Godly Choice System

Chapter 3791: Turn offensive

He almost yelled out the last sentence, as if he was screaming at the people around him, and as if to cheer himself up and take courage.

But even idiots should know that the beautiful country controls the cherry blossom country only for profit. If there is no profit, or if they offend the powerful and mysterious Ise Jingu, if the beautiful country feels it is not worthwhile, they will leave without mercy. Leave.

All of them who remain will be sent to the court to be tried by the nationals!

"Prime Minister, Prime Minister."

A congressman tremblingly brought a laptop computer, visited it on the stage, and said with a trembling voice: "Your Deputy Prime Minister..."

"What do you call him?!"

The prime minister suddenly became angry and shouted sharply.

The legislator was so frightened that he weakened his legs and sat down on the ground. He hurriedly said, "No, no, yes, it is Masato Uchiyama. He, he sent a message saying that the prime minister must make a video call with him in person, otherwise, there will be consequences. conceited!"

No one dared to object, the prime minister did not even make a decision, and a minister eagerly connected the video invitation.

In the notebook screen, Masaru Uchiyama was full of spirits, followed by several ministers who followed him, surrounded by a large area of ??media, everyone looked beaming.

They seem to have seen the country of Sakura officially get rid of its son's identity and gain the true independence that they have longed for for nearly a hundred years!


Masato Uchiyama spoke bluntly, and Yoshitsune warned: "You must have seen the scene above the shrine just now. Don’t think that this is the most powerful power of the gods. Mikako has obtained three artifacts from Omikami. It is also the artifact of our country of cherry blossoms, should you all know it?"

In the house, more than two hundred houses gathered in front of the laptop and nodded frantically.

Nonsense, they certainly know the three artifacts of their own country.

Yata Mirror, Eight Chiqiong Gouyu, and Kusanaru Sword, also called Tiancongyun Sword.

The power of Yatayama is now known to all around the world. A random move can counteract the attack of five missiles, and a random move destroys the five most powerful fifth-generation aircraft still flying in the sky.

The Yata Mirror, which has not fully revealed its power, is so powerful in the hands of Mikako of Ise Jingu. What about the other two artifacts?

Not to mention that Yata Mirror doesn't seem to be an offensive weapon. The sword that symbolizes the emperor's force to conquer Kusanaru is the real weapon for attack!

If Ise Kamakura pulls out the Kusanaru sword, how good will it be? !

In the entire House, the expressions of more than two hundred members became weird.

Masato Uchiyama hasn't really stated his purpose. The two hundred or so members already know what he wants to say and what he wants to say.

"Turn off the computer immediately!"

A minister who was loyal to the prime minister yelled and gave orders.

Then, the surrounding members all looked at him with warning eyes. The guards who knew the details of the matter were not so stupid that they obeyed the prime minister's orders.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the situation in the House changed drastically.

"I know you are still watching, but it's okay, I just want to tell you one thing!"

Masato Uchiyama connected to a video call, in which a typical Huang Xuan nationality's face appeared, and he was still wearing a military uniform.

"You, collude with Huang Xuanguo!!" A minister shouted.

"What is collusion?"

Masato Uchiyama laughed and said, "The cooperation with Mr. Lee was carried out under the witness of Omikami. In addition, our Mikami will marry Mr. Lee as a proof of the friendship between our two countries!"

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