Godly Choice System

Chapter 3813: Mikako forever

the next day.

It wasn't until nine o'clock in the morning that Ise Jinzakura woke up, looking at the top beam of the dormitory with a pair of confused eyes, and it took him a long time to wake up.

"Oops, I'm going to pray!"

Ise Jinying hurriedly got up, but her legs felt sore and weak. After seeing Xiao Mingzhu sleeping on her left and Li Yun sleeping on her right, her little face turned red.

Last night... She learned a lot of knowledge.

Yesterday afternoon, Sister Mingzhu deliberately took her to a remote corner and explained a lot of things between husband and wife at night, and Ise Jinzakura's face was red.

But at night, when Sister Mingzhu asked her to choose whether to watch or not, Ise Jinzakura barely hesitated, and blushed and agreed.

The result of the observation was that she was also drawn into the squabbling team, all kinds of mess, and things that she couldn't even think of before happened.

It is a hundred times more powerful than a kiss.

"Woo, I'm going to take a shower, and then pray, otherwise it's disrespect to the Omikagami!"

"I will confess to Omijin again later...Ah, do you want to confess these things with Omijin?"

"Say, or don't? Well, let's not say it, so shameful, Omijin may not want to listen...or else, if Omijin asks, I will say it again?"

"Hmm, that's it!"

After the decision was made, Ise Kamakura quickly got up, holding back the strange feeling all over her body, and hurriedly found her chubby chi and pajamas from the mess of clothes on the ground. After putting them on, she hurried out the door and called. Hanako prepares hot water for her.

"Mikako, you..."

Hanako Miko was shocked when she saw Ise Jinzakura walking out of the wall with her arms behind her, with a tired look on her face.

But when she was about to ask what happened, she suddenly thought of something and hurriedly covered her mouth.

It turned out... It was Mikamiko and another divine envoy from Huang Xuanguo, that is, Mr. Li...Finally, they were together!

In the past, when Mikami lost her chastity in his place, she had to be questioned by priests and other maidens in the shrine, and if it was more serious, she had to be killed to calm the anger of the gods.

Mikami can only be with the person she likes after she resigns from this position, otherwise, let alone losing her virginity, even if she is tempted to other people, she will be disrespectful to the gods and must be punished.

But today's Mikami is different from the previous Mikami.

Sakura can communicate with the real Amaterasu Omikami, her words are God's words, her will is God's will, and what she says is what she says.

As long as Omikami does not punish him, Ise Kamakura will always be Mikami.

Therefore, even if Hanako guessed what happened to Ise Kamizura and that Mr. Li Yun last night, she would never have any opinions.

"No, no, it's not!"

Ise Kamakura waved her hand quickly, her face flushed, and she said shyly: "Last night...I didn't talk to him, I, I just...studied!"

She used a rather subtle and accurate word: learning.

What to learn? Of course it is to learn something that cannot be said.

Who to learn from? Of course, it was Li Yun and Xiao Mingzhu. The two taught by themselves, and Ise Jinying also personally practiced this experience. Anyway, after a long time of mischief, she fell asleep in a daze.

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