authority and the Ritsuryo system, and the proof of imperial authority was the Three Sacred Treasures, or the national treasure. The structure is no different from that of this continent.

58: Professor Mori Etti

That’s because it was an island nation. If there’s only one nation in a limited territory, that’s fine. From an external perspective, in the end, the nation is determined by territory.

Moreover, each city on this continent has considerable autonomy. Politically, it’s more like a feudal system than the Ritsuryo system. Furthermore, if we were to say that the outskirts have an aspect of pioneering cities, this is a system that was once practiced in Japan called the Shoen and Kokugaryo system.

Japan had many mountainous areas, and opening up fields required significant effort and time. On this continent, that effort appears to be directly involved in clearing monster territories.

59: Haust

Ancient Japan is just one example. It’s unfair to negate only that example. Even ancient China had periods where the possessor of the imperial seal became the Son of Heaven, the highest authority. So, even the great empire located in the center of the Eurasian continent used such an item as a basis for imperial authority.




70: Gi1gamesh

Hey, is it okay to leave this as it is? Probably most players aren’t following along.

71: MentaList

I apologize, but the continuation is here. I’ve created a new thread.

[In-depth] Discussion on the Detailed Setting of the Continental Nations [Let’s Talk About It]

Getting back on track, let’s discuss the next significant event—the war between the Kingdoms of Pearl and Shape. I haven’t delved into the details myself, so does anyone know more about it?

72: Amatein

It seems the trigger was the destruction of the city Neuschloss in Pearl. I’m playing in Shape, so I don’t know much about a city that’s a bit away.

73: Crack

I was in Neuschloss. At first, it felt no different from other cities. Maybe there were fewer attacks than in other cities. But around the second or third day, the monsters changed from undead to goblins. All goblins from then on; no more undead. They outnumbered us, and we tried to call for reinforcements from nearby cities, but couldn’t gather enough. It felt like we were overwhelmed.

I respawned in the neighboring city where I was before the event, but from what I saw on social media, Neuschloss had already fallen by that time. Even without players, Neuschloss fell. That’s confirmed because I couldn’t respawn there, and the inn was definitely taken or destroyed.

74: Gi1gamesh

Why does that lead to war?

75: Amatein

While Neuschloss is somewhat far away, the city next to it in Shape is within range. When player forces moved to Neuschloss, the defense of that nearby city temporarily weakened. Since this city is also close to the frontier, it was under attack, but players, thanks to real-time information sharing on social media, could tell that Neuschloss was in worse condition and went to reinforce it.

However, the NPC residents of that city were not aware of the situation. It seemed like mercenaries were suddenly fleeing. Feeling the urgency, the lord of that city fled. So, when he took refuge, and Pearl recruited the mercenaries, the situation worsened.

76: ThoseWarmHands

The city the lord fled to, Lysia, didn’t fall at that time. Players respawned and came back, but now, relying on the last pigeon from the fallen Neuschloss, Pearl did not officially assist, and, without official help from Shape, good-willed mercenaries joined. But Lysia eventually fell according to the information from the last pigeon as the lord who took refuge there was manipulated into recruiting mercenaries for Pearl, worsening the situation.

77: Amatein

It’s unclear where this information came from. The content of the messenger pigeon’s letter is too biased. It feels like someone manipulated the situation, but it’s hard to tell if the forces that wanted to start the war are benefiting from the current situation.

78: Crack

Anyway, that’s why there’s growing mistrust towards Shape within Pearl. Maybe because Pearl has many beastmen, they have a more hot-blooded nature. Such widespread destruction hadn’t happened before, making the atmosphere even more tense.

79: Gi1gamesh

Are they that easily provoked?

80: Crack

NPC beastmen seem to have a pride that they don’t want to be looked down upon. While there’s not much visible animosity between different races, they don’t want to be inferior to other races. It’s fine if the conversation is equal, but it becomes troublesome when determining superiority or inferiority.

81: Amatein

In addition, it’s troublesome that Shape is a nation with many dwarves. While the common citizens are known for their craftsmanship, the noble class is different. They have an entirely different pride, and even if you say they are of the same race, it wouldn’t be surprising if they were considered entirely different.

82: Wayne

Did they run away just because players were recruited?

83: ThoseWarmHands

While not part of the Hill’s royal family, there seems to be a trend among nobles that they cannot let their bloodline die out. We’re only hearing impressions from the city residents, so we don’t know the actual situation.

84: Gi1gamesh

Every noble class seems to have a high sense of superiority. Wells are relatively open-minded, but even there, it seems impossible for nobles to marry commoners. If they marry a commoner, the noble will be demoted to the commoner class.

85: Amatein

So, during this, there was an attack by Pearl’s beastmen forces. They have good night vision and launched a surprise attack on the city Ainparast. This city was chosen because it was near the beastmen’s city in Pearl, and no undead were coming from nearby areas. They were creatures active during the day. So, they easily broke through the region during the night.

Dwarves have good eyesight too, but not as good as the beastmen, and since they look human, Ainparast underestimated them. They didn’t recognize them as enemies until they were attacked. Additionally, they were only cautious during the day, with most of their forces resting at night. As a result, the attackers swiftly invaded the lord’s mansion, and the lord managed to wipe out the beastmen alone but died in return. So, it turned into a quagmire, with clear casualties on both sides.

86: CountryPop

Are dwarven nobles that combative? I don’t know about the strength of NPC beastmen, but isn’t it strange to be evenly matched against forces attacking an entire city?

87: ThoseWarmHands

Um, there’s a bit of misunderstanding or something missing here. To be precise, the attack on Ainparast was indeed carried out by Pearl’s NPC beastmen, but along the way, players who saw NPC beastmen moving thought it was an event and joined in. So, it turned into a night raid, and the players who tagged along unknowingly participated in the attack, leading to a major disaster.

The players in Ainparast didn’t intervene because they saw what seemed like players participating in the attack among the NPC attackers. So, it ended up being a significant tragedy.

88: Gi1gamesh


89: MentaList

I checked the threads at that time. Because the starting point was an NPC, the rightness of their actions is unclear. People just went along, thinking they were bad guys because many NPCs were attacking. It felt like a festival. Since there were more elves than beastmen among the players, it might not turn into something bad unless it sparks animosity.

90: Wayne

How could they just leave their city to that many people?

91: Amatein

The city where the lord fled is Lysia, not Neuschloss, but yeah, nobles probably don’t differ much in combat power.

92: Nameless Elf

Elven and dwarven nobles are abnormally strong. Take Portly, for example—it’s an elven nation, with almost only elves. The population is low, but the public order is good. Even in a city attacked by monsters, they can repel them with just the city guards. The guards are few in number, but there are hardly any knights like in Hiers. Perhaps their long lifespan contributes to their strength?

93: Gi1gamesh

Do they have lifespans?

Oh, I see. So, player characters also have lifespans, right? Aging and such.

I feel like I heard about the same setting.

94: Professor Mori Etti

Players also age. There’s a note in the appearance age setting during character creation. If you make your appearance too young, there’s a possibility that you’ll grow older and change in a year or so. Also, I heard there’s an item with effects like “become one year younger” or something.

95: MentaList

Professor, are you done talking about that?

96: Professor Mori Etti

There’s no information, and speculating won’t lead anywhere.

97: CountryPop

Well, if you keep using that item, you won’t die, right?

98: Professor Mori Etti

Unfortunately, it’s a consumable item. Also, it’s on the level of a national treasure. I’ve only heard about it, and I can’t confirm its authenticity.

99: Wayne

So, is the war still ongoing?

100: Amatein

Well, they probably don’t know that both sides can negotiate a settlement.

101: ThoseWarmHands

Also, this is likely the first time we’re experiencing a war between humans. We don’t know how to end it either. There hasn’t been a clear declaration of war, but the current situation is undoubtedly a state of war…




111: MentaList

Now, let’s talk about the coup in the Aural Kingdom.

Since I only know the basics, I’d appreciate it if someone more knowledgeable could provide details.

112: Yoichi

There might be others, but let’s discuss since we were active in Aural.

Please provide additional information if you have any.

As mentioned earlier, the trigger for the coup was the downfall of the Hiers Kingdom.

To be precise, it was the destruction of the Hiers Royal Family.

The one who ordered this was the Aural King.

The order was to destroy the royal family and seize the artifact.

Unfortunately, that order was executed, but the princess who opposed it led a rebellion. With the cooperation of some nobles, they launched a lightning-fast attack on the capital, capturing the king.

The first and second princes, who were loyal to the king, died in the battle at that time. However, the king and queen are still captured.

The condition is not to kill them until they reveal the whereabouts of the stolen artifact.

The Royal Guard and others are likely tied to the king, so there is fear that killing him would weaken the country’s military strength.

Considering all this, imprisonment is probably the best outcome in the end.

These details were released as a statement on the final day, and the coup ended in just one day.

113: Amatein

Considering that the Hiers Royal Family was likely killed on the evening of the third day, there were only about five days from the uprising.

It’s quite astonishing.

114: MentaList

Maybe there was a groundwork laid beforehand.

If the king suddenly started talking about such things, he might have had radical actions even in normal times.

115: Monkey Dive Sasuke

Since players can’t meet with the king, it’s hard to say.

But it seems that the daughter got angry enough to start a revolution.

116: Yoichi

Upon hearing about the coup, I somehow managed to go to the capital on the final day.

The new queen seemed to be a daughter with a strong core.

The person in full-body armor beside her might be a cooperating noble.

117: Wayne

Wearing armor even though they’re a noble?

118: Yoichi

It was clearly different high-quality armor from other knights.

The behavior had elegance, and it seemed to be a martial arts-oriented noble.

It also looked like the queen trusted her.

By the way, it’s probably a woman.

119: Nameless Elf

Are you only looking at those kinds of things?

120: MentaList

What can I say, both in the original thread and regarding the coup, everyone is saying the same things.

It’s the capital during the event, and maybe no one involved with players is there.

Well, maybe it couldn’t be avoided since the downfall of Hiers was confirmed.

The war escalated too suddenly, and it feels like there was some intentional element to it.

121: Gi1gamesh

Speaking of that, wasn’t it Neuschloss?

Did they ultimately occupy it? What happened to those goblins?

Did they not come to the next city like the ants in Erfahren?

122: Crack

Oh, they were just moving between Neuschloss and the forest, gathering food.

Doesn’t seem like they’re in the mood to attack another place.

Well, if you think about it normally, there wouldn’t be any other cities besides that, right?

123: Wayne

So, the calamity was indeed a special event boss.

It seems it was heading straight for the city.

Certainly, looking back, it wasn’t within visible distance, and there’s no way to know about other human cities.

I wonder if it originally had some purpose to the west.




151: Gi1gamesh

It feels like various things suddenly started moving quickly.

152: MentaList

I don’t really want to think about it, but it might be due to the player, for better or for worse.

153: CountryPop

Are you saying that the player guided the calamity and incited the war?

154: Nameless Elf

Not exactly. So far, the countries on this continent had low population density relative to their area, or to put it bluntly, minimal contact with other countries or races.

There were even monster territories between nations.

However, since the player appeared, for better or worse, there has been a breakthrough in that culture or living environment.

155: MentaList

That’s right. So, until then, we didn’t really care about the differences in culture or ways of thinking between races, and those things slowly started to surface…

With the player’s large-scale movement through the event teleportation service, it accelerated rapidly.

156: Gi1gamesh


Can’t act too recklessly.

157: Nameless Elf

It’s not like worrying about it now as an individual will change anything.

It’s a game where various changes occur due to the overall trends in player behavior, so we just have to play and adapt.

158: MentaList

Probably, that’s why the intervention from the admins is kept to a minimum.

They likely plan to respond through events to the results that occur.

159: Wayne

I thought that the downfall of Hiers couldn’t be avoided, considering the birth of the calamity. But now that I think about it, it might have been inevitable since the calamity liked Hiers’ capital. After all, it hasn’t made any noticeable moves since turning the capital into a dungeon.

160: Andy

No, it has.

There’s a city called Erntal and another called La Colline that have been turned into dungeons.

161: Healthyunpeelable

(Compared to the nation’s downfall) It hasn’t made any noticeable moves.

162: Monkey Dive Sasuke

Wait, dungeons were created?

I thought places like the Liebe Great Forest were too far and unreachable. That’s a relief.

163: Yoichi

From Aural, it doesn’t seem so different.

T/N: One of the kingdom names is written as ペアレ which I translated it as Pearl for now, but it could also be something like Paire. Would that make more sense? I might have to retroactively change it later.

While I’m on the topic, another kingdom’s name is ウェルス which made me think of Wales. For now I’m going with Wells but it could also be something like Welth.

I thought there would be a trend for kingdom names to be 5 letters long, until ポートリー came up, for which I’m going with Portree.

The other 3 names are straightforward: Hiers, Aural and Shape.

Now, for people’s names:

Nameless Elf’s name has a -san honorific in her name, but I’ll be skipping it because names don’t come with honorifics themselves. Otherwise she might be called Nameless Elf-san-san someday.

My other notes are related to the ‘Mob of Deer’ translation.

Healthyunpeelable was initially “Sturdy and hard to peel off”, it’s as weird a name as it seems since it’s like having a sentence for a name, not to mention it’s a weird sentence. I just went with the MoD translation and called it a day.

MentaList is written half in kanji and half in katakana. The guy seems to be really into Mental Magic, so it’s easy to guess that that was the intended name.

Gi1gamesh was a creative interpretation for him wanting a name that was already taken and I’m keeping that one.

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