Godly Choice System

Chapter 3888: Strange smell

Li Yun nodded, saying that he knew, but he didn't pay much attention.

He is so confident that he can't do any harm to him just by relying on some supernatural powers.

When Joanna saw this, she didn't say any more, silently following behind her.

Qin Tianmeng, who followed closely, did not speak either, frowning lightly, with a preoccupied appearance, and the team suddenly calmed down.

This mountain range is actually very large. It used to be a high mountain, but for a long time there has been no rain and severe drought, which has turned it into a dead place, full of wind, sand, dust and large exposed rocks.

These stones were blown dry and cracked by the wind and sand.

Li Yun led the team to the forefront. Behind him, there were at least seven or eight teams following. Wuoke, who was the maintainer of order, was a little behind. From time to time, he glared at the people behind with fierce eyes, urging them to catch. Fast angle.

"Something's wrong."

Qin Tianmeng stopped suddenly, his face solemn.

"What's the matter?" Li Yun also stopped. Qin Tianmeng seemed unreliable, but when she faced Wu Ke's metal ability attack, she lifted her head to avoid the killer move, proving her strength. Enough to make her laugh and yell at more than 400 people with supernatural powers, or to say that she is domineering.

Alice also looked at her. This woman is usually unreliable, but at this time, she can't still make jokes, right?

"Did you not find out?"

"Find what?"

"Found~~You are not handsome anymore! Stinky."


Li Yun stepped forward, Alice also grudged her a roll of eyes, and Qin Tianmeng hurried to catch up: "Hey, I'm serious, didn't you notice a smell near here?!"

Li Yun finally stopped, sniffed, glanced at the hallucinations around him, and shook his head decisively: "This ghost place is windy all year round, and the wind and sand are big. If you can smell any odor, you will be a ghost... Qin Heavenly dream, you can't lie all the time, do you understand?!"

"Okok, I totally understand!"

Qin Tianmeng pulled a foreign language, but said innocently on his face: "I'm really right, there is a smell of dead people here!"

"The smell of rotting corpses? That's normal. Many people died here not long ago."

"Perhaps, but I always feel something is wrong."

Qin Tianmeng still insisted on her opinion. Li Yun couldn't figure out whether she was deliberate or what she really felt.

"What did you find?"

The action of the two stopping to quarrel attracted the attention of the people behind. A beautiful black-haired foreign lady walked over. She was about 20 years old. She was also wearing a simple dress like Qin Tianmeng. A long white leg is very eye-catching in this harsh desert.

Ordinary people really dare to wear this way, I'm afraid they will get sunburned in their thighs after walking out, or their skin will be chapped by the dry and hot wind of the desert.

But the skin of this foreign beauty is supple and smooth, better than that of the 28th girl, and her face is also full of collagen. She is obviously a supernatural person who is very confident of her own strength!

"She smelled something."

Li Yun simply pointed to Qin Tianmeng, this foreign beauty quickly understood, and beckoned to her team behind him, and a hip-hop dressed subordinate immediately walked out.

"Amy, come over and smell it."

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