Godly Choice System

Chapter 3907: Break through

The scarab swarms came again, and these pitch-black things seemed endless, and there was no sign of reduction at all!

Fire, frost, bullets, and venom are all effective against them, but they are not absolutely effective.

These sacred bugs, which are said to be placed in the coffin of the mummies, can help the pharaohs to resurrect, and symbolize the sun and the new birth. They seem to have some special attributes, and have a certain immune effect against most attacks. The venom is basically ineffective. The weaker frost and flames can't harm them either.

If it were not for the team of only four hundred people, so that these tens of millions of scarabs could not attack them together, I am afraid that the crowd would have died when the first round came.

"The defensive circle must be shrunk!"

Everyone quickly came to the unanimous conclusion that so many bugs could gnaw the entire Pharaoh country! I don't know how it was cultivated, and who released it?

"Ah!" "Ah!" "No, there are too many bugs!"

"Leave right away, let's find a place with our back against the cliff!"

"No, no, there will be bugs in the cliff!"

"Are we going to die here?"

The crowd was in chaos and riots, and insects pounced on people almost every moment, either gnawing a piece of meat fiercely, or digging into the skin of the human body, moving inside the human body like a mouse, light Just seeing it makes people chill.

Especially seeing a person being drilled into the forehead by seven or eight scarabs, and then drilled out of his mouth, eye sockets and ears, bringing out the spewing blood, the scene can be vomited directly.

"Ahhhhh, die for me!!"

Someone could not bear the pain when the scarab was pierced into the body, so they directly let the flame power envelop themselves and burn them with a bang.

The worm died, and the human was half-cooked. Fortunately, it was a fire supernatural person, who had certain fire attribute resistance, otherwise ordinary people would have died early.

"Li Yun, we can't go on like this, we will be consumed alive!"

Alice can kill a large number of bugs with a single shot, and then facing the overwhelming bugs, she has no hope of killing them all!

"I know... but there is no way."

A faint blue flame was burning on Li Yun's body, and there was no scarab beetle in front of him that could pounce. It was a safe backing for the people behind him, otherwise they would be even more miserable.

Alice opened her eyes wide, "Then we...can only die together?"

"What are you thinking about." Li Yun's voice lowered, "I can't do anything about these bugs, but I can still save you. It's just these people..."

There are many messy things in his space ring, from all kinds of bombs to a large amount of gasoline, but these are not enough to kill the scarab beetle in the valley that is endless, and there is no end in sight.

According to Li Yun’s speculation, if you want to kill these bugs, you must use a new type of bomb similar to the last time that bombed the Ado Mountain volcano, and drop explosives weighing more than one ton, or simply use a helicopter to drop several nuclear bombs. The mountains were flattened by a few sounds.

A nuclear bomb is definitely not enough. The shock wave can only kill people a few kilometers in radius. It seems to be very big. But for these scarabs with super anti-strike ability, the effective lethality range of nuclear bombs is estimated to be reduced by more than half. .

The real power of nuclear bombs is the spreading nuclear pollution, which can greatly increase the lethality of human beings. But for scarabs, nuclear pollution... is it effective?

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