Godly Choice System

Chapter 3837: do you miss me

To be honest, Li Yun was quite surprised.

Although this princess Alice already had a full-value friendship with him, Li Yun always felt that this kind of friendship included some other things and reasons that Alice had more of.

For example, when Alice first wanted to use herself in exchange for Li Yun's support for her country, so that she could drive her aircraft carrier into the misty island of Penglai, which was also called Weiyi Island at that time.

She must have a good impression of Li Yun, but this affection is definitely not as simple as Gong Qingyu, or some other girls, but mixed with some feelings that she thinks about her own country.

In general, Li Yun and her are boyfriends and girlfriends, and Alice will never like other men again in her life, but she will not come to Zhonghai City to live with Li Yun. She wants to save her country in her own country. People.

It resembles Ise Jinzakura.

But it's not the same.

The little witch's sentiment towards Li Yun is also very pure, even if there is no order from the goddess Amaterasu, she will regard Li Yun as the person she trusts most.

"What's wrong? You finally want to call me?"

Li Yun asked with a smile.

"What do you mean by finally wanting to call you!" Alice still used Chinese to talk to Li Yun, and said annoyedly: "I always wanted to call you, OK, I called you the last time I called you a New Year's greetings!"

"Uh, good, my fault."

"Huh, it's good to know what's wrong... Have you missed me lately?"

Before Li Yun could answer, she continued: "I don't think...there are so many girls around you who ran to the cherry blossom country and the **** envoy to kiss me and me. I must have forgotten this princess..."

Alice was full of resentment.

In the world, the only princess of the royal family of a big country can worry about her, and the only person who doesn't want her at all is Li Yun!


Li Yun gave a wry smile, "Alice, have you been busy doing things? I..."

"No matter how busy you are, you can't help but answer your call, or else... You will call me a week and I will also call you. I will fly to you every month. What do you think?"

"One phone call a week? Could it be less?"

"A lot, I have to be busy too, okay, it's so decided, hehe~."

Alice chuckled, and finally her relationship with Li Yun had changed. She couldn't help but feel fortunate to have kissed him a few times before leaving, otherwise the relationship would be even stranger now.

Fortunately... after all, the two like each other, and neither distance nor time are the factors that annihilate this relationship.

Li Yun chatted with her for a while and learned about her current situation. Knowing that Alice had already formed a "force" of her own, called a party? Or is it called the power of the temple?

Not sure what it is called, it should be a mixture of the two. Alice now claims to be a believer of the goddess Athena in the world, so as to call on those who have no faith to believe in the goddess Athena.

But to be honest, apart from Li Yun and some ancient records, most people in this world don’t know who she is. Therefore, Alice’s power is not so much a temple, but a temple. Party. faction is more appropriate.

Be able to run for parliament, thereby getting into the power of the prime minister

"Tsk tusk, Alice, you are so good."

Li Yun sighed and praised her a few words.

There is no doubt that Alice is the most powerful of the girls around him!

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