Godzilla In Konoha

Chapter 502: Products Of The Old Era

Chapter 502: Products Of The Old Era

Konoha Village.

Konoha is now more depressed than ever before.

Even Konoha during the most brutal period of the Third War was not like it is now.

The scale and intensity of the Fourth War exceeded any previous ninja war, and almost all ninjas were mobilized to the battlefield.

Even the forces that defended the villages were transferred away, and all villages were basically undefended.

Konoha is no exception.

"We finally succeeded, Kakashi. Now that you have the chakra of eight tailed beasts, you will soon be able to enter the final step." Yuuji looked at the person in front of him and nodded slightly. Yes, Kakashi is still doing well.

"Now there are only seven tail's left."

The chakras of the first, third, fourth and fifth tails were part of the chakra that Yuuji stole on the battlefield of the third war.

During the Nine-Tails Rebellion, Kakashi obtained the chakra released by the Nine-Tails.

In the subsequent border conflict between Kumogakure and Konoha, Yuuji captured the two tails and captured part of the eight tails' chakra.

Now there are only seven tails left.

"This feeling is very strange. Different tailed beast chakras collide with each other in my body." Kakashi said coldly.

"It's normal. After all, you have not been recognized by these tailed beasts. These beasts will subconsciously reject you." Yuuji said, "But there is one thing you should pay attention to. The tailed beasts may contact you on a conscious level. There is no need to respond to them."

"On a conscious level? Tailed beasts still have this ability?"

"Well, these beasts have a common mental space, and they can also pull the consciousness of the Jinchūriki they recognize into it. You don't need such fancy things, absolute power is enough." Yuuji said.

Kakashi nodded expressionlessly.

No matter what, he can just carry out the order according to Yuuji's arrangements.

Kakashi had already understood many years ago that the meaning of his existence is to perform tasks.

It's just that on the surface he was following the Hokage's orders, but in fact he had been following Yuuji's orders for more than ten years.

"When I get the Seven-Tails Chakra, can I become the Ten-Tails Jinchūriki?"

"On paper, it's like this, even if there is no Gedo golem, that golem is not a good thing. Both Madara and Obito were deceived." Yuuji said.

The two of them walked out of the secret room and stared at the few and hurried pedestrians.

In the distance, huge and dazzling light groups appear from time to time, and then disappear quickly.

That's a lot of Bijuudama exploding.

The distance was far away, and there were still shock waves coming, causing the ground to tremble.

"Master Yuuji, Kabuto is almost ready." Iroha appeared and knelt respectfully in front of Yuuji.

"Really, is he going to show the world the work he has worked so hard to develop? Hashirama is also miserable enough, but he can also step into a new level and surpass Uchiha Madara."

Yuuji laughed.

The trick that Kabuto played was extraordinary. It was equivalent to playing tricks on Urashiki's blue Rinnegan and using them to cultivate a new pair of Rinnegan.

But it doesn't matter, Kabuto likes to do research, so just let him go and have fun.

Yuuji doesn't care.

"Then I'm going to the battlefield. The war has only started for a few days, but the casualties are so heavy. There are so many people dying all over the world. It's really pitiful."

Yuuji took a step forward and stretched: "But it doesn't matter. Their souls will return to the Pure Land and survive in another form. It is not considered true death."

"And I will soon put an end to all this and bring eternal peace to this world."

Yuuji looked into the distance.

Iroha and Kakashi stood beside him silently.


Yuuji suddenly said: "You can go get the other Byakugan. The world will end soon. Just use the power of the old age to indulge one last time."

As he spoke, figures appeared one after another behind Yuuji.

That is Yamato and many root ninjas.

These people have one thing in common, their life forms have been changed by Yuuji, and even their genes have been modified by Yuuji, becoming brand new life forms.

Iroha and Kakashi looked at the people in front of them.

"Yes, sir, I will go get my other eye now."

After Iroha said respectfully, he disappeared and went directly to the Hyuga tribe.

The Hyuga clan is basically empty, except for those who cannot fight, such as two or three-year-old children and old people who are too old to walk.

The patriarch of the clan, who still had one eye left, faced a disaster. He stared at the remaining Byakugan and looked at Iroha who broke in.

"With this kind of mask, you are the ghost of the Eye Organization! Your Excellency, you come to the Hyuga clan at this time, what can I do for you?" The elder of the clan tried to keep calm.


"Elder, by this time, there is nothing to hide."

Iroha took off his mask, revealing his Jougan filled with blue light.

"This face... you are Iroha! The ghost of the Eye Organization is actually you Iroha, is this the truth?"

The clan elders were shocked.

"Don't you want to ask, elder, how I got this eye that goes beyond the Byakugan?"

Iroha approached the clan elders step by step.

No one will come to save this old man.

"I'm also curious. Lord Yuuji killed Kirigakure's Ao, took back the eye I lost back then, and transplanted it into you, but you caused this eye to undergo transformation..."

The clan elders gradually calmed down.

He already knew what Iroha was here for.

Rather than killing him, it is better to say that he came to take away the other eye.

"Everyone knows that you come from a different family, your qualifications are not very good, and you are restricted by the caged bird, but you have advanced our clan's supercilious look... It seems that he values you very much." The elder of the clan said.

Iroha said indifferently: "If it weren't for Master Yuuji, I would still be your clan's lackey. I relied on your eyes to complete my transformation. Thank you, elder."

Iroha suddenly took action and gouged out the clan elder's eyes.

A bright blood splashed out, and the clan elders staggered to the ground without any room for resistance.

Iroha put the eye into his socket, touched it with his finger, and slowly opened his eyelids.

One Byakugan is undergoing transformation, echoing the other eye.

"Aren't you going to kill me?" The clan elder covered his empty eyes.

"There is no need. I am Master Yuuji's tool. I don't have such boring emotions as hatred. Besides, it is useless even if you know the secrets of Master Yuuji and me."

Iroha left without hesitation.

The clan leader sat on the ground blankly.

After a while, a figure walked in.

Hyuuga Hiashi, who also lost his eyes, walked in.

"I really didn't expect that our two generations would have the same fate. Both of us had our eyes gouged out by our separated families."

Hiashi sat down calmly, fumbled for a while, got the teapot and cup, and poured himself a cup of tea.

Ever since his eyes were gouged out by Hoheto, Hiashi's daily life has become boring, and there are not many things he can do.

"Aren't you worried? Iroha is actually a ghost from the Eye Organization!"

"So what?"

"Iroha is Yuuji's loyal dog. This is a fact known to the world. So what is the relationship between Yuuji and the eye organization? What do they want to do?" The elder of the clan couldn't figure it out at all.

Hiashi said: "We can't do anything now. We just need to wait quietly for the results. The only good news is that Yuuji and the Eye Organization have been silent. It seems that they have not done anything, but have been operating secretly. We may not win this war, but we will certainly not lose it."

Two people sat across from each other and drank tea.

Iroha got the eyes and quickly returned to Yuuji.

"It looks good. Your body can warm this new eye very well." Yuuji glanced at it and quickly ignored it.

"Now that I'm back, let's get started. It's almost time for my soul and body to leave the Pure Land."

Yuuji narrowed his eyes and touched his belly.

The soul body was sealed by the Six Paths·Chibaku Tensei. This is not only because Hamura sacrificed his life but also wanted to create opportunities, and also because Yuuji himself took the initiative to explore some things.

By now, he has figured it out.

He has already figured out the power of the Six Paths and the strongest sealing technique of the Six Paths Chibaku that can seal peak Six Paths level life forms.

"You will be free soon, but your freedom is trouble to me. You will not obey my orders."

Yuuji murmured in his heart and immediately laughed.

Sometimes, just thinking about it makes him feel very interesting.

Planet Godzilla was born with a mission.

In the monster universe, all life planets that give birth to technological civilization will eventually have a planetary behemoth that destroys the technological civilization on the planet.

Don't ask why, the rules of the universe are like this. The purpose of existence of countless technological civilizations, including human civilization, is to spawn children of planets that destroy themselves.

The same goes for Planet Godzilla, which destroyed human civilization.

Human beings on Earth are relatively lucky. They have received help from two civilizations that were also defeated by monsters from their home planet and were forced to become wandering civilizations.

After receiving the signal for help, these two wandering civilizations traveled thousands of miles to help the people on Earth. Even if they harbored evil intentions, they were at least unambiguous when it came time to contribute, sacrificing many precious and few remaining people to fight for the people on Earth.

But even if the three civilizations joined forces, they were still beaten by Planet Godzilla.

Facing Godzilla, a planet that can hit the edge of the solar system with a full-power charged particle cannon, three civilizations that have developed technologies such as controllable nuclear fusion, faster-than-light navigation, and ultimate nanotechnology were completely defeated.

Planet Godzilla killed only a few thousand people from the total population of the three civilizations. After fleeing wildly in a spaceship, they immediately began to rebuild the earth's ecosystem.

But that is the rule of another universe.

At this point, Planet Godzilla may not necessarily do this. Even if he does it following his deep instinct, he will definitely not listen to Yuuji.

This kind of son of the planet is a product of regularization, has self-will, but acts according to the established behavioral logic.

Yuuji is a human being. He has many ideas and ambitions. After achieving one goal, he will find a new goal.

This is doomed to be inconsistent with the behavioral logic of Planet Godzilla.

A person is born with a natural mission and pursues this mission throughout his life. A person makes plans based on his spiritual ambitions and pursues many completely different things throughout his life.

If there is inconsistency, disagreements will arise, which will affect each other's actions.

When Planet Godzilla is sleeping, even if he is half asleep, Yuuji can use the power of Planet Godzilla at will. In exchange, he will provide Planet Godzilla with a place to sleep and the power of chakra to repair the injury as quickly as possible.

But when Planet Godzilla wakes up, many things will naturally change.

Yuuji would not be so stupid as to be unprepared, let alone place all his hopes on an individual that he could not perfectly control.

"Even the combination of Kaguya and the Divine Tree can be sealed. The technique of Six Paths Chibaku Tensei is not useless. I didn't took the risk in vain."

Yuuji lowered his head and glanced at the palm of his hand, slowly clenching his fists.

The power that belongs to him must belong to him forever, and accidents and incongruities must never be allowed to exist.

Unless he becomes more powerful and does not need some backward and decadent power, and takes the initiative to give up this power, then let's talk about it differently.

In this world, only strength will not fail him, everything else is unreliable.

"However, when this technique is used, it means that a critical step has been reached, and I will not be soft-hearted."

He might allow Planet Godzilla to live, but not be free, and strip Planet Godzilla of all his power for him to use as he pleases.

If it doesn't do this, Yuuji can only find ways to force it to do so.

"Let's go and bury this world with our own hands."

Yuuji raised his hand, and a space tunnel appeared in front of him, swallowing several people inside.

The eyes of the entire world are focused on the Eight-Tails and Nine-Tails. Too many people believe that as long as the Eight-Tails and Nine-Tails are captured by the Akatsuki organization, the entire world will come to an end.

No one has actually seen the Ten-Tails, nor can they imagine what the Ten-Tails looks like and how powerful it is.

But just hearing that the Ten-Tails can devour the life of the entire planet is enough to scare people, and they will do everything they can to prevent the Ten-Tails from being resurrected.

But what these people don't know is that the most terrifying thing is not the Ten-Tails.

Not even Kaguya.

Because the truly terrifying man is here, the man who will bring his end to the whole world and offer the most brilliant fireworks ever to the people who have used chakra for thousands of years.

With a bang, everything of the past will disappear.

"I'm really looking forward to it. I really want to see the faces of those products of the old era."

Yuuji came to the battlefield of the Land of Thunder.

Here, life has long been devastated.

The battle between Naruto and Madara was extremely bloody. The two of them didn't take human life seriously, and they attacked unscrupulously, destroying everything.

The two of them did not expect that someone who could destroy them both was coming.

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