Godly Choice System

Chapter 3832: Remember the time

"I don't know about other people, but I am really happy and I will never regret it."

Shan Ruqing squinted, like a cat being stroked on the back by the owner, very lazy, and said: "Even if it's not for the sake of being a little kid, I... will like you."

"What if it's for the little one?"

"I like you too."


"No matter what, I like you~"

Shan Ruqing made a summary in a cheerful tone, then moved closer, and kissed Li Yun's lips very hard.

"Since when?" Li Yun suddenly wanted to ask this question.

"When? From... when we were in the cave, I was inside, you were outside, and Xiao Xiao was **** with you?"

Shan Ruqing used an interrogative sentence.

The encounter between her and Li Yun was very dramatic. At that time, the plane she was travelling in was hijacked by people from Six Doors and used to spread some kind of demon blood. She, her daughter, and several passengers were all kidnapped into a cave in an old forest deep in the mountains. .

When she and her daughter were under immense pressure and were about to collapse, Li Yun showed up with someone. He deliberately pretended not to see the cave covered by illusion and chose to camp outside the cave.

Looking back now, Shan Ruqing felt incredible.

At that time, she still hated men as always and ignored the appearance of rescuers, but after she fell in love with Li Yun, she recalled the time when she was in the cave. In fact, Li Yun had calmed down her self-confidence. Seen as the only hope for escape, right?

It's just that she was too stubborn and stupid at the time, and all sorts of unpleasant things happened to Li Yun.

"so early?"

"It could also be... when you and I and Xiaoxiao boarded the plane together."


"It's also possible that you, I, and Xiao Xiao spent a night in the forest together."

Shan Ruqing couldn't help laughing. She spent the night in the forest without even thinking about it, but at that time she had no fear in her heart. As long as Li Yun was there, she would not be afraid of the various beasts and snakes in the forest. .

Li Yun can solve everything.

So, she must have liked him at that time.

"So late?" Li Yun said deliberately.

Shan Ruqing pursed her lips and smiled: "Then a little bit earlier, when you hold Xiaoxiao in your sorrow, and carry me on your back, I probably...like you."

Li Yun raised his eyebrows: "Then you were still so... owed? Well, just owed, like a high-cold female president!"

He said so, but Li Yun was secretly refreshed at the moment.

She could turn such a cold female president Shan Ruqing into what she is now, lying lazily in him, taking a bath with him, and kissing him with affection from time to time.

This kind of obsession is in sharp contrast to the high cold at the time. Who can bear not being proud?

"At the time... I think any man is very upset!"

Shan Ruqing pursed her lips, "I was deceived by that guy. Fortunately, I was not deceived by him. I just did an IVF... Okay, well, I won't emphasize this, I know Li Yun you don't care. "

"I know you care!" Li Yun said.

"Um... I care a little bit, but I don't care much, because now I have you~."

After the confession seemed to be said, Shan Ruqing brought the topic back again: "I was lying on your back at the time. Because I was too nervous and tired before, I actually wanted to sleep at that time."

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