Godly Choice System

Chapter 3771: Consequences of the declaration

On a global scale, how many plants and animals have been mutated due to the aura of Penglai Island?

100 million? 200 million? Or a billion?

Nobody knows.

Now humans can still have the absolute upper hand, and modern weapons can also effectively wipe out a large number of monsters, but more and more, more and more detailed data show that, on a global scale, the number of mutated animals and plants has exploded in geometric numbers.

And the most powerful mutant animals and plants constantly refresh people's understanding.

For example, in a tropical rainforest, someone photographed a strange python that was 100 meters long and was as huge as a train. It was entrenched on a mountain. The poisonous gas expelled could instantly melt a large piece of vegetation, occupying a mountain within a few hundred kilometers. King, wherever he went, no living creature dared to stop him.

In addition, there is a huge golden eagle soaring over the world. It has been witnessed in many countries. Every time this huge golden eagle passes over the city, it will leave a large shadow and bring endless panic to the locals. .

Jackals, tigers and leopards, and even the most inconspicuous mice and cockroaches, have mutated because of their auras.

All the media around the world have come to a consistent conclusion: if the aura continues to spread and there are no accidents, the monsters in the future will continue to increase and become stronger, and the hegemony of mankind on the earth will face unprecedented challenges.

But now, there is a **** in Sakura Country, saying that it can bring shelter and strength to those who believe in her?

How much shock will this cause?

No one can answer this question.

"Immediately block the media and prohibit anyone from publishing any news!"

As the overlord of Sakura Country, Aoxin is certainly not a vegetarian, so he immediately ordered it decisively.

It is too late to identify so many, so I can only block them all, block all the networks, media, telephones, telegrams, etc., all things that can communicate in Sakura Country.

This is not impossible, because the beautiful country has controlled many of the lifeblood of the cherry blossom country in decades, for example, the satellites in the sky, and many important network servers, all under their control.

Otherwise, how dare Aoxin claim to be the Supreme Emperor of the Sakura Country?

"Come on, it's too late."

The man broke out in a cold sweat, "The other party has apparently been conspiring for a long time, and immediately spread the statement across various networks as soon as he took action. The major domestic websites, news, and TV in Sakura Country are all broadcasting this statement... and foreign media. , And they are all reporting."

"damn it!!"

Aussie got angry, slapped the table fiercely, and cursed: "Hit me, mobilize the fleet, and attack the shrine fiercely. I see how many missiles their magic barrier can block us! Ten rounds are not enough, just One hundred rounds, one hundred is not enough, just throw a nuclear bomb!"

As soon as the word nuclear bomb came out, all Sakura people changed their faces again.

There are hundreds of countries in the world, and their cherry blossom country is the only one that has been bombed by a nuclear bomb...

And there are still two.

Now Aussie actually wants to throw a nuclear bomb to blow up Ise Jingu?


Those congressmen who agreed with the prime minister before and frantically slapped the flattery, now all jump out to oppose them, blushing and having thick necks.


Ao glanced coldly, then suppressed the aura of these people.

"I'm afraid... the other party is prepared, and nuclear bombs won't work either."

A beautiful country official next to Aoxin smiled bitterly, "Sir, there is a paragraph in the other party's statement that is aimed at us."

"What are you talking about?"

"The Kingdom of Sakura is the territory of the Great God. Any foreign forces must leave within one day."

"...So bold!"

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