Kyoto, Parliament.

Unlike the usual prestigious and solemn House, the House at this moment seems messy, everyone is arguing fiercely, trying to persuade each other, or contact some other people, refer to the news from all parties before making a decision.

"Prime Minister, I still don't approve of recklessly ordering an attack on the shrine!"

A congressman stood up and shouted out in a roaring voice, successfully attracting the attention of many congressmen present.

"Shut up!"

The prime minister slapped the table on the stage angrily, "I'm asking you to come up with a plan to attack Ise Jingu, instead of making you still arguing about whether to do this!"

"I don't approve of doing this."

As soon as the Prime Minister’s voice fell, another member of the Diet stood up, adjusted his clothes, and said to many members: “The Prime Minister’s decision is not to be passed or not, for the time being, less than one-third of the people who came to hold the House meeting today Second, it is impossible to reach and pass this important decision. In addition, did you not find out that the deputy prime minister did not appear?"

Many congressmen were stunned and looked around, but they really didn't find Masato Uchiyama.

However, although Masato Uchiyama is the deputy prime minister, generally speaking, unless the prime minister is out of order, there is nothing for the deputy prime minister. The weight of speaking in the chamber is a little better than that of a minister. Therefore, Masato Uchiyama has not appeared so far. It was not discovered until now.

"Where did that guy Uchiyama go?!"

The prime minister roared with a sullen expression, "Let him roll over and see me! No one will be seen within half an hour, let him go!"

Many people were silent, bowed their heads and dared not speak.

However, there are still many congressmen who resolutely oppose the Prime Minister's decision, thinking that they cannot attack Ise Jingu without authorization, otherwise they will offend the gods and they will all die.

However, many parliamentarians expressed their agreement, especially some parliamentarians who resolutely safeguard the interests of the Sakura country. They will never allow the country to be divided by others. These people firmly stand on the side of the prime minister, and the two sides quarrel.

"Shut up!!"

The prime minister stopped the crowd again, "I have the final say on this matter, whoever dares to object, throw it out!"

"My Prime Minister!"

Some people who insisted on opposing shouted out in grief and indignation. They seemed to see the future gods dispatched. That Ise Jinzakura led tens of thousands of powerful priests and maidens, calling on thousands of believers, using spells and holding modern weapons. The battle, a tragic scene of heavy casualties on both sides.

Anyone who died is a native of Sakura!

"If you don't agree, you can resign and leave now!"

The prime minister scolded coldly.

Immediately, more than 30 members of Congress threw down their membership cards, leaving a sentence "You will regret the Prime Minister, you are a sinner of the country", and they were about to leave the parliament building.

But when they reached the door, their footsteps stopped.

"Why? I don't want to go anymore?"

Someone sneered and looked at the door, but they were all stunned.

The council fell silent for an instant.

A black man with a burly figure and a very strong appearance, with four or five people wearing military uniforms and various medals, stepped into the most important center of the cherry blossom country.

The security guards did not dare to stop, and the agents responsible for defending here did not feel obstructed. Nearly 300 congressmen and dozens of ministers at the scene closed their mouths.

Their father is here.

"Mr. Aoxing, why are you here?"

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